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The Office of the Clerk of the Court of the Northern District of Georgia is corrupt. In my opinion, the Clerk’s Office and some (possibly all) of the federal judges operate like organized crime. They are racketeers.
I went to the Clerk’s Office today to get my own records.
I wasn’t given squat….
I had the “Standing Order In re: Electronic Case Filing Standing Order No. 04-01 and Administrative Procedures” in hand printed off the court clerk’s website. Section V Public Access on page APP.H – A 13 says: “Access to the electronic docket and documents filed in ECF is available to the public at no charge at the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.â€
So, I had two copies of two letters, and I went to the counter and asked to speak with the Clerk or a Deputy Clerk. The Filing Clerks, who all hate me with a passion, just glared. Ms. White went to find someone. Five minutes or so later at 2:10 pm on May 17, 2011, Chief Deputy Clerk Douglas J. Mincher appeared. What a rude excuse for a human being. He was as nasty acting as anyone I have come across in government. He refused to stamp the letters showing receipt or even the date and time. He refused to provide any proof the letters were presented. He refused to give me anything or provide any information whatsoever. No records. No promises. Absolutely nothing.
One of the clerks indicated that everything had to go to the judges first. There were four or five people in the room who saw and heard everything. Miss Sanders, Ms. Gitling, an unknown man with Mincher and a man who appeared to be making a pro se filing who didn’t want to share his name but who acknowledged they received the letters. This is part of the corruption in the federal courts in Atlanta and probably elsewhere. Citizens are denied their rights. The judges and the clerks interfere with the rights to file documents with the courts or even obtain copies of their own documents. It’s all a giant criminal enterprise designed to abuse parties and allow the courts to function like a police state. Here are my documents and a sworn affidavit.
When I reached the security desk at the courthouse, the U.S. Marshal asked me to wait. He said he recognized my name. He went and looked up my name in a book with photos and information. He didn’t find me in the book, so he called someone “upstairs.” Finally, a man came down and escorted me to the 22nd floor to the Clerk’s Office. Now I know what it’s like to feel like a public enemy! How pathetic that these criminals get to treat the honest people as scum.
It’s time for America to wake up.
I plan to file a lawsuit in Fulton County Court against the clerks and the judges. I’m probably kidding myself to hope that a state court judge will be fair, but I’ve got to give it a try.
Expert on court records, Joseph Zernik, said: “I consider the denial of access to court records the core of the corruption. They all keep double records. The PACER docket, which would lead a naive person to believe that a true litigation was conducted pursuant to the law of the United States, and the NEFs, which show that it was all “off the record.” You can read the evidence in my “Motion to Intervene” in Log Cabin Republicans. It has nothing to do with Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and everything to do with widespread corruption of the US District Court in LA (and the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, by extension).”
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