
Fight Judicial Corruption NOW by getting Candidates to run against Incumbent Judges


Fight judicial corruption NOW by getting candidates to run against incumbent judges.

Many judges and other dishonest and/or corrupt government officials are up for re-election this year. 

We must do everything possible to stop those people from being re-eletced.

Continue reading Fight Judicial Corruption NOW by getting Candidates to run against Incumbent Judges

Georgia Senators and Representatives asked to make Georgia the Model State for Legal and Judicial Reform


Georgia Senators and Representatives have been asked to make Georgia the model state for legal and judicial reform.

I visited the Georgia Capitol on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 where I met with a number of members of the Georgia legislature.

Then today, I followed up with an email to every member of the Georgia House and Senate….

Continue reading Georgia Senators and Representatives asked to make Georgia the Model State for Legal and Judicial Reform

Federal Judge C. Weston Houck charged with Corruption in South Carolina


Federal Judge C. Weston Houck is charged with corruption in South Carolina.  This is the complaint of Roslyn Holman.

Pursuant to my Deprivation of Civil Rights Lawsuit (4:09-cv-01634-CWH-JRM) filed on June 23, 2009, in the U.S. District Court of South Carolina, District Judge C. Weston Houck willfully engaged in a collaborated conspiracy with magistrate judge Joseph R. McCrorey and chief judge David C. Norton…

Continue reading Federal Judge C. Weston Houck charged with Corruption in South Carolina

Lawless America…The Movie – Documentary about Government Corruption to be filmed in All 50 States will be delayed unless we identify far more victims to be interviewed


LAWLESS AMERICA…THE MOVIE, a documentary about judicial corruption and government corruption, may have to delay the start of filming.  An inadequate number of victims have been identified in many states.

If you would like to see the movie begin production on schedule, we need names and contact information.  If we don’t get enough this week, the trip will be delayed.

The movie is to be filmed in all 50 states during one 127-day trip.

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie – Documentary about Government Corruption to be filmed in All 50 States will be delayed unless we identify far more victims to be interviewed

Martin Luther King III says his father would be ashamed that Georgia lawmakers are trying to stop free speech


This is a letter from Martin Luther King III:

Extremist lawmakers in Georgia’s legislature are pushing a bill designed to intimidate those who would engage in protest activities, such as picketing or sit-ins.

This is an effort to silence protesters who are standing up for economic justice.

Continue reading Martin Luther King III says his father would be ashamed that Georgia lawmakers are trying to stop free speech

Take the Battle against Corruption to Your County Elected Officials


Take the battle against corruption to your county elected officials.

On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 15 Georgia victims of judicial, government, and/or law enforcement corruption will attend the Fulton County Commissioner’s Meeting. 

Thirty minutes are allowed for comment. 

Each speaker can speak for two minutes. 

We will fill the entire 30 minutes with our message.

Continue reading Take the Battle against Corruption to Your County Elected Officials

Linda Shelton of Illinois says my/our proposed State Statutes are Unconstitutional


Linda Shelton says my/our proposed amendments to state statutes are unconstitutional.

Linda Shelton purports to be an expert on everything related to law, the Constitution, and battling corruption.  She is not an attorney.

Consider the words of Linda Shelton, and please advise if she is right….

Continue reading Linda Shelton of Illinois says my/our proposed State Statutes are Unconstitutional

Ohio Probate Judge Michael L. Brady charged with Corruption


Ohio Probate Judge Michael L. Brady is charged with Corruption.

This is the story of Rosanna Miller:

My parents were the most simple humble people I have ever known in my whole life.  They were born in the depression era and knew what it was like to do without and never forgot their roots.  If our tyrannical government operated the way they lived their entire lives, we would have the best country of morals, ethics, integrity, total frugality, and agape love.  Life is in shambles and a bottomless pit without them.

Continue reading Ohio Probate Judge Michael L. Brady charged with Corruption

Judge John B. Sumner charged with Corruption…AGAIN


Georgia Judge John B. Sumner has been charged with corruption…again!

Barbara Rose, Tammy Harner-Shuman, K. Walker, and others have all experienced corruption by Judge John B. Sumner.

Judge John B. Sumner has been arrested for DUI twice, but that is nothing compared to the corruption he inflicts on innocent people in his courtroom. 

This is the story of Tammy Harner-Shuman….

Continue reading Judge John B. Sumner charged with Corruption…AGAIN

Candidate for Congress introduces state legislation designed to reform the legal and judicial process — Changes desperately needed — Part 15 – Right to file Criminal Charges


William M. Windsor, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, has introduced state legislation designed to reform the legal and judicial process.  These are changes that Windsor says are desperately needed.

The legal systems and judicial systems in Georgia and every state in America must be reformed.  Dishonesty and corruption have stolen the rights of every American.

This is Part 15 of a series of articles that will address the proposed legislation for Georgia.  This proposed legislation adds a statute giving citizens the ability to file criminal charges in magistrate courts.

Continue reading Candidate for Congress introduces state legislation designed to reform the legal and judicial process — Changes desperately needed — Part 15 – Right to file Criminal Charges