
Bill Windsor files Appellant Briefs with Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas


Bill Windsor has filed Appellant Briefs with the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas.

Dizzy Bill Windsor has spent the last several days preparing his Appellant’s Briefs for filing in the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas.

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Bill Windsor asks federal courts for a fair trial and an impartial judge


Bill Windsor asks federal courts for a fair trial and an impartial judge.

The Montana Supreme Court has ignored the facts and the law to assure Bill Windsor of the most Kangaroo Court possible.

So, William M. Windsor is appealing to the federal courts.

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Bill Windsor is facing 7 years in the Montana State Prison because corrupt judges and law enforcement people are out to get him


Bill Windsor is facing 7 years in the Montana State Prison because corrupt judges and law enforcement people are out to get him.

William M. Windsor has never committed a crime in his life.

It’s disappointing that very few people know or care…

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Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor


Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor.

Bill Windsor has been ill for three weeks, and dizziness sent him to the Emergency Room.

I wonder how many folks die waiting to get to see a doctor…

Continue reading Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor

Montana Supreme Court demonstrates that Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge


Montana Supreme Court demonstrates that Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge.

When judges in America want you to get screwed in court, they simply don’t allow a fair trial and deny an impartial judge.

Montana Supreme Court Chief Justice Mike McGrath shows how the corrupt judges do it...

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Bill Windsor has been discharged from the Community Medical Center in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor spent most of the day in the Emergency Room at Community Medical Center in Missoula Montana.

Bill has been ill for three weeks, and the onset of extreme dizziness has him worried.

Good news and bad news from today’s tests…

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Bill Windsor is going to the Emergency Room in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor is going to the Emergency Room in Missoula Montana.

Bill has been ill for three weeks, and the onset of extreme dizziness has him worried…

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Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved

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Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved.

I’ve never used illegal drugs of any type.  I’ve never smoked weed.

I was always very much against it, but I have an entirely new perception…

Continue reading Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved

Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker


Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker.

Bill Windsor received a letter from Joshua Hooker, his former Idaho cellmate and co-author of Bob Barker And Me: Life in Cell Block 7.

Inside were two additional poems for the book…

Continue reading Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker

Corrupt Judges want $450,000 from Bill Windsor – robbing you is another often-used corruption technique

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Corrupt Judges want $450,000 from Bill Windsor – robbing you is another often-used judicial corruption technique.

Bill Windsor is battling on all fronts…

Continue reading Corrupt Judges want $450,000 from Bill Windsor – robbing you is another often-used corruption technique