Judge J. Anthony Miller has been caught red-handed falsifying the Court Record in Winston Frost Case in Tulsa, Oklahoma


Judge J. Anthony Miller has been caught red-handed falsifying the Court Record in the Winston Frost Tanya Hathaway divorce Case in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Judge J. Anthony Miller attended law school with Winston Frost.  He was obligated to disqualify himself in the case because he had knowledge of disputed facts in the case as the “mediator.” 

In a July 14, 2016 Order, he lied about it.  But he didn’t realize there was a transcript in the case about his work as the “mediator,” and he has been caught red-handed.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America has no more tears


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has no more tears

He just ran out.  Too many tears lost because of the overwhelming government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption in America.

Here’s the latest medical report on Bill Windsor.

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Winston Frost’s Attorney Michon Hughes files a $69,000 Lien for Non-Payment


Winston Frost‘s Attorney Michon Hughes has filed a $69,000 Lien for Non-Payment

This is close to a quarter of a million in liens filed against Winston Frost in just the last few months.

Winston Frost is an attorney who was exposed on the Dr. Phil Show as a liar and an alleged con man by his wife, fomer wife, and ex fiance.

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Investigation of Ellis County Texas Corruption in Case of Bill Windsor is Underway


Investigation of Ellis County Texas Corruption in the case of Bill Windsor is now underway.

Bill Windsor sent a packet of information to judges and law enforcement officials all over Texas and in Washington, DC.

It appears that some folks are actually doing something with the information...

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America accused of being a sovereign citizen and a killer


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has been accused of being a sovereign citizen and a killer.

These charges have been made by attorney Anthony Santoro of the law firm of Winters and Cohen of Concord, New Hampshire..

I’m Bill Windsor, and I ain’t no sovereign citizen!  And I have never threatened to kill anyone. 

Anthony Santoro has filed FALSE pleadings with the District Court in Sullivan County, New Hampshire.

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64 senior judges and law enforcement officials asked to put Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger and District Attorneys Patrick Wilson and Ann Montgomery-Moran in prison.


64 senior judges and law enforcement officials asked to put Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger and District Attorneys Patrick Wilson and Ann Montgomery-Moran in prison.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America has communicated the charges to Presiding Judge Mary Murphy (shown left) and 63 others, including every senior judge in Texas, every law enforcement agency in Ellis County and Texas, the FBI, and much more…

Continue reading 64 senior judges and law enforcement officials asked to put Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger and District Attorneys Patrick Wilson and Ann Montgomery-Moran in prison.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America fights Texas attempts to send him to prison for 10 years


Bill Windsor of Lawless America is fighting Texas attempts to send him to prison for 10 years.

Bill Windsor has never committed a crime, but he is actively working to expose criminals in Ellis County Texas and elsewhere in the country, and it seems there is little that corrupt judges, court personnel, district attorneys, and law enforcement officers will not do to get someone they want got…

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America has filed criminal charges against Ellis County Texas Judge and District Attorney


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has filed criminal charges against Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, and Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran.

Judge Cindy Ermatinger, District Attorney Patrick Wilson and Assistant DA Ann Montgomery-Moran have conspired to have Bill Windsor charged with a crime.  They have done this using fraudulent, forged documents and by destroying documents.

But Bill Windsor happens to have the evidence to prove what they have done.

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Virginia mom pleads for CPS to change after alleged child abuse


A Virginia mother is begging CPS to change their procedures and investigate more after her 9-year-old son was nearly beaten to death.

Sheriff Deputies arrested the boy’s father on child abuse charges and told WUSa9 the father had been investigated before when he lived in Stafford County Virginia…

Continue reading Virginia mom pleads for CPS to change after alleged child abuse

Bill Windsor of Lawless America proposes low-cost way to eliminate homelessness in America


Bill Windsor of Lawless America proposes low-cost way to eliminate homelessness in America.

More than 500,000 people – a quarter of them children – were homeless in the United States last year.

There are about 2.3 million inmates in U.S. jails, prisons, and other such facilities on any given day…

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