National Grand Jury Filing Month – September 2011 – File Criminal Charges for Corruption


Our best hope, perhaps our only hope, to get judicial corruption and government corruption addressed is with our local grand juries.

So, on behalf of GRIP (Government Reform & Integrity Platform), I am pleased to announce that September is National Grand Jury Corruption Filing Month.

People all across America will file corruption charges with their local grand juries in September.  Here’s how….

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Windsor denied Scheduled audience with Grand Jury


William M. Windsor was denied his audience with the Fulton County Grand Jury when he returned today to testify after being invited back after his meeting with the Grand Jurors on Friday.

Folks, I am spitting nails.  This is one of the maddest I have been throughout this whole ordeal

I worked from Friday at about 2:00 pm until 3:30 am Monday night preparing 164 exhibits (filled two entire copy paper cases) and the 20-page document that the Grand Jury requested.  I slept no more than four or five hours a night….

Continue reading Windsor denied Scheduled audience with Grand Jury

William M. Windsor’s Grand Jury Presentation #2


William M. Windsor will appear before the Fulton County Grand Jury and Foreman Steve Broadbent (shown here) again on Tuesday, August 23, 2011. 

The Grand Jurors requested simple statements of the issues followed by the proof.

Here is the start of what I will present.  I will add the specifics as time permits….

Continue reading William M. Windsor’s Grand Jury Presentation #2

Windsor spoke to the Grand Jury Today!


William M. Windsor entered the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury Room on August 19, 2011 at about 11:30.

I was in there for about 30 minutes.  It didn’t go as I had planned, and it was NOT the wonderful experience I expected it to be.

BUT, I have been invited back next week to bring a 20-page document that takes them through what happened as well as the precise evidence….


Continue reading Windsor spoke to the Grand Jury Today!

Windsor prepares to testify to Grand Jury on charges of criminal racketeering by the federal judges in Georgia


I am really busy preparing to testify before the Fulton County Grand Jury on Friday, August 19, 2011.

To say that I am excited would be quite an understatement.

I have been second-guessing everything, in part due to people who have called and emailed with advice….

Continue reading Windsor prepares to testify to Grand Jury on charges of criminal racketeering by the federal judges in Georgia

Windsor does it – He is BEFORE the Grand Jury


After months of trying, William M. Windsor’s charges of judicial corruption were formally presented to the Fulton County Grand Jury on August 12, 2011.

The Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury voted on August 9, 2011 to consider my evidence of hundreds of crimes and criminal racketeering by federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia.

As requested, I hand-delivered my evidence to the Grand Jury at 10:00 am on August 12….

Continue reading Windsor does it – He is BEFORE the Grand Jury

UPDATE: Grand Jury asks Windsor to present his EVIDENCE of Criminal Racketeering by Federal Judges and Others


As regular readers know, the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury was to vote on August 9, 2011 on whether or not to consider my evidence (William M. Windsor) of hundreds of crimes and criminal racketeering by federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia.

I guess they voted TO HEAR IT, as I was handed a letter from the Grand Jury Foreman asking me to submit my evidence.


Continue reading UPDATE: Grand Jury asks Windsor to present his EVIDENCE of Criminal Racketeering by Federal Judges and Others

Windsor to be ARRESTED if he speaks to a Grand Juror


On Friday, July 22, 2011, William M. Windsor spent the day outside the room where the Fulton County Grand Jury meets.

It was an action-packed day highlighted by a swarm of Fulton County Sheriff’s Deputies and the warning that if I uttered a word to any Grand Juror, I would be arrested….

Continue reading Windsor to be ARRESTED if he speaks to a Grand Juror

Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury Effort is Working – Grand Jury will investigate 11 Corrupt Federal Judges


Great news came in the mail on June 9, 2011 — a letter from the Foreman of the Fulton County Grand Jury.

On Friday, May 6, 2011 at 9:00 am, a courier hand-delivered a letter to the Fulton County District Attorney, the receptionist guard dog at the front of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, and each of the 23 members of the Fulton County Grand Jury that was then in session.  The purpose of this was to bypass the people who block access to the Grand Jury.

It worked!  William M. Windsor managed to place criminal charges against 11 federal judges into the hands of the 23 Grand Jurors….  

Continue reading Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury Effort is Working – Grand Jury will investigate 11 Corrupt Federal Judges

How to Fight Judicial Corruption


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

The following article indicates the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption…

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption