GRIP Launches Nationwide Petition Campaign to Promote Honesty in Government and Protection of Our Fundamental Rights


GRIP, the Government Reform & Integrity Platform, has launched a nationwide effort to promote honesty in government and protection of the fundamental rights that we were promised by our forefathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If you are an American citizen who wants honesty in government and our fundamental rights, please sign the Petition online.

If you are a candidate, an elected official, or a government employee anywhere in America, please sign the online Contract with the Citizens of the United States committing to these requirements and agreeing to be removed from oiffice if you violate the contract.

Continue reading GRIP Launches Nationwide Petition Campaign to Promote Honesty in Government and Protection of Our Fundamental Rights

Take the Pledge – Simply state You want Honesty in Government


We should all be seriously worried about various and sundry things going on in our country.  Whether we are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, or otherwise, almost all Americans can agree that we want government officials to tell the truth and support the rights we were all granted in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!  Please Take the Pledge!

Continue reading Take the Pledge – Simply state You want Honesty in Government