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Movie Producer/Director Bill Windsor could spend the rest of his life in the Montana State Prison for filming a documentary.
William M. Windsor could die in the Montana State Prison for tweeting, emailing, and publishing a man’s name.
Bill Windsor’s trial is set for January 4, 2016 in the Missoula County Courthouse...
Bill Windsor has spent 134 days in jail. People ask why couldn’t Bill Windsor get out of jail on a bail bond? He didn’t have a spare $4.1 million.
Did Bill Windsor murder someone? No. He allegedly Tweeted.
Had Bill Windsor ever been in jail before? No. Had Bill Windsor ever been charged with a crime before? No. Bill Windsor does not even have a traffic ticket or parking ticket in the last 15 years.
When people hear this, they immediately think: “there must be more to the story.” Yes, there is. Bill Windsor has specific evidence of extreme law enforcement and judicial corruption in Montana and Texas, and these corrupt “officials” are doing everything they can to stop Bill Windsor and Lawless America…The Movie.
William M. Windsor has been charged with two misdemeanors and three felonies. The charges are that he sent a Tweet containing the name of a University of Montana employee – Sean Boushie; that he published a legal document online containing the name of Sean Boushie three times; that he published a legal document online containing the name of Sean Boushie one time; that he sent an email to the general counsel at the University of Montana; and that he did not give the University of Montana employee Bill Windsor’s TV show website that exposes the corruption involving the University of Montana, Sean Boushie, law enforcement, and the courts. The motion to dismiss each of these charges is provided above as links.
This is believed to be the first felony charge ever brought against a Twitter user for Tweeting as well as the first time anyone has been charged with a crime for publishing the name of a human being or animal.
These ridiculous charges all have to do with Constitutionally-protected rights — freedom of speech and freedom of the press are supposed to be protected by the First Amendment and the Montana Constitution. Law enforcement and the courts in Montana are simply using these outrageous charges in an effort to stop Bill Windsor’s exposure of the corruption in Montana and Texas, to stop his documentary film – Lawless America, and to stop the pilot for a proposed TV series that he filmed about Sean Boushie and the University of Montana.
William M. Windsor filed a motion to dismiss due to a lack of jurisdiction, because he was in Texas when these crimes were allegedly committed in Montana. The motion was denied by Judge James A. Haynes, a judge hand-picked to handle this case because he has a relationship with Sean Boushie and has previously protected him multiple times. Bill Windsor is going all the way to the United States Supreme Court in an attempt to get an impartial judge and a fair trial.
Bill Windsor has filed a motion to dismiss due to a lack of probable cause that any honest judge would have to grant, but he anticipates it will be denied.
Bill Windsor was unlawfully incarcerated for 134 days with bond as high as $4.1. Million. Corrupt Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson actually published a Wanted Poster for Windsor.
A little background makes this a bit easier to understand.
Starting in 2007, Bill Windsor discovered that federal judges in Georgia were corrupt. Federal Judge Orinda D. Evans robbed William M. Windsor of millions of dollars. She was aided and abetted by Judge William S. Duffey, Judge Thomas W. Thrash, and others. Bill Windsor has the corruption fully documented.
Bill Windsor thought judges were honest back then, and he thought he simply had one rogue corrupt judge. But as more and more judges showed their corruption, he realized the problem was big. Back then, online searches for people dealing with corrupt judges generated little or nothing.
William M. Windsor took his case to the United States Supreme Court. He handled the case himself as his attorneys wanted another $250,000 to handle it, and they assured him he would lose. Bill asked the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to declare that the federal judges in Georgia had to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The justices said “we refuse.”
This generated some Internet publicity. Bill then realized he wasn’t alone in this discovery as thousands of people emailed and called.
By this point, the judges in Georgia were doing all types of illegal things to stop Bill Windsor. Court filings were destroyed; dockets were changed; legal actions were not processed; he was denied the ability to file anything; transcripts were falsified; orders were issued that ignored the facts and the law; they even blocked him from his second day of testimony before a grand jury when he was presenting criminal charges against six federal judges and the District Attorney in Atlanta. He was denied access to the county courthouse and the federal courthouse. He received word from a federal prisoner’s wife that her husband told her he was approached about a deal to get out of prison if he would kill Bill Windsor. Bill called the FBI; no one ever came.
But when it comes to Bill Windsor, persistent is an inadequate descriptive word. He kept going, documenting everything.
By now, he was dealing with so many people that he began doing a weekly online radio show. This generated the idea that Bill Windsor would film a movie exposing government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. He traveled to every state (Alaska still to go), and he filmed over 750 stories of corruption and has thousands more who wanted to be filmed. Evil people, some working for various government entities and committing crimes, set out to destroy Bill Windsor and the movie, Lawless America. Bill Windsor has been defamed online in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. His life has been threatened many times. A UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE, Sean Boushie, attempted to murder Bill Windsor. Sean Boushie even emailed Bill Windsor admitting to the shot, and four different law enforcement agencies and four courts ignored it.
Sean Boushie then falsely claimed that Bill Windsor stalked him, threatened him with a gun, and a host of other lies. Corrupt courts gave Sean Boushie a Temporary Order of Protection. It expired on September 16, 2013, but corrupt Montana and Texas “authorities” pretended it still existed, and a bench warrant was issued for unsuspecting Bill.
Bill Windsor was put into the Ellis County Texas Jail illegally for 53 days as a political prisoner — held for extradition. William M. Windsor was then unlawfully held in the Ada County Idaho Jail for 35 days and then illegally handed over to two Missoula County Montana Sheriff’s Deputies on March 25, 2015. He was held there for 46 days (a grand total of 134 days behind bars). He escaped (on bond) at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015. He was unlawfully denied bond for the whole time. His bail was as high as $4.1 million in the most ludicrous case ever! He faces seven years in the Montana State Prison when he goes to trial on January 4, 2016.
The State of Montana has filed five criminal charges against William M. Windsor for filming the movie and the pilot for a TV show that will expose Montana as the most corrupt state in the country.
“Law enforcement” had LawlessAmerica.com removed from the Internet. This website contains over 1,600 articles exposing corruption. Bill Windsor worked with a friendly offshore hosting company to return the website to the Internet outside the clutches of American evildoers. He wasn’t so lucky when Facebook removed the movie page (with 51,000 followers) falsely claiming it promoted nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex … or when AT&T canceled the email that he used on everything related to the movie for years falsely claiming he violated their Terms of Service.
If this sounds crazy, it is. Bill Windsor hasn’t committed any crimes. But in Lawless America, corrupt law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, and judges will do whatever they want. These corrupt people are out to get Bill Windsor to stop him from exposing that Sean Boushie is a paid government cyberstalker, that Montana is the most corrupt state in America, that Ellis County Texas has a mafia of elected officials, and to torpedo his lawsuit against the gang of cyberstalkers who have ruined his reputation and life and face damages of as much as $100 million. There are a number of apparently deranged people involved in the Joeyisalittlekid gang.
Bill Windsor’s wife divorced him because she fears the people who have threatened Bill. His children have disowned him for the same reason, and he is not allowed to have any contact with his grandchildren who he loves more than words could ever express.
So, what will happen with Bill Windsor? He hasn’t committed any crime, but that doesn’t matter. In Montana, law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, and judges do whatever they want…because they can. Bill Windsor says he won’t be at all surprised if they stack the jury against him and a guilty verdict was arranged before the trial begins.
Attorneys wanted $100,000 to handle the case. Bill Windsor said no thank you. William M. Windsor is representing himself. It will be exciting. You are encouraged to come to Missoula Montana for the trial. There will be autographed William M. Windsor Wanted Posters for all who attend. And it will be history in the making.
Lawless America. That’s where we live.
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If you want to reach Bill Windsor, his home address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108. That mail gets forwarded to him once a week. His email is Pro-Se-1@outlook.com . His phone is currently confidential, but it is not answered; messages are checked by dialing in to Verizon from a state far, far away, and Bill receives an email with the name, number, and one sentence summary of each message.
For the Lawless America videos, see www.YouTube.com/lawlessamerica. Bill Windsor’s Facebook page is www.facebook.com/billwindsor1
Photo copyright Friends of Bill Windsor