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There is allegedly a special FBI Taskforce in Atlanta, Georgia pursuing judicial and government corruption.
There have been no arrests and no word from the FBI. When people with proof of corruption contact the FBI, they are told that the FBI will not pursue it unless there is proof of bribery.
Well, bribery is just one part of the blatant corruption here. It’s time for these actors employed by the FBI to do their jobs or retire….
As big a problem as the corruption of judges and government officials is the criminal incompetence of the so-called law enforcement authorities. The FBI is a bad joke. They refuse to go after the true criminals. They are part of the massive cover up.
Here is my latest letter to the FBI:
February 6, 2012
Mr. Brian Lamkin
Mr. Harry Hammick
FBI Atlanta
2635 Century Parkway N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345
Fax: 404-679-6289
Dear Mr. Lamkin and Mr. Hammick:
I am very disappointed that you haven’t contacted me about the judicial corruption in Atlanta.
I have MASSIVE PROOF of corruption with the federal judges and judicial employees in Atlanta. I am beginning to identify the extent of the corruption in the Fulton County legal and judicial system. I have been in contact with hundreds of other victims.
Last fall, I presented criminal charges against several federal judges, the Fulton County District Attorney, and some others to the Fulton County Grand Jury. I spoke to the Grand Jurors for 30 minutes.
The Grand Jury asked me to return at their next session with a document succinctly expressing the charges with copies of all of the evidence, footnoted to the document. I was to give, as they called it, “a slam bam thank you ma’am” presentation.
When I returned to the courthouse with the requested evidence, I was met by the DA’s Chief Investigator, Cynthia Nwokocha, and three Fulton County Sheriff’s Deputies. They forcibly removed me from the building, and I was given a Criminal Trespass Warning that states that I will be arrested if I ever return to the third, sixth, or seventh floor public elevator lobbies in the public courthouse. I visited various Fulton County judges for help, and no one would do a thing. One judge, Judge Jerry W. Baxter, took further action to deny me any recourse. I happen to have a lot of what took place on video due to a friend who turned on the video on her cellphone. I have witnesses.
So I then tried to present my charges to the federal Grand Jury — a right allegedly guaranteed by statute. Sally Quillian Yates, the U.S. Attorney, intercepted the mail that I sent to the Grand Jurors. When I showed up at the federal courthouse on the day that the Grand Jury meets, I was detained at the entrance (where my 8×10 color photograph is posted), and U.S. Marshal Tom Shell denied me access to the courthouse. I can never go anywhere in the courthouse unless one or several U.S. Marshals are there to dictate where I can and cannot go. I am banned from ever going on the 20th floor where the Grand Jury meets.
So, all of these crooks have succeeded in blocking the evidence from reaching the Grand Jury. What they did is a serious crime, but no one will do anything about it. I am asking you to take immediate action against the people who committed federal and state crimes to interfere with my presentation of evidence to the grand juries. I assure you that I will be informing the attorney general, the President, every member of Congress, and anyone else I can find about this. If you fail to pursue this blatant corruption, then I will make it a personal crusade to see the two of you indicted, arrested, convicted, imprisoned, and disgraced. Enough of this make believe investigative agency. Do your jobs, or get out.
I know that you are well aware of the corruption. If you are corrupt, you should resign. If you are honest or somewhat honest, now is the time to act.
I can meet with you anywhere anytime to present my evidence. Please call me. I carry my cell phone at all times — currently confidential. I am also picketing and protesting every Tuesday at the Fulton County Courthouse, so please stop by.
William M. Windsor
Previous Article: FBI squad in Atlanta to investigate corruption among judges, legislators
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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