Bill Windsor of Lawless America is fighting Texas attempts to send him to prison for 10 years.
Bill Windsor has never committed a crime, but he is actively working to expose criminals in Ellis County Texas and elsewhere in the country, and it seems there is little that corrupt judges, court personnel, district attorneys, and law enforcement officers will not do to get someone they want got…
DA Patrick “Cueball” Wilson |
Bill Windsor sued a group of people headquartered in Ellis County Texas, members of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. Some of “the Joeys” are donors to the campaigns of judges, the sheriff, and the DA in Ellis County, so they called in their chips, and the corrupt government officials went to work for them.
- I began working as a documentary filmmaker in 2012. On August 4, 2013, I drove to Missoula, Montana to film an expose about Sean Boushie, the University of Montana, and the cover-up of Sean Boushie’s crimes. This was to be done for the documentary and for the pilot for a proposed weekly television show. I came to Montana with the belief that Sean Boushie gets away with crimes while stalking people for one of two reasons. I believe he may be paid by government entities to do what he does, or he may have sexual blackmail on someone. This theory was developed after a background search revealed that the email address that Sean Boushie most uses is missoulagloryholefun @ A glory hole is a hole in the stall divider in a public restroom through which deviants have anonymous sex. [NOTE: ** = ou.]
- As I drove from Butte, Montana to Missoula, a car ahead and to the right of my car burst into flames and smoke. When I reached my hotel that evening, I received an email from Sean Boushie stating that he had shot at me, missed, and hit the car next to me.
- I took the email, photographs of the smoke-filled highway, and evidence of hundreds of crimes by Sean Boushie and reported the shooting and other crimes of Sean Boushie to the Missoula Police Department, University of Montana Police Department, Ravalli County Sheriff’s Department, Stevensville Police Department, and the FBI. Nothing was done.
- I attempted to get protective orders against Sean Boushie, but the courts denied them in a manner that indicated that the courts were intentionally protecting Sean Boushie. I unsuccessfully petitioned the Ravalli County Justice Court, the 21st Judicial District Court in Ravalli County, the Missoula Municipal Court, and the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula County Montana.
- I have proven that Sean Boushie has sent me approximately 80 stalking emails and has published approximately 600 stalking comments online. The evidence is in the Fourth Judicial District Court, Dept. 3, Missoula County Montana, Case # DC-14-503 and DC-14-509.
- On August 23, 2013, while completing filming at the center of the University of Montana campus, I was served with an ex parte Temporary Order of Protection in favor of Sean Boushie. It was obtained based on outrageous lies by Sean Boushie. I did nothing but film while in Missoula, and I was registered with the Montana Film Commission, the University of Montana, and the City of Missoula. I had presented 500 pages of sworn evidence about Sean Boushie’s crimes, and no one did a thing. But Sean Boushie lied and claimed I threatened him with a gun, and he got a protective order. What has happened since provides absolute proof that Sean Boushie and the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, a gang headquartered in Ellis County Texas, are being protected in their unlawful and criminal activities.
- Sean Boushie swore to Judge Sam Warren in the Missoula Municipal Court that I had a gun in Montana and was threatening him with it. I had no gun, and my ex-wife can prove it. I’ve never threatened him, but he has threatened me in writing over 100 times. He had a gun, and he attempted to murder me with it.
- There was never a hearing to try to convert the ex parte Temporary Order of Protection to a permanent order, and the Temporary Order of Protection expired in mid-September 2013. By statute, ex parte temporary orders of protection are invalid in Texas.
- On December 26, 2013, I drove to Ellis County Texas where I filed a lawsuit, Case #88611, in the 40th Judicial District Court in Ellis County Texas. I am the plaintiff. There are 16 named defendants and 1,000 unnamed defendants. Unknown to me at the time, some of the defendants are apparently donors to campaigns of elected Ellis County officials, including the judge assigned to the case, Judge Bob Carroll, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, and Ellis County Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown. I brought the suit for defamation, defamation as a whole, civil conspiracy, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, intentional infliction of emotional distress through digital impersonation, tortious interference with contractual relations and prospective business, stalking, and business disparagement. The controversy stemmed from a group of people who object to my lawful work producing a documentary film and as an activist fighting dishonesty and injustices of various types. [That’s a polite way of saying they are sick cyberstalkers who want to stop me from expoising them and their sick, dishonest friends.] My activities did not directly involve most of the Defendants when the conspiracy began. Nevertheless, Defendants became aware of me and my efforts and have acted with negligence and/or reckless disregard and/or malice to damage me and my efforts. Individual Defendants and members of the group they belong to, Ellis County’s Joeyisalittlekid Gang, have repeatedly expressed this as their goal. Defendants knew of the falsity of published statements or acted with reckless disregard or malice concerning them, and/or acted with ill will, and/or intended to damage me and interfere with my economic interests. Defendants have used tens of thousands of published articles and comments about me. Published statements that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, bigoted, a tax evader, a thief, a criminal operating a scam, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, a liar, a con man, a man with a plan to kill every government official in America, and much more are false, and this constitutes defamation, slander, libel, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, and stalking. The actions of Defendants and fear of bodily harm and stalking were significant in the decision of my wife of 42 years to divorce me. For the same reasons, my children no longer have any contact with me, and I am not allowed to have any communication with my granddaughters. My reputation as a person and as a business professional has been severely damaged. This is the largest case of defamation in U.S. history.
- Upon information and belief, the Missoula County Attorney’s Office conspired with the Ellis County District Attorney’s Office and attorney Barbara Hachenburg, who represented one or more of the defendants in Case #88611, to manufacture charges against me so they could claim I had committed felonies and could be extradited to Montana if arrested in Texas. This would make it all but impossible for me to pursue Case #88611, and they could get another friendly judge to dismiss the case, as Judge Joe Grubbs did.
- On October 28, 2014, I was unlawfully incarcerated in the Ellis County Texas jail on an extradition hold for Montana on charges of alleging violating the bogus protective order that expired in September 2013. I was detained by Ellis County Sheriff’s Deputies after I left a hearing in Case #88611 that had Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson and Ellis County Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown, and a small army of deputies strangely in the gallery of the unimportant hearing. This unlawful effort to incarcerate me was so important that the senior judge, THE District Attorney, and THE Sheriff were all there as part of the conspiracy.
- I was granted a $100,000 bond and was allegedly given the opportunity to post bond for “violations of a protective order.” No details were given.
- I arranged a bond through two different bail bond companies, but Ellis County refused to accept them claiming I had to go to Montana before I could obtain a bond. This is clearly not the law, but the Ellis County Texas jail personnel ignored the law consistently. Bail and bonds are dealt with wherever a prisoner is held. No Judge from another state has any jurisdiction in Texas.
- At 10:21 am on October 29, 2014, I was “arraigned.” I was not given the opportunity to speak. The Justice of the Peace/Magistrate told me that my bond was set at $100,000. The hearing was neither recorded nor videotaped. I was not told that I had the right to contest the “arrest.” No time was set for a writ of habeas corpus. I was never told that I had such a right. I was not directed to a court of record for the purpose of obtaining such a writ. Each of these are things that I later learned are required by law.
- The Ellis County Texas jail does not have a law library, and every person incarcerated there in history has been denied the Constitutional right of access to a law library. I begged for access to a law library, and I was ignored. Upon information and belief, Judge Bob Carroll was brought into a conspiracy to stop my lawsuit early in 2014. Judge Bob Carroll ruled against me all the time, ignored my motions, and made bizarre rulings that had no basis in the statutes or the Rules. When I was incarcerated, he forced me to attend hearings without notice, files, or preparation, and in one case, while I was extremely ill. He issued outlandish orders that had no basis in fact or law. It turns out that his wife is reportedly a member of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, so she was an unnamed defendant in my lawsuit. After I was finally given brief access to a law library, I filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus seeking my release.
- On November 21, 2014, I appeared before Judge Cindy Ermatinger of the Ellis County District Court. I thought it would be a hearing on my Habeas Corpus Petition, but it was to ask if I wanted to waive extradition. I refused, as I had told the Ellis County Jail on October 28, 2014. I asked why my Texas bond was refused, and Judge Cindy Ermatinger said she didn’t know and could do nothing about it. Judge Cindy Ermatinger did sign an “Extradition Pending Order,” and a true and correct copy of this that was given to me is attached hereto as Exhibit 7. [A true and correct of the Transcript of the November 21, 2014 Hearing is Exhibit 1 hereto.]
- Judge Cindy Ermatinger told me that she did not have the authority to hear my Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus on my unlawful incarceration. When asked who did, she said “judges in Montana.” This is obviously a lie. No honest judge in her right mind would say that a judge in Montana has to hear a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus in a Texas case.
- Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger refused to release me at hearings on November 21, 2014, November 25, 2014, and December 5, 2014. On November 27, 2014, I demanded my release after 30 days in the Ellis County Jail pursuant to TCCrP Article 51 section 15. I was not released. [Ellis County had no legal authority to incarcerate me in the firfst place, and they were required by law to release me, but they refused.]
- On December 4, 2014, I filed a Motion to Recuse Judge Bob Carroll, and he recused himself when faced with subpoenas for witnesses and the reality that he (and his Joey wife) would have to testify and had no explanation for his wrongful acts. [Exhibit 21 is a true and correct copy of the Motion to Recuse Judge Bob Carroll.] The Motion does a good job of detailing the wrongdoing of Judge Bob Carroll that I knew about. I am sure there was much more. Judge Bob Carroll was neither fair nor impartial, and I was denied a fair trial. None of the 22 motions filed between December 27, 2013 and March 11, 2014 was ever set for a hearing or ruled upon by Judge Bob Carroll. My fiats and requests to Court Coordinator, Ms. Donna Tay, were never acknowledged. Non-Party Google was, however, immediately given a hearing on Special Exceptions. In a bizarre order, Judge Bob Carroll dismissed them from a case they were not party to. Judge Bob Carroll ignored 81 motions filed between March 12, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 35 were discovery motions or motions to strike; 16 were motions to name additional parties; 8 were motions for default judgments; 4 were motions for stay because I was incarcerated; others were motions for reconsideration, continuance, leave to file, hearings, substituted service, sanctions, jurisdiction, legal rights, and computer access. Only one (1) of my 103 motions was ever set for a hearing or dealt with. My requests for hearings were ignored again and again. Upon information and belief, Judge Bob Carroll’s wife is one of the unnamed defendants in Case #88611. When you view all of the things that Ellis County judges, attorneys, and law enforcement have done, it is clear to me that there was a conspiracy against me by corrupt officials and their employees.
- On December 5, 2014, a hearing was held before Judge Cindy Ermatinger. Attorney Juanita Edgecomb had to ask to reset it when Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson appeared and argued that I was a fugitive from justice after committing a crime in Missoula, Montana on December 30, 2013. This was false and information that was not provided by Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Jake Heffernan on November 21, 2014 or Ellis County Texas District Attorney Amy L. Lockhart Assistant on November 25, 2014. Upon information and belief, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson told Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Jake Heffernan and Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Amy L. Lockhart to lie about what the District Attorney’s Office had in its files. [A true and correct of the Transcript of the December 5, 2014 Hearing is Exhibit 15 hereto.]
- On December 11, 2014, I filed a First Amended Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. The First Amended Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus sought discharge, bail and/or bail reduction, and challenged the legality of arrest pursuant to Article 51 of the TCCrP. It was denied wth no basis given…as there was no legal basis to deny it.
- On December 16, 2014, I prepared a Notice of Appeal that was file stamped December 17, 2014. This Notice of Appeal appealed the denial of bail at a hearing on December 2, 2014; the failure of Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger to release me at hearings on November 21, 2014, November 25, 2014, and December 5, 2014; the denial of hearings; illegal detainment, illegal incarceration, illegal denial of bond, and illegal denial of release pursuant to Article 51, Section 15. [A true and correct of the Notice of Appeal is Exhibit 16 hereto.]
- On December 19, 2014, a hearing was held in Case #14-158. Judge Cindy Ermatinger agreed to release me and told me to surrender myself to authorities in Montana or be at a hearing in her Court on January 21, 2015. Both Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson and Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran participated in the hearing. [Exhibit 1 hereto.]
- Judge Cindy Ermatinger discussed my severe claustrophobia and encouraged me to go to Montana to avoid a cross-country trip in chains. [Exhibit 1 hereto.]
- The Transcript of the Hearing establishes that Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson was in the courtroom. [Exhibit 1 hereto, PP. 2, 3, 9-15, 33-39, 43-44, 47-51, 55-59.] The Transcript of the Hearing establishes that Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran was in the courtroom. [Exhibit 1 hereto, PP. 52-58.]
- Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook did not attend the December 19, 2016 Hearing before Judge Cindy Ermatinger in Cause #14-158. They did not witness me signing documents in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom on December 19, 2014. They did not witness me signing what the State claims is a “Bond” in Cause #14-158. [Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 hereto comprise a true and correct copy of the document that I signed on December 19, 2014 in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom.] But they signed a document falsely claiming that they were witnesses. [Exhibit 4 hereto is a true and correct copy of the document that I received from the State as Exhibit A to the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment and as Exhibit A to the State’s Response to my Motion for Summary Judgment.] This document is the key piece of evidence in this case, and it is a fraud. The actions of Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran, Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger, Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook caused me to be charged with felony bond jumping; a $100,000 judgment was awarded against me; I was indicted by an Ellis County Grand Jury; I was incarcerated for 35 days in Ada County Idaho and held on $1,000,000 bond; I was incarcerated for 46 days in Missoula County Montana and held on $1,000,000 bond; and I have been deprived of my liberty for over 500 days and counting. Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook and the State of Texas have committed crimes in signing Exhibit 4. They did not witness me signing the alleged bond, and Exhibit 4 hereto is not a true and correct copy of the original bond. Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook and the State of Texas must be arrested for Perjury, Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence, Tampering with Governmental Record, Obstruction of Justice, and any other crimes that the court feels are appropriate.
- At the December 19, 2014 Hearing, Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran instructed both Judge Cindy Ermatinger and me on the signing of the documents. [Exhibit 1 hereto, P.52.] The documents to be signed were given to Judge Cindy Ermatinger by Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran.
- Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran made it absolutely clear that the documents that I executed in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom had to be approved by the sheriff when the documents got to the sheriff’s department at the jail, and then I was to sign at the jail in front of a deputy. [Exhibit 1 hereto, P. 52 Lines 15-18, P. 57 Lines 1-20.] Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran stated: “And I did let the Chief know when he gets to the jail. There will be a space he needs to sign and then the jail needs to approve that.”
- Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran discussed the second document that I executed in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom. [Exhibit 1 hereto, P. 52 Lines 19-25, P. 53 Lines 1-15.]
- Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran and Judge Cindy Ermatinger discussed making copies of the documents that I executed in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom. Judge Cindy Ermatinger made a copy for herself and one for me, plus two additional copies. This means there are three copies in addition to my copy that prove what was and was not signed in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom. The Transcript shows that Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran took the original. She knew it was not fully executed, and she knows what she has presented to the Court in this case is a fraud. [Exhibit 1 hereto, P.59 Lines 7-22.]
- On December 19, 2014, I signed the so-called “Bond.” [Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3.] It was signed by me as “Principal” at the Defendant’s counsel table in the courtroom and was neither witnessed by nor accepted by the Ellis County Jail. There is no signature for the Surety. It was “witnessed” by Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran who showed me where to sign.
- On December 19, 2014, I signed two documents at the Defendant’s Table in Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s courtroom. As the Defendant in Cause #14-158, I signed the “Order of Release in Criminal Proceeding Subject to Outstanding Warrants, Holds and/or Bond.” [Exhibit 2 hereto is a true and correct copy of the “Order of Release in Criminal Proceeding Subject to Outstanding Warrants, Holds and/or Bond” that I signed and was given a copy of by Judge Cindy Ermatinger.] This was signed by Judge Cindy Ermatinger and me as the Defendant.
- The second document that I signed at the Defendant’s counsel table in the courtroom was an “Extradition Appearance Bond.” It was signed by me as “Principal.” It was neither witnessed by nor accepted by the Ellis County Jail. The only people who saw me sign were Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran, Judge Cindy Ermatinger, Melissa Butler, and Court Reporter Kelly Pelletier. [Exhibit 3 hereto is a true and correct copy of the “Extradition Appearance Bond” that I signed just above the printed title “Principal’s Signature or Mark.” I was given this copy by Judge Cindy Ermatinger in her courtroom on December 19, 2016.]
- Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 hereto are the two documents that were photocopied and given to me by Judge Cindy Ermatinger before I left her courtroom on December 19, 2014. I was given these at the same time as if one document.
- The “Extradition Appearance Bond” states in paragraph 2: “Additional terms of release are attached to the bond.” The additional terms were the “Order of Release in Criminal Proceeding Subject to Outstanding Warrants, Holds and/or Bond.” [Exhibit 3.]
- Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 hereto constitute a true and correct copy of the two documents that were photocopied and given to me by Judge Cindy Ermatinger before I left her courtroom on December 19, 2014. I was given these at the same time as if one document.
- The State concealed the “Order of Release in Criminal Proceeding Subject to Outstanding Warrants, Holds and/or Bond” and the “Extradition Appearance Bond.” [Exhibit 4 hereto is a true and correct copy of Exhibit A to the State’s Response to Motion for Summary Judgment.] [See the Indictment attached as Exhibit 5 hereto.] On Page 1, Section II of the “State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment” dated April 7, 2016, Exhibit A is identified as “Affidavit and Bond signed on December 19, 2014.” The State has falsified these documents. Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 hereto were signed in front of the State’s Attorney; Ann Montgomery-Moran held them in her hands and took the originals at the conclusion of the Hearing. Ann Montgomery-Moran knows she has filed fraudulent documents in this case and that she has committed crimes in the prosecution of this action. Judge Cindy Ermatinger knows as well. I never saw Exhibit A to the State’s Response to Motion for Summary Judgment or any other documents until the forged copy of an alleged “Bond” (Exhibit 4) surfaced when I was incarcerated in 2015 in Missoula, Montana and until I received the “State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment” dated April 7, 2016.
- Judge Cindy Ermatinger gave me a copy of everything signed in her courtroom on December 19, 2014. Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran saw what I was given, and she was given the originals of the documents.
- I was released from custody on December 19, 2014. The Extradition Appearance Bond form shows that I was released on an “EXTRADITION HEARING FOR STATE OF MONTANA.” [Exhibit 3 hereto.]
- On December 19, 2014, the Ellis County Texas jail released me without having me sign anything except a receipt for my money balance and a receipt for my clothes. I later wrote to Judge Cindy Ermatinger to ask whether the Bond was valid since I was told that I would need to sign bond paperwork at the jail. There was no response. [Exhibit 8 hereto is a true and correct copy of the letter to Judge Cindy Ermatinger that was docketed by the Clerk of the Court.]
- On December 19, 2014, after leaving the jail, I went to the Clerk of the Court where I filed a “Notice of Change of Address for Legal Mail” with the Clerk of the Court. Exhibit 9 hereto is a true and correct copy of this Notice which shows my address to be “P.O. Box 150325, Dallas, TX 75315, currently confidential, windsorinjail @ Note that no fax number was given as a means of communications.
- On December 29, 2014 at approximately 11:00 am, I went to the United States Post Office to pick up my mail. There was no mail from the Court, the District Attorney, or the State of Texas. I had received no phone calls from the court or the State. I had not received any emails from any Ellis County Court or the State. Nothing was received from my South Dakota mail forwarding service either.
- Between December 19, 2014 and December 29, 2014, I had a physical, had medical tests run, got prescriptions filled, had dental work done, got a haircut, did some essential legal work, organized what I needed to take to Montana, packed up things to move to storage, made many trips to storage and finally rented a UHaul to complete the moving on December 28, 2014. On December 29, 2014, I completed my packing and headed out of Texas for Montana.
- Late in the afternoon on December 29, 2014, I was told by a sibling in Florida that there may be a hearing scheduled regarding me on December 30, 2014. Waxahachie attorney Juanita Edgecomb saw my name of a list at the courthouse and called her.
- On December 29, 2014 just moments before 5:00 pm, I called and spoke with Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s Coordinator, Melissa Butler. She informed me that the State had requested a hearing. I told her that I was on the way to Montana and would be unable to attend, and I told her that I had received absolutely no notice of the hearing. Melissa Butler did not tell me what the hearing was to be about. I told her that I could only participate by telephone. Judge Cindy Ermatinger had requested confirmation of my telephone number at the December 19, 2014 hearing, as the Transcript confirms. [Exhibit 1 hereto.]
- I drove to Oklahoma City Oklahoma. I was headed to Montana as discussed with Judge Cindy Ermatinger as she clearly stated was one of the two options for me in the terms of my so-called Bond.
- The morning of December 30, 2014, I drafted a Motion to Cancel Hearing and Motion for Continuance. At 11:34 am, two hours before the alleged hearing, I emailed this to the Clerk of the Court, Melanie Reed, for filing, and immediately thereafter, I emailed it to Attorney Juanita Edgecomb in Waxahachie. Exhibit 10 hereto is a true and correct copy of the email to Melanie Reed and the Motion to Cancel Hearing and Motion for Continuance. I have emailed many things to Melanie Reed over the last several years using the email address for her that is published online. She has emailed me in return.
- I was not called by the Court on December 30, 2014 or at any time. I never received a notice about a December 30, 2014 hearing.
- Attorney Juanita Edgecomb did attend the December 30, 2014 Hearing. She reported to me that Judge Cindy Ermatinger said I violated the Bond by not appearing for the hearing. Attorney Juanita Edgecomb informed me that Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson told the Court that he had sent notice of the hearing to my “last known address,” a fax machine at the Marriott Courtyard in Richardson, Texas. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson claimed he had a fax confirmation. Attorney Juanita Edgecomb informed me that Judge Cindy Ermatinger indicated I was told to keep my address current and the Marriott was the address provided so that is where they sent notice. Attorney Juanita Edgecomb informed me that Judge Cindy Ermatinger also stated that I was to inform the Court of my intent to go to Montana if that was my plan and that I never informed them prior to the hearing of my intent to go so she decided to forfeit the bond.
- What Juanita Edgecomb reported to me contained many false statements by Judge Cindy Ermatinger and Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson. It also included hearsay as well as omissions by Court Coordinator Melissa Butler. The Bond did not require me to attend any hearings except the January 21, 2015 hearing that was later canceled. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson did not send notice of the hearing to me in any manner and certainly not to my last-known address filed with the Clerk of the Court, to my email, to my PO Box, or to my South Dakota address, each of which had been provided to him, and Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson never called me at the phone number I gave in court on December 19, 2014 and on various letters and filings sent to him. The Desk Clerk at the Marriott Courtyard in Richardson told me on December 30, 2014 that no fax had been received for me and no mail had been received. I never gave a fax number at a hotel or anywhere else as a means to send me legal notices. The Transcript of the December 19, 2014 Hearing shows that Judge Cindy Ermatinger did not tell me that I was to inform the Court of my intent to go to Montana. I did, however, inform Court Coordinator Melissa Butler on December 29, 2014 that I was headed to Montana. In addition, I emailed Melanie Reed the morning of December 30, 2014 with the Motion to Cancel and Motion for Continuance (Exhibit 10 hereto) that clearly states that I was headed to Montana to surrender. The Court was informed by that filing.
- My story and my plans to surrender in Montana had been publicized online. Exhibit 11 hereto includes true and correct copies of articles that were published on since I was released from the Ellis County Jail on December 19, 2014. Note the December 28, 2014 article in which it stated “…likely have to turn himself in by January 20 in Missoula, Montana,” and “Bill Windsor very well may be destined to die in a Montana prison.” Note the December 29, 2014 article at 5:51 pm where I wrote about the surprise hearing that I did not receive notice of; I wrote that I would attend by phone and explained the terms of the Bond which required either that I attend the January 21, 2015 hearing or surrender in Montana. Note the December 30, 2014 article titled “Bill Windsor is Alive and Well between Dallas, Texas and Missoula, Montana” that says “I’m still heading to Montana.” Note the January 1, 2015 article that says I was “en route to Missoula, Montana.”
- Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson had a legal obligation to provide notice of a hearing, but I received no notice of a hearing on December 30, 2014. I prepared and filed a “Motion to Cancel and for Continuance” within two business hours after I was informed by a sibling that a hearing might be taking place on December 30, 2014. Judge Cindy Ermatinger was wrong to ignore this Motion. Judge Cindy Ermatinger had a legal and ethical obligation to consider this motion. Article 1.05 of the TCCrP provides that I had the right to be heard, and Article 1.051 provides that I had the right to be heard through counsel. These rights were denied.
- On December 30, 2014, in Case #14-158, Judge Cindy Ermatinger forfeited my so-called “Bond” because I did not appear at the hearing. Later that day, a Judgment NISI was issued. The Judgment NISI shows me as “Defendant/Principal/Surety.” The judgment is for $100,000 based upon the fraudulent document that Assistant Ellis County Texas District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran presented to Judge Cindy Ermatinger.
- The Court’s rulings on December 30, 2014 were based upon false allegations. At least four key facts were falsely stated at the December 30, 2014 Hearing. These are proven false by the December 19, 2014 Transcript.
- I was instructed that I was to appear for a hearing on January 21, 2015 or go to Montana and surrender myself. I did precisely as directed, so I did not do anything wrong by not appearing in Texas on December 30, 2014.
- On January 14, 2015, I was indicted by the Ellis County Grand Jury for the crime of “Bail Jumping and Fail to Appear Felony.” I did not commit a crime. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson and Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran maliciously filed these bogus criminal charges against me using a fraudulent bond. Judge Cindy Ermatinger has conspired with them, and she will do anything to aid them in their criminal activities.
- On January 15, 2015, I sent a letter to Judge Cindy Ermatinger advising her of the discrepancies with the so-called “Bond.” There was never a response. [Exhibit 8 is a true and correct copy of the letter that I personally sent.] The letter was, however docketed by the Clerk of the Court.
- On January 21, 2015, a capias warrant was issued for me. I did not commit a crime. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson maliciously filed the bogus criminal charges against me based upon the document that Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook signed claiming they witnessed me signing, the document that did not include two of the pages, the document that did not disclose what the terms of the Bond were.
- On February 19, 2015, I was incarcerated in the Ada County Idaho Jail. I was held there until March 25, 2015. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson arranged for my detention in Idaho based upon the bogus document that Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook signed claiming they witnessed me signing, the document that did not include two of the pages, the document that did not disclose what the terms of the Bond were.
- The State has even used bogus copies of the “Indictment.” On June 1, 2016, I obtained a copy of the Indictment issued against him. [Exhibit 5 hereto is a true and correct copy of the Indictment that the Clerk of the Court provided along with her communications related hereto.] [Exhibit 6 hereto is a true and correct copy of the Indictment that the State previously used in a 2015 Montana court filing.] Note that Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilsonand Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran used a bogus copy of the Indictment.
- On March 25, 2015, I was transported from the Ada County Idaho Jail in Boise, Idaho to the Missoula County Detention Center in Missoula, Montana. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson arranged, in part, for my detention in Montana based upon the bogus Bond document. I was denied release on bond in Montana because of the $1,000,000 bond that Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson had set for me in Texas. The Missoula County authorities also claimed there was a “transit hold” on me out of Texas. There is no such thing as a “transit hold” in an extradition matter, and no Texas court’s bail amount has any validity in another state. Despite the clear law, I was held for 46 days and denied bond because of the criminal acts of Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson.
- On May 7, 2015, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson filed a motion to dismiss Case No. 39746CR without prejudice. While the “case” may be dismissed, the indictment has not been quashed, and my liberty is being denied. I could be arrested at any time based upon the criminal charge in the indictment.
- As a result, on May 8, 2015, Judge Karen A. Orzech dismissed CR-2015-295 in Missoula County Montana. This reduced my bond from $1,005,000 to $5,000.
- On May 9, 2015, I was released on bond from the Missoula County Detention Center.
- On June 1, 2015, I sent a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus for filing to the Clerk of the Court in this case. It was filed. The State never responded. Judge Cindy Ermatinger never ruled on the Petition. That was 367 days ago.
- On June 1, 2015, I sent a Motion to Dismiss to the Clerk of the Court for filing in this case. It was filed. The State never responded. The court never ruled on the Motion. That was 367 days ago.
- On October 29, 2015, Judge James A. Haynes of Missoula County Montana dismissed three charges against me that there was no factual or legal basis for. This meant I was charged with two misdemeanors, alleged crimes that do not permit someone to be extradited.
- On March 1, 2016, I filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in Case #90744 in the 443rd Judicial District Court in Ellis County Texas.
- On March 14, 2016, the State filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in this case. [Exhibit 17 hereto is a true and correct copy of the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment that was served on me.] Exhibit A to the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment is the fraudulent “Bond” document (Exhibit 4 hereto) in which Tabitha Smith, Johnny Brown, Terry Ogden, Cheri Lujan, and James Cook swear that they witnessed my signature. They did not. The State of Texas has filed a so-called Bond that was not the one given to me.
- On March 25, 2016, I filed an Amended Motion for Summary Judgment in Case #90744.
- On March 25, 2016, because Judge Cindy Ermatinger was not acting on any motions, I sent a Demand for Orders to the Clerk of the Court for filing in Case #90744. It was filed. Judge Cindy Ermatinger never acted upon the Demand.
- On March 25, 2016, because Judge Cindy Ermatinger was not acting on any motions, I sent a Demand for Orders to the Clerk of the Court for filing in Case #14-158. It was filed. Judge Cindy Ermatinger never acted upon the Demand.
- On April 6, 2016, I filed a Response to the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment in Case #90744.
- On April 7, 2016, Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran filed a “State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment” in Case #90744. [Exhibit 18 hereto is a true and correct copy of the State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment that was served on me.] [Exhibit 19 hereto is a true and correct copy of my Motion to Strike State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment filed in Case #90744.]
- The State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment is false and deceptive.
- On June 2, 2016, Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s clerk issued a letter setting a hearing for June 10, 2016 and the summary judgment hearings for June 28, 2016 in Case #90744 with my attendance REQUIRED. A June 10, 2016 hearing is impossible as it violates the rights granted pursuant to TRCP Rule 166a. Despite no requests for hearings and specific motions explaining the need to participate by telephone, the letter set hearings on motions including matters for hearing that are required to be heard prior to resolution of summary judgment motions. [Exhibit 12 hereto is a true and correct copy of the emailed letter.]
- My last court visit in Ellis County found me unlawfully incarcerated for 53 days on bogus charges, and a host of crimes and violations of Constitutional rights were committed against me. I believe being REQUIRED to attend unnecessary hearings is a set-up orchestrated by Ellis County Texas District Attorney, Patrick Wilson and Judge Cindy Ermatinger. Upon information and belief, Ellis County Texas District Attorney, Patrick Wilson, wants to have me arrested on bogus charges. Upon information and belief, Judge Cindy Ermatinger is conspiring with the Ellis County District Attorney’s Office in this regard. I asked the Ellis County District Attorney’s Office to advise if they will quash the indictment, if there is a warrant for me in Ellis County, and if the plan is to have me arrested when I show up in Ellis County. There was no response. [Exhibit 13 hereto is a true and correct copy of the email.]
- I never received notice of the Citation in Case #90744. I was never served with it.
- I never received notice by service of Citation in Case #90744. I was never served.
- I never received the indictment. I was never served with it. I did not see the indictment until Clerk of the Court Melanie Reed emailed a copy to me on May 31, 2016. Clerk of the Court Melanie Reed informed me that there is no Complaint or Information in the Indictment Case. [Exhibit 5 hereto is a true and correct copy of the emails received from Melanie Reed.] The Indictment shows that I was not charged with a Texas crime and was not released to return to stand trial on a Texas crime.
- I have now filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Cindy Ermatinger. Judge Cindy Ermatinger has not issued orders in this case. She issued one order setting a hearing, but nothing else. When Judge Cindy Ermatinger scheduled hearings for June 10, 2016 and June 28, 2016 REQUIRING my attendance, I realized that she was not going to act to dismiss this case as the facts and evidence clearly require. I realized that she is clearly part of the criminal conspiracy against me.
- Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson is a crook. I have evidence.
- Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran is a crook. I have evidence.
- I intend to do everything possible to get Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran, and Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger removed from office, disbarred, and sent to prison. I am reporting them to the Texas Bar Association, the Texas Commission on Judicial MISconduct, the Ellis County Texas Sheriff’s Department, the Waxahachie Texas Police Department, the Ellis County Texas Grand Jury, the Ellis County Texas District Attorney’s Office, the U.S. Attorney in Dallas Texas, the federal grand jury in Dallas Texas, the Texas Attorney General, the Texas Rangers, the U.S. Attorney General.
- The State is attempting to conceal the valid documents in this case. The State used a fraudulent and incomplete bond form to obtain the Indictment, and Judge Cindy Ermatinger participated in the fraud.
- To summarfize, the facts above, sworn to under penalty of perjury in the AFFIDAVIT OF WILLIAM M. WINDSOR DATED JUNE 3, 2016, show that the following is what happened in this matter:
- I was unlawfully incarcerated in the Ellis County Jail for 53 days as the result of a conspiracy directed by Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson.
- On December 19, 2014, Judge Cindy Ermatinger released me from the Ellis County Texas Jail to travel on my own to Missoula Montana to surrender on charges that he violated an alleged protective order or appear at a hearing in her court on January 21, 2015. The Transcript of the Hearing makes this absolutely clear. [AFFI-2016-06-03, Exhibit 1.]
- The Transcript also makes it clear that there were multiple documents executed by Judge Cindy Ermatinger and me that the judge copied and gave to Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran and me. They were in the courtroom and participated in the preparation and signing of the documents, and they heard the precise terms of the release explained by Judge Cindy Ermatinger. They knew that I was going to Montana to surrender. They heard that the only hearing that I was obligated to attend was January 21, 2015, and they knew that my attendance at that hearing was not required if I went to Montana. They received copies of the three-page Bond document.
- But Judge Cindy Ermatinger’s release of me spoiled Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson’s scheme to keep me in jail so I would be unable to pursue my civil case against Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson’s political supporters who faced a multi-million dollar judgment in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. So, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson modified his scheme. He scheduled a hearing without notice to William M. Windsor. Upon information and belief, Judge Cindy Ermatinger became part of Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson’s criminal racketeering operation at this point. They agreed to throw away two important pages of the Bond and use one page that was not the page executed by me in the courtroom on December 19, 2014. This enabled them to claim I failed to appear as per the terms of the Bond. This fraudulent “Bond” was then presented to the Ellis County Grand Jury, and I was indicted on a Texas statute for felony bond jumping that does not apply to a prisoner held in an extradition matter for another state. That Indictment was then used to incarcerate me for another 81 days, and my liberty has been restrained ever since.
- The “Bond” used by the Grand Jury to indict me is a fraud. Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran, and Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger all know it is a fraud. But they won’t do what’s right in this and the underlying cases because the law is meaningless to them. These are criminals. They want to incarcerate me on bogus criminal charges, stop my ability to handle my civil cases, stop my efforts to get them removed from office, disbarred, and imprisoned, and protect their political supporters from a massive legal judgment.
- When you view all of the things that Ellis County judges, attorneys, and law enforcement have done, it is clear to me that there was a conspiracy against me by corrupt officials and their employees.” My lawsuit for the largest case of defamation in U.S. history was ignored with all types of wrongdoing by Ellis County Texas Judge Bob Carroll. Judge Bob Carroll’s staff and the Ellis County Clerk of the Court participated in the wrongdoing. The Ellis County District Attorney and the Ellis County Sheriff conspired with the judges and the defendants in Case #88611, and they violated one statute after another to hurt me. The Ellis County Jail took my computer and hard drives and refused to release them. They likely provided that data to Barbara Hachenburg, an attorney representing one or more of the defendants in Case #88611. Upon information and belief, Barbara Hachenburg was very involved in encouraging district attorneys in Montana and Ellis County to manufacture bogus criminal charges against me. Barbara Hachenburg has a proven relationship with the Assistant Ellis County Sheriff. The Ellis County Sheriff’s Department provided my confidential information to the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, defendants in Case #88611. They obtained confidential information from Jennie Morton, the woman who came to the Ellis County Jail to pick up my property, and gave it to the Joeyisalittlekid Gang, and they published it online and physically stalked her. Rulings were made in Case #88611 with no basis in fact or law. A new judge was brought in to handle the case who hit me with a $331,085.13 judgment with no legal basis whatsoever. I was denied the ability to properly pursue my litigation. The District Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office violated the law again and again and again. Judge Joe Grubbs was then brought in to handle Case #88611, and he immediately dismissed the case because I was unable to return to Texas. He refused to allow me to participate in a pretrial conference by telephone. He hit me with another $14,183.94 judgment that had no basis in the facts or the law outrageously claiming there was want of prosecution. I had over 100 motions pending in the case, had multiple appeals pending, had dozens of requests for hearings that had been pending for as long as 12 months, had extensive discovery requests that had never been answered, had dozens of requests to name parties that had not been dealt with. I filed numerous motions while incarcerated in the Ellis County Jail. There was no want of prosecution, and Judge Joe Grubbs violated all the laws. Then the Tenth Court of Appeals joined the wrongdoing. Upon information and belief, Justice Al Scoggins, a former Ellis County judge and buddies with the Ellis County criminals involved in this matter, is the driving force behind that fact that my appeals have been pending for 20 months. The Tenth Court of Appeals has issued outlandish orders filled with false information and animosity that is staggering. Judge Cindy Ermatinger, Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson, and Assistant Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery-Moran have been continuing the abuse ever since.
Bill Windsor of Lawless America will be posting his complaints and the evidence online when time permits. and
Motion to Recuse Judge Cindy Ermatinger
Texas Commission on Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Cindy Ermatinger
Motion for Sanctions and Criminal Charges against Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson
Texas Bar Association Complaint against Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson
Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated June 3, 2016
Exhibits 1 to 6 to Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated June 3, 2016
Dishonest, Corrupt, and Slimy People in Ellis County Texas
Clyde Hargrove of Joeyisalittlekid | Casey P. Hargrove of Joeyisalittlekid | ***** |
Attorney Barbara Hachenburg | Sean Boushie of Joeyisalittlekid | Ellis County DA Patrick Wilson |
Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown | Judge Bob Carroll | Judge Cindy Ermatinger |
Judge Al Scoggins | Judge Rex Davis | Judge Tom Gray |
Ann Montgomery-Moran | Judge Joe Grubbs | Melanie Reed |
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms. — — — —
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