Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 32 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 6:20 pm Pacific Time on January 29, 2015 — Day 32 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Wondering how big these numbers will get…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 32 of Tweet-Gate

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 32 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 8:00 am Pacific Time on January 29, 2015 — Day 32 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Watergate, Deflate-Gate, Tweet-Gate

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 32 of Tweet-Gate

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 31


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 8:20 pm Pacific Time on January 28, 2015 — Day 31 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Nice to be able to spend time with friends…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 31

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 31


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 7:11 am Pacific Time on January 28, 2015 — Day 31 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Just a very quick note…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 31

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 30


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 5:23 pm Pacific Time on January 27, 2015 — Day 30 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

I had a strange dream…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 30

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 30


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 8:45 am Pacific Time on January 27, 2015 — Day 30 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Legal work day…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 30

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 29


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 5:50 pm Pacific Time on January 25, 2015 — Day 29 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

I received an email from my Missoula County Montana prosecutor, Jennifer Clark…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 29

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 29


Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 9:09 am Pacific Time on January 26, 2015 — Day 29 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Bill Windsor is working on a number of things…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – Day 29

Casey P. Hargrove, Leader of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, caught vandalizing Election Signs of his Opponents


Casey P. Hargrove of Red Oak, Texas, leader of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, caught vandalizing election signs of his opponents.

Quick and unbelievably stupid way to end your own political career.

Read the article by kid reporter, Joey Dauben, and see how the Joeyisalittlekid Gang got started … in 2004.

Continue reading Casey P. Hargrove, Leader of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, caught vandalizing Election Signs of his Opponents

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 28

number 28-notsusuzy-blogspot-com-200w 

Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 5:50 pm Pacific Time on January 25, 2015 — Day 28 as a “wanted” man.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

Just blogging away… and a little under the weather…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Exposing Corruption – End of Day 28