What to do when a Judge ignores Motions


What should you do when a judge ignores your motions?

Bill Windsor is not an attorney, but he is a very experienced pro se litigant.

Judges usually ignore his motions because they are corrupt, and Bill has a target the size of Texas on is back.  Here’s what he has learned…

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Kentucky may execute Shawn Tigue due to criminal activities of the Kentucky State Police and prosecutor Karen Green Blondell


Kentucky may execute Shawn Tigue due to criminal activities of the Kentucky State Police and prosecutor Karen Green Blondell

State of Kentucky vs. Shawn Tigue is a pending case in the Bell Circuit Court in Bell County Kentucky.  The Supreme Court reversed a conviction On May 14 2015  Case 2011-SC-000737-DG 2012-SC-000599-DG sending  case number 03-CR-00082  to the Bell Circuit Court.

But more corruption is at work…

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Texas will execute a man who was sitting in a pickup when a murder took place elsewhere


Texas will execute a man who was sitting in a pickup when a murder took place elsewhere. 

On August 24, 2016, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice plans to inject Jeffery Lee Wood with a lethal dose of pentobarbital to stop his heart.

The scheduled execution is Jeffery Lee Wood’s punishment for the 1996 death of a man he did not kill — and, by some accounts, did not know was going to be killed.

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America invites your story of INjustice for Lawless America…The Book

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America invites your story of INjustice for Lawless America…The Book

As Bill Windsor continues efforts to get Lawless America…The Movie into theaters, he has been working on a book about his travels and efforts to expose INjustice with people from every state.

If you would like to have your story considered for inclusion in the book…

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Landmark Case asks U.S. Supreme Court to approve lawsuits against anonymous bullies and cyberstalkers


Landmark Case asks the U.S. Supreme Court to approve lawsuits against anonymous bullies and cyberstalkers.

Bill Windsor is a victim of horrendous bullying and cyberstalking, and he is taking a case to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of all victims of bullying and cyberstalking by scumbags who hide behind anonymous screen names.

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Clerk of Court Melanie Reed is part of the Criminal Racketeering Operation in Ellis County Texas

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Clerk of Court Melanie Reed is part of the Criminal Racketeering Operation in Ellis County Texas.

This happens all over the country.  The court clerks know that the judges are committing crimes, and they do what they are told…committing violations of their oath, the rules, state civil statutes, state criminal statutes, and RICO statutes regarding organized crime.

Bill Windsor has suffered all types of abuse at the hands of Melanie Reed and her staff.

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State of Texas denies Bill Windsor the right to an attorney as he faces criminal charges


The State of Texas is denying Bill Windsor the right to an attorney as he faces criminal charges.

The State of Texas is brazenly violating the United States Constitution and its own Constitution.

The right to appointment of counsel in a criminal matter is known to the average person on the street, but the State of Texas says that if it doesn’t want you to have an attorney, you won’t get one.

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Winston Frost files a sworn affidavit claiming he paid $70,000 to his divorce attorney


Winston Frost has filed a sworn affidavit claiming he paid $70,000 to his divorce attorney.  His divorce attorney, Michon Hughes, has filed a $69,000 Lien for Non-Payment on the very same day.

What’s going on here?.

Winston Frost is an attorney who was exposed on the Dr. Phil Show as a liar and an alleged con man by his wife, former wife, and ex fiance.

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Winston Frost files a sworn affidavit claiming he paid $70,000 to his divorce attorney


Winston Frost has filed a sworn affidavit claiming he paid $70,000 to his divorce attorney.  His divorce attorney, Michon Hughes, has filed a $69,000 Lien for Non-Payment on the very same day.

What’s going on here?.

Winston Frost is an attorney who was exposed on the Dr. Phil Show as a liar and an alleged con man by his wife, former wife, and ex fiance.

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America wins Appeal – Joeyisalittlekid Gang prepares for $100 Million Judgment


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has won a HUGE pro se Appeal with the Texas Tenth Court of Appeals.  This means the Joeyisalittlekid Gang must now prepare to face the music — a $100 Million Judgment should be their just reward

Bill Windsor had resigned himself to the fact that he was going to get screwed by just about every judge he ever came in contact with, but then this happened.  It’s hard to believe.

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