Background for this Legal Action about Judicial Corruption — August 2005

This information is taken from a legal filing in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.  

Maid of the Mist Breaches Contract with Alcatraz Media

1.             Beginning in early August 2005, Maid of the Mist began refusing service to Alcatraz customers.

2.             Maid of the Mist began defaming Alcatraz and telling Alcatraz’s customers that Alcatraz was an Internet Scam.

3.             In August, September, and October 2005, Maid refused to honor vouchers for more than eight hundred (800) Alcatraz customers.

4.             Alcatraz issued refunds to customers who placed orders that it believed would not be honored and to customers who contacted Alcatraz who claimed that Maid refused to honor the Alcatraz vouchers.

5.             Every customer was refunded by Alcatraz.

6.             Maid sold tickets to Alcatraz’s customers directly and generated a greater income as a result.

7.             William M. Windsor (“Windsor”) is the father of the 75% owner of Alcatraz.  He is not and never has been an officer, director, shareholder, owner, or employee of Alcatraz, but he stepped in to handle the legal problem on behalf of Alcatraz.

8.             Windsor placed five phone calls, sent five faxes, and sent approximately 20 emails from July 28, 2005 until August 28, 2005 in an attempt to get someone from Maid or a Maid attorney to speak with him about the problem.

9.             No one from Maid of the Mist and no Maid attorney ever spoke to Windsor or Alcatraz until after the lawsuit (“MIST-1”) was filed on August 29, 2005.

10.          Windsor informed Maid and Maid attorney, Mr. Russ, that Alcatraz planned to sue Maid.  Maid decided to file suit first.

11.          Maid of the Mist’s New York attorney, Mr. Arthur P. Russ, sent one letter and one email to Alcatraz that contained false statements.


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