Watch the Nobodies become Somebodies at Meet Me in DC .
Senators like Diane Feinstein are responding by setting appointments with the Lawless America “Nobodies.”
It’s going to be a very busy time. Here’s a general update.
If you are attending and have appointments with members of Congress, please email nobodies@att,net so we can give you priority on obtaining the packet to be presented. Otherwise, it will be first-come, first-served.
If you are not attending, please email events@nobodies.us and make the title in all caps: RSVP CANCEL so we may remove you from the RSVP list, name b adge production, etc.
PLEASE tune in to the Lawless America TalkShoe Show on Sunday from 10 pm – midnight Eastern Time. We will answer ALL questions about the event, and we will be providing training on what to do, not do, say, not say, etc. Click here for information on the show, how to call in, etc.
MEET ME IN DC: THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE TO BE: Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel, 1480 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202, www.cpnationalairport.com, 703-416-1600. Registration and general hanging out begins at noon on February 4. We need volunteers for various tasks, so if you can give us some time, reply to me only, and let me know what days and hours you could help at a specific task. Jobs include Registration Desk, Movie Listing Page Desk, webcaster assistant to help stream the events online live, still photographer, and videographers. We will start setting up the Arlington Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel at noon on Monday, so we can use all the hands we can get.
Please allow me to introduce Penny Caquelin-Zibrowski. Her email is zibrowskis@gmail.com. If you message Penny, she will give you her cell phone. Penny will be running the Registration Desk and supervising the Movie Listing Page Desk at the Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel. Penny began working with me in the magazine, trade show, and conference business 25 years or so ago. She lives in the DC area, and when she heard we were coming, she said she would take off work to come help. Now how sweet is that! Thanks again, Penny. Penny will be the primary point of contact for everything. She will have the Lawless America cellphone (currently confidential) from noon Monday through Wednesday), so know you may call that number if you have a problem.
Come to the Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel, 1480 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202, www.cpnationalairport.com, 703-416-1600. Registration and general hanging out begins at noon on February 4. Registration then runs until midnight on the 4th, reopens at 8 am on the 5th and is open until 5 pm, opening again from 8 am to 5 pm on the 6th. You must come and register to pick up your packet to take to your members of Congress, or to get the information to coordinate with others from your state.
Please fill out and sign the attached Release Form. This will cover us for all filming, photography, and audio recording, but this also serves as part of our Registration Form. Also fill out the attached Registration Form. Present both of these when you arrive at the Registration Desk in the foyer outside the Arlington Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. We will use this to organize those from the same state, and this is what we will use to schedule filming. Please note that we will not be doing one-hour interviews in DC due to time limitations. Also attached is an invitation that you can print and give to the people with whom you meet on Capitol Hill.
When you register, you will be given a name badge to wear and a special identity ribbon – black with the yellow road stripe (like the Lawless America logo). If you can donate $10, 420, or more, the Registration Desk will have a receipt for your tax return.
When you register, the Registration Team will have a chart showing the various volunteer jobs that we need to have covered. If you can volunteer to fill some time slots, please let the folks there know.
The next table is Movie Listing Page Help. Stop here if you need some help adding information to your Movie Listing Page.
Then go in the Ballroom and mingle. There will be 20 tables, each with a bright yellow sign specifying a type of corruption. Find a table of interest to you.
On February 5, the shuttle bus will run continuously starting with an 8 am departure from the Crowne Plaza. I recommend that you plan to be there two hours early to catch the next available departure. You do not want to be late. You do not have to use the shuttle bus; we are providing it as a convenience.
February 4, 2013
Registration: Noon to midnight, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
Filming: 4 pm to midnight, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
Informal Get-together: 7 pm, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
February 5, 2013
Registration: 8 am to 5 pm, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
Shuttle Bus Service to Capitol Hill: 8 am to 6 pm, from Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel. You don’t want to be late for your appointment, so to be safe, we recommend that you be at the Crowne Plaza two hours before your appointment if you plan to ride our shuttle bus.
Filming: 8 am to midnight, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
Roundtable Discussions: 8 am to midnight. The Arlington Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza will be open all day and night with tables for each type of corruption so you can return to the hotel after meeting with your Congressmen to share experiences and ideas with those battling the same corruption as you.
There are two events that are being produced by Jan Smith in conjunction with our event:
Breakfast: 7:30 – 9:30 am, The Lawless Changing America Conference will sponsor a Breakfast.
Lawless Changing America Conference: 2:00 to 6:30 pm. The Lawless Changing America Conference will present speakers at the Capitol in one of the House meeting rooms. Listen to speakers from around the country share their experience, strength and hope for American legal system renewal and how to take the nation to the next level of change. Cannon Office Building, Room 441.
February 6, 2013
Registration: 8 am to 5 pm, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel. This is the place to be to meet informally with fellow Nobodies.
Filming: 8 am to midnight, Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel.
Roundtable Discussions: 8 am to 2 pm. The Arlington Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza will be open all day and night with tables for each type of corruption so you can return to the hotel after meeting with your Congressmen to share experiences and ideas with those battling the same corruption as you.
Private Congressional Meeting: 11 am to noon. A small group of Lawless America representatives will speak with Congressional representatives at the Rayburn Office Building, Room 2103.
Lawless America LIVE: 2 pm to 5 pm, Arlington Ballroom – Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel. We will conduct a Phil Donahue-style event in which we will deliver our presentation from the audience seats from a wireless microphone that I pass around to the appropriate people for the topic at hand.
Lawless America at the Capitol: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, we will speak inside the Capitol at the Capitol Visitor Center North and South Theaters. There are approximately 60 speakers at five minutes each.
There is one event that is being produced by Jan Smith in conjunction with our event:
Breakfast: 7:30 – 9:30 am, The Lawless Changing America Conference will sponsor a Breakfast.
February 7, 2013
We will visit The Washington Post en masse to ask for an audience with the editor-in-chief if The Washington Post fails to provide coverage of the event.
We will call on some agencies that we believe are corrupt, and we may visit other media outlets as well.
Additional filming will be done at the hotel throughout the day and evening.
We are collecting teddy bears to be distributed to foster children, so if you have a spare bear, please bring it.
If you want to join The Revolutionary Party, please bring a penny.
As RSVP’s continue to come in, I realize that we have a very real problem in that the hotel ballroom only holds 290 people. It now appears that we will have far more. Please understand that I always felt 200 was a realistic expectation based upon the solid RSVP’s we had as of a month ago. So, we just do the best we can with what we have. We have 500 capacity in the Capitol theaters the night of the 6th. So, I suggest that you be early for the 2-5 pm event in the Ballroom on the 6th and/or the 5:30-8:30 pm event at the Capitol on the 6th. There is nothing quite as impressive as a packed house. Looks like we will have one or two or three…. Should we reach the room capacity, if you have an iPad, you might want to bring it as you could catch the webcast from somewhere in the hotel.
If any of you need to speak with me, call me at currently confidential between noon and 6 pm Eastern Time on Saturday or 10 am to 2 pm on Sunday.
Allie Overstreet from Jefferson City, Missouri is our Meet Me in DC Coordinator. You can contact her at lawlessmissouri@yahoo.com. Allie notes that we’ve got a slight change on the start time for the Lawless Changing America Family Rights Training conference on the 5th. It was 2:30-6:30. It’s now 1:30-6:30. (Actually 2pm but we need to be there at 1:30).
Allie is preparing a hand out flyer that will be available at the Registration Desk in the foyer just outside the Arlington Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel. It will detail the itinerary with the whens/wheres for folks, like a paper program list at a school concert. Nothing fancy…just the poop. We are a no budget operation!
Speaking of no budget. Please make a small donation to help us cover the costs. Please donate $10 to $20 to cover the costs of the Ballroom, policeman, DVD’s, AV equipment, shuttle bus, and assorted other costs. $6,000 at least.
If anyone out there is still rich, we badly wanted to send out a national news release to all mainstream media and internet media. It costs $1,500. Anyone who can donate on PayPal to williamwindsor@bellsouth.net, we will still try to do this.
ALASKA, MISSISSIPPI, NEW MEXICO, SOUTH CAROLINA, VERMONT, WEST VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN, AND WYOMING ARE NEEDED. We know we have folks coming from the other 42 states and DC. These are the only states (8) that we .are unsure about. It would be fabulous to have someone from every state, so let me know if you are coming from one of these states.
Time to at least start thinking about packing. If you have a laptop and can bring it to help a bit, please do. If you have a video camera and can bring it and help do a little recording for us, please… do. It will be cold at night, so you should bring a coat (low about 32-degrees). Casual on Monday the 4th and after hours. We recommend business dress on the 5th and 6th when we are meeting with Congressy people.
If you have laptop and will have some time to help us, please bring it. If you have a video camera and can help us shoot some video, please bring it. If you take photos with your camera or phone, please email them to nobodies@att.net.
The following people are hereby confirmed to speak in the Capitol Visitor Center Theater North between 6:30 and 8:30 pm on February 6, 2013: Allie Lorraine Overstreet, Jan Smith, Kenneth Paschal, Margaret Motheral, Florence Patton, Deb Justice Young, Mary Bagnaschi, Gwendolyn Shavers, Clara Halper, Joanie Young, Monique Lukens, Ed Mashek, Zed McLarnon, Bill Windsor, MaryAnn Lubas, Diane Wilson, Nova-Lee Graber, Robert Sarhan, Aliana Brodmann W. von Richtofen, Angela Woodhull, Angela Ehlers, Michael Hense, Marlena Fearing, Charles J. Stecker, Jr.
The following people are confirmed to speak in the Capitol Visitor Center Theater South betweenn 6:30 and 8:30 pm on February 6, 2013: John Lobianco, Michael Hense, Angela Pittman Robinson, Randall Townsend, Betsy George, Serena Hendrickson, Evelyn Case, Sandy Fonzo, Cheryl Kennedy, Kelly Holland Bingaman, Jim Singer, Mist Stilipec, David Collins, Debbie Tucker-Williams, Kelly Kenyon, Kathy Watson, Christopher Mackney, Sharon Kramer, Sheila Lucas-George, Matthew Taylor.
Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes, and speakers will be in this order. We have the theaters at 5:30 pm, so we may plug additional speakers into the earlier slots.
The forecast for next week is high in mid 40’s, lows about 32, with a chance of rain each day. So, bring a coat and an umbrella.
We will have a shuttle bus from 8 am to 6 pm on February 5 only. This means you have to pay your own way to the Capitol on the 6th. Plan to be at the hotel two hours prior to your first Congressional appointment to be safe. You may also use public transportation or private cars to get to Capitol Hill.
We do plan to webcast LIVE the events at the Crowne Plaza.
NOTE: I will continue to update www.LawlessAmerica.com with the most up-to-date information.
The Lawless Changing America Conference
Listen to speakers from around the country share their experience, strength and hope for American legal system renewal and how to take the nation to the next level of change.
Feb.5th – Cannon Office Building, Room 441, 2:00pm-6:30pm
Jan Smith, Activist/lobbyist
Topic: Local and Global grassroots activism The Next Step
Deb Justice Young, Activist/Lobbyist
Topic: Helping others with their rights and responsibilities in court
Melody Nelson, activist
Topic: Personal development and community engagement
Dr. Pamela Pine, PhD, MPH, has three decades of global experience working on some of the world’s most difficult health and development issues. She has worked on various public health and information, education, and communication (IEC) programs in the U.S. and throughout the world (e.g., Albania, Egypt, Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Philippines, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, Yemen, Zaire, and Zambia
Topic: How to combat Sex trafficking
Mary Callahan, Former foster parent
Author: Memoirs of a Baby Stealer
Topic: Opportunities in Community Crisis; Changing the landscape of public opinion
Mark Supanich, Executive Director Washington Families United
Topic: The Mindfields of Protective Parenting
Breakfast 7:30-9:30 – February 5
Charles J. Stecker Jr, International Child Abuse Prevention Task Force
Topic: Working as an effective change agent regarding child abuse
Dr. Jim Singer
Jim Singer, formerly a psychologist working in Pennsylvania, said that he reported a case of child molestation in 1986 to Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services agency, and not only was his report ignored, but soon after, in retaliation, the Pennsylvania Psychology Board prosecuted Singer and eventually removed his license to practice psychology.
Topic: Systemic corruption, self and community advocacy
Breakfast 7:30-9:30 – February 6
Francesca Moore, Activist
Topic: Miracle Workings in Family Court
Glen Gibelina, Activist
Topic: effective use of FOIA Freedom of Information Act
Here is the News Release that was sent out. Please send it to all media that you can. You can insert a paragraph about your participation and send it to your local media:
Meet Me in DC General Information:
At last count, we had over 1,600 people registered to attend. Please please email events@nobodies.us to confirm or reconfirm that you are attending, if you have not already done so. Please provide your address, cell phone, and Facebook page so we have several ways to make contact. Please bring your cell phone to DC.
We hope to have at least one constituent for every member of Congress to hand-deliver the 50+ hours of Congressional testimony filmed by Lawless America from over 1,000 people filmed during the Road Trip. There will be a visit to The Washington Post, a Phil Donahue-like presentation to invited members of Congress and the media, speeches in the Capitol, more filming for Lawless America…The Movie, and filming for “Love Letters to Our Children” (messages to children stolen from parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, etc.).
This is going to be a truly special event. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of victims of government and judicial corruption will be in Washington DC. There has never been a larger group of whistleblowers to let their voices be heard. We will be presenting over 50 hours of testimony to Congress, part of over 1,500 hours of interviews conducted by Bill Windsor for Lawless America.
Think about it. Meetings will have been prearranged with every single member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. ALL of them. As of February 5, 2013, every elected official in Washington DC will have on his or her desk UNDENIABLE PROOF of the pandemic of corruption in government and the judicial system nationwide. Each member of Congress will be given detailed information on the legislation necessary to minimize these problems. Every member of Congress will be on notice that they must act, and failure vto act will mnake them complicit in many crimes.
Sadly, experience has shown us that our elected officials ignore information like this, BUT they have never experienced such a massive opresentation of evidence on such a fundamental issue. So, we could see action. But if we don’t see immediate action, we move to the next phase of our Lawless America Revolution, and that is bringing criminal charges against all of the corrupt players and those who aid and abet them. A little April No Fool’s Day Surprise.
We invite groups with a related cause to contact me about joining in our effort when we Meet Me in DC. Just email me at Nobodies@att.net.
Here is our Facebook page for the Meet Me in DC event. It contains posts where you can designate that you have appointments with yoUr Senator and Congressman; it has posts where you can express interest in carpooling; and more. Lots of good information, so please check it regularly, and click to indicate whether you are going, might be going, or can’t go.
This is the ONLY official event scheduled for Lawless America in Washington, DC in 2013.
Long-time Lawless America supporter Stephen Sisson coined the “Meet Me in DC” slogan in 2011. We felt it was too early to try to have a DC get-together at that time, but the time is absolutely right in 2013. Here is a short video that Stephen recorded to promote Meet Me in DC: We invite each of you to record a short Meet Me in DC video. Send us a link, and we will use all the videos to promote the event. Here is Stephen Sisson:
We are collecting teddy bears to be distributed to foster children, so if you have a spare bear, please bring it.
We will be filming for the movie throughout the Meet Me in DC event. There will be multiple camera crews at work.
Lawless America intends to film every victim in the country who wishes to be filmed. Simply email BeInTheMovie@LawlessAmerica.com AND Nobodies@att.net with your name, address, and phone. We will get you filmed! We will do this for as many years as it takes until we get our country back.
You need to contact your legislators to set appointments. You will need an appointment with your member in the U.S. House of Representatives and your U.S. Senator. You can find their contact info at www.Congress.org. It is recommended by experts to have no more than five people at each appointment with pre-arranged talking points, a designated speaker and CLEAR direction of what you want your legislator to do. Lawless America will provide you with a talking points putline and the proposed legislation, which is what we want our legislators to do. Practice what you are going to say before you go. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You won’t be there to tell them your story; that will be on the DVD.
Anyone who has more than one state involved should commit to deliver to the appropriate members of Congress from each of those states. Where we have a constituent in the state where you no longer live, that person will deliver because they have to be received by the staffers. Of course, multiple people may coordinate to go together. We will start distributing a schedule of appointments to those RSVP’d with contact emails.
We want all of the packages delivered on February 5. Try to get an appointment with your members of Congress, but accept an appointment with anyone on his or her staff. Make sure you identify yourself as one of their constituents when you call for the appointment.
We have obtained special rates at two hotels. Please tell them you are with the William Windsor Group to obtain the special rates.
Crowne Plaza National Airport
The Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel will be the headquarters hotel. Slideshow of the hotel. Click here to register at the special rate.
The Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel is just across the 14th Street Bridge from DC and across Interstate from the Pentagon in the Crystal City portion of Arlington, Virginia. The hotel is a block from the Crystal City metro station. Only three stops and you are at the National Mall. The hotel offers complimentary wireless Internet service and complimentary shuttle service to National Airport.
Dates: February 4-6, 2013
Rooms: 125 king and 125 double bedded rooms
Rate: $129 Holiday Inn National Airport Hotels and $169 Crowne Plaza National Airport Hotel
Plus 10% tax
Crowne Plaza Amenities:
308 rooms – 125 double, 161 king, 11 suites and 11 ADA Accessible
Complimentary Basic Wireless Internet Access in Guest Rooms, Meeting Space & Public Areas
Complimentary shuttle to and from Reagan National Airport (a mile away)
One Block from Crystal City Metro and ½ block to the VRE Station
Bus loading and unloading lane
Bus parking near our hotel
Complimentary business center
Complimentary fitness center
Beautiful outdoor pool
In room refrigerators and 32” high definition flat panel TVs with a robust HD channel lineup
In room coffee makers, hair dryers, irons and ironing boards
Full service Starbucks
Our Veranda Cafe serves breakfast and lunch
Our Potomac Bar and Grille is open for happy hour and dinner
Connected to the Crystal City Underground, near the Pentagon City Mall, Potomac Yards Shopping Center and 23rd Street with all of their Shops & Restaurants
Parking is normally $21 per night; our guests will receive a rate of $10 per night.
Cut-Off Date: Saturday, January 5, 2013. So book your reservations before January 5.
Check-In: 4 pm
Check Out: 12 pm.
Cancellation Policy: by 6:00 pm on day of arrival
Crowne Plaza Reservation Phone Number: 877-685-5593
Advise that you are with the “William Windsor Group.” Debra Johnson is our contact; she is Regional Sales Manager.
Crowne Plaza National Airport
1480 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
703-416-1600 Phone
703-416-1651 Crowne Plaza Fax
Holiday Inn National Airport
The Holiday Inn National Airport is located near the Crowne Plaza.
Holiday Inn Amenities:
280 rooms – 134 double, 145 kings and 1 suite
Complimentary Basic Wireless Internet Access in Guest Rooms, Meeting Space & Public Areas
Complimentary shuttle to and from Reagan National Airport (less than a mile away)
3 Blocks from Crystal City Metro and 4 blocks from the VRE Station with complimentary shuttle service
Bus loading and unloading lane
Bus parking near our hotel
Complimentary business center
Complimentary fitness center
Coin operated laundry facility
In room refrigerators in our oversized double rooms
In room coffee makers, hair dryers, irons and ironing boards
32” high definition flat panel televisions with a robust HD channel line-up
Snack and gift shop in our lobby as well as an ATM
Our National Diner serves breakfast and lunch
Our O’Malley’s Pub is open for happy hour and dinner
Near the Crystal City Underground, Pentagon City Mall, Potomac Yards Shopping Center and 23rd Street with all of their Shops & Restaurants with complimentary shuttle service
Two story McDonald’s next door
There is normally a charge for parking, but our group receives free parking.
Cut-Off Date: Saturday, January 5, 2013. So book your reservations before January 5.
Check-In: 4 pm
Check Out: 12 pm
Cancellation Policy: by 6:00 pm on day of arrival
Advise that you are with the “William Windsor Group.” Debra Johnson is our contact; she is Regional Sales Manager.
Holiday Inn National Airport
2650 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
703-416-1600 Phone
703-684-3217 Holiday Inn Fax
There are many other hotels offering a wide variety of rates. There are also hostels.
We plan to have shuttle buses from the Crowne Plaza and the Holiday Inn to Capitol Hill and back. We will make one or two other stops (to be determined), so your transportation issues are pretty simple if you stay at one of these hotels.
For the latest updates,always see www.facebook.com/lawlessamerica
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The Basics
Lawless America…The Movie is all about exposing the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.
The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. Corrupt judges and corrupt government officials will be exposed, and we will confront a number of the crooks.
If anyone has ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the corruption report was true. In fact, there are probably tens of millions of victims in the United States who never realized what happened to them.
One feature length documentary movie is being produced. It will be shown in theaters, on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places, and the movie hopes be presented at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals.
In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor, founder of LawlessAmerica.com and GRIP, and a recent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.
Over 1,500 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie. We will continue to accept as many requests as possible.
The 50-state road trip is planned to take 174 days. Here is the itinerary for Lawless America…the Movie. The road trip starts in Atlanta and heads North and travels counterclockwise around the country. Upon the return to Atlanta, Bill Windsor will fly to Hawaii and Alaska and will spend one day in Olympia Washington and Portland Oregon.
All filming will be done either at the State Capitol, at a courthouse in the state capital, in a meeting room near the Capitol, or at a nearby hotel. For those who are unable to travel to the capital, you can still appear in the videos by recording your own video or by being interviewed on camera by Bill Windsor using a webcam and Skype. Webcams are available on loan to those who need one for their interview.
It is our plan that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken. We will expose many corrupt judges and government officials. We hope to generate a lot of publicity about corruption that the mainstream media usually hides from the public.
We will deliver proposed judicial reform legislation to the governor and legislators at each state Capitol.
We will make room in the film schedule for anyone with a great story of corruption. Email Nobodies@att.net.
Lawless America…The Movie: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
We need Volunteers to HELP with the Movie
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I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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