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The “stars” of the film are sharing their comments on the filming so those yet-to-be-filmed will get a better feel for what the experience is like.
After you have been filmed, please add a comment below, or email your comment to Movie@LawlessAmerica.com so we may add your thoughts.
Here’s what some of those who have been filmed have had to say…
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Janet Hohmann Powell
It was a pleasure to meet you today; thank you so much for undertaking this enormous project.
I think we sometimes forget that human beings are incredible natural storytellers; we all have a right to be heard and we each have a responsibility to listen to the stories of others.
I did prepare in advance, went over my 3-minute script, and thought about the message I wanted to convey; I was not nervous in front of the camera. I was also not perfect, but I was honest, and I hope credible, in telling my family’s story.
Bill did an exceptional job pre-coaching and setting expectations, and that helped me a lot. You do NOT need to memorize the “what to expect” document (read through it once), Bill goes step-by-step with you and films each part as a mini-segment. The questions BIll asked were great!
One surprise for me was that my emotions were so close to the surface as I told our story. Do not fear the raw emotions if they bubble to the surface in front of the camera, emotional appeals to the audience help the viewers connect with us, and with our personal stories as human beings. A combination of logical and emotional appeals in our stories will have an immediate impact (create a call to action) on the viewing audience and help facilitate real change.
The filming today was cathartic, cleansing, and exhausting (in a good way) for me.
The UNCG film students were A M A Z I N G!
My very best,
Janet Hohmann Powell
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Wesley Goodwin
I believe what we are doing is taking our oppressors’ lemons and making lemonade. DELICIOUS!!! That’s the way I describe the filming.
Bill and the crew of UNCG students were knowledgeable, ready, well equipped, and friendly. The way they treated me, gave me the confidence again that not all people are racist and hateful.
Bill was extra helpful by informing me of laws of my rights, which I knew not. If anyone else does not know yet; If you have been wronged in court, there are “Fraud on the Court” protections available for us.
After years of being rejected by many who did not care because the wrong against me has no gain for them, or because of the color of my skin, knowledgeable people refused to help me because it will destroy the wrong doers who are of their skin color; I have had to stand alone for ~10 years now. It is so uplifting for Bill to reach out and reveal truth of judicial corruption. His acts of kindness, love, and integrity for truth is priceless.
Let’s do this people. We must stand up together, bring truth out and destroy our oppressors.
Ms. Wesley Goodwin, Greensboro, NC.ms.wesleyg@gmail.com (336) 554-6212.
Rod Class
i like the fact that the set up was as if we were before a congressional hearing . had i had known that was the set i could have been better prepared . . but yes this concept of given testimony before congress is great.
one question as much input as you are receiving . this is hours and hours of testimony you are going have to to do a lot of editing and cutting and that a shame. because the people need to be heard. this need to be a tv show like jesse venture had
like they say in hollywood love you baby
Charles Ward
After I got over the camera it was great. I had a lot more to say but there was not time.
Charles Ward
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Leonard W. Giddens, Jr.
Today I was filmed at UNC at Greensboro NC. It went very well. Mr. Windsor and his crew were very professional, and that made everything fall into place.
It went so well no one thought about the T-Shirts and Caps.
I truly am proud to have met and worked with a man that is as determined as Mr. Windsor. He is the type that get’s things done, and that is what we have a shortage of in this nation and I am sure elsewhere in the world.
For me this is not a one shot deal. I am in for the long haul. I know times are tight but we must do what we can to help. What he has taken on is not cheap. I intend to do what I can, a little bet adds up to a bunch.
I am sure you all will come away feeling as I and am sure the others felt.
Leonard W. Giddens, Jr.
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Elizabeth O’Nan
I cannot tell you how uplifting it was to be filmed for Lawless America.
After all of the suffering and humiliation of losing time and again in court for what is such an obvious injustice, it brought me such peace and comfort to take the moment to expose these abuses.
I could not have asked for a more compassionate and skilled guide than Bill Windsor to lead me through the filming. He is the quintessential Southern gentleman. His complete understanding of our failed judicial system and immediate grasp of the essence of our problems with years of property invasions, threats, and lewd behavior that culminated in my being punished for complaining by hot-headed Forest Service Officers brought me hope that I may be able to find legal aid and justice someday.
I hope that the Lawless America film can bring justice back to America by removing criminal justices and officers who are bullies, and passing legislature that will bring justice to the people.
I can think of no one who would better serve us in Congress than Bill Windsor.
Elizabeth O’Nan
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Sonya Braxton
Thanks for the interview and I hope the documentary helps change the way state government and the courts within those states treat people who have legitimate claims against government employees who refuse to follow the law, including judges who don’t respect Pro Se rights in the courts.
Georgia DCA’s rental assistance unit has violated my and my children’s rights and HUD has an ongoing investigation into it since my case never had an actual trial (no thanks to a crooked judge who dismissed my case before summons were served on the state of
Georgia) and with that HUD still has authority to bring full charges against GA DCA for the evidence that was presented to them against GA DCA, et al. I believe GA DCA has violated many people’s right to fair and safe housing in Georgia. I only know of one other person coming forward so far against GA DCA thru the courts and thru HUD. Hopefully my story within this documentary will reach those who need to know its okay to demand redress for complaints against the government.
Democracy = the 99% who expect justice, equality, and fairness from government at all times, the undemocratic are the 1% in government who abuse power to trample on people’s rights and liberties every single day. Sonya Braxton and Family “SB4JUSTICE”
Sonya Braxton
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Donna Pilch
Lawless America: The Movie will be one of the most significant movies produced this century.
I was THRILLED to finally be able to expose the Wake County Court corruption and corruption by North Carolina state leaders and judges.
I hope this movie both warns and inspires the next generation to take action in their state to enforce the U.S. constitution and expose corruption.
I hope the movie is ultimately distributed through the Red Box, and published as a book that is sold in every major bookstore in America and shown at all the major film festivals throughout the world.
Thanks again for letting me participate in this important project.
Donna Pilch
North Carolina
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Wendi Robinson
Mom and I were talking on the way home, and we were (and are) so grateful to you for what you are doing!
I was very nervous at first, much more than I ever expected , but once we started talking, the truth spoke for me! It took alot out of me emotionally, but I also felt a great sense of relief to FINALLY tell what happened.
There’s more I wish I would have said, but I am most thankful that we really got the chance to stress the importance of protecting children!!!
I just heard ofJerry Sandusky’s guilty verdict, and I am thinking of the victims, at least they might have some kind of closure. God bless them!
The impact of what this film could make on enlightening society to the horrors of the corruption in the different legal systems is enormous! I am looking forward to your interview with my Dad, after meeting you, I KNOW the two of you will be connected. He is such a humble hero!
Thank you again for taking the time to listen to us, and for your bravery! I am proud to now call you my FRIEND!!
God bless you,
Wendi Robinson
Daily Journal — Click here to access the daily report from each of the 143 days.
The Basics
Lawless America…The Movie is all about exposing the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.
The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. Corrupt judges and corrupt government officials will be exposed, and we will confront a number of the crooks.
If anyone has ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the corruption report was true. In fact, there are probably tens of millions of victims in the United States who never realized what happened to them.
One feature length documentary movie is being produced. It will be shown in theaters, on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places, and the movie will be presented at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals.
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In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor, founder of LawlessAmerica.com and GRIP, and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.
Over 750 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie. We will continue to accept as many requests as possible.
The 50-state road trip is planned to take 143 days. Here is the itinerary for Lawless America…the Movie. The road trip starts in Atlanta and heads North and travels counterclockwise around the country. From Olympia, Washington, we will head up to Juneau, Alaksa. Upon the return to Atlanta, Bill Windsor will fly to Honolulu as the 50th state.
All filming will be done either at the State Capitol, at a courthouse in the state capital, or in a meeting room near the Capitol. For those who are unable to travel to the capital, you can still appear in the videos by recording your own video or by being interviewed on camera by Bill Windsor using a webcam and Skype. Webcams are available on loan to those who need one for their interview.
It is our plan that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken. We will expose many corrupt judges and government officials. We hope to generate a lot of publicity about corruption that the mainstream media usually hides from the public.
We will deliver proposed judicial reform legislation to the governor and legislators at each state Capitol.
We will make room in the film schedule for anyone with a great story of corruption. Email bill@lawlessamerica.com.
Lawless America…The Movie: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
We need Volunteers to HELP with the Movie
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I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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