Bill Windsor announces his candidacy for U.S. Congress from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District


William M. Windsor (Bill Windsor) has announced that he is a candidate for U.S. Congress from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District.

Bill Windsor is running against Dr. Tom Price, a member of Congress who Bill says has ignored his constituents and covered up for the criminal acts of federal judges.

Bill Windsor’s platform is rather unique…

Continue reading Bill Windsor announces his candidacy for U.S. Congress from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District

Beware of People like Luis Ewing — There are some real screwballs out there


Here is an email that Luis Ewing is sending around about me.  I respectfully submit that this is one scary dude.  He has preached hatred of certain religious groups on TalkShoe. 

If I were you, I wouldn’t pay attention to anything this guys says. 

I’m not the only one who feels this way.  Here’s his email:

Continue reading Beware of People like Luis Ewing — There are some real screwballs out there

Linda Shelton of Illinois says my/our proposed State Statutes are Unconstitutional


Linda Shelton says my/our proposed amendments to state statutes are unconstitutional.

Linda Shelton purports to be an expert on everything related to law, the Constitution, and battling corruption.  She is not an attorney.

Consider the words of Linda Shelton, and please advise if she is right….

Continue reading Linda Shelton of Illinois says my/our proposed State Statutes are Unconstitutional

Yikes! Email GONE — Please re-send Anything you’ve sent to me!


I only had 17,000 emails in my In-Box.  How dare Microsoft Outlook crash and burn on me!#$%^#!

It seems my Outlook email file exploded to 28 GB.  Then it died.

I’ve lost everything, so if you’ve ever emailed me, re-send whatever you sent before…..

Continue reading Yikes! Email GONE — Please re-send Anything you’ve sent to me!

Windsor Run Out of Town on a Rail — No TV Show This Sunday


William M. Windsor has been run out of town on a rail.

The judges in Atlanta, Georgia continue to commit one crime after another in denying the rights of William M. Windsor.

Okay, they haven’t actually run him out of town on a rail, but they might as well have.  Sunday’s TV Show will not be broadcast as I will be out of town unexpectedly on an emergency….

Continue reading Windsor Run Out of Town on a Rail — No TV Show This Sunday