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Lawless America…The Movie has entered Phase 2 of Pre-Production.
In Phase 1, approximately 750 people committed to be filmed, and background information was obtained from each person. The itinerary for the 143-days of filming was set, covering all 50 states in 16,508 miles by road.
The subjects to be filmed who have provided the information necessary, so nothing more is required except to show up on time the day of their filming. In Phase 2, we present ways for those interested to help promote their participation and the movie….
I believe this project offers the opportunity to expose this corruption once and for all.
I believe this may be our one and only great chance to expose it.
Here’s why: We have built strength in numbers. 700+ victims is attention-getting. We are covering every state. The movie offers a wide vareity of opportunities to generate publicity from the mainstream media that has nothing to do with corruption (ie., biggest movie ever filmed, perhaps the first movie to ever be filmed in all 50 states, a movie featuring local people from over 500 cities and towns, a movie that has local college students working on the film crew, a candidate for U.S. Congress taking testimony to be presented to Congress from 700+ victims, over 700 videos to be produced and one film to be shown in theatres, and more.)
So, YOU need to get behind promoting this movie whether you are in it or not! If you want to effectively battle corruption, now is the time. If everyone does what I am asking below, we will turn the Internet into our own mainstream media, and we will get the word out to MILLIONS of people.
Please understand exactly the purpose of this project. We are building a network of websites and personal contacts that will enable us to reach millions to educate them about dishonesty in government and government and judicial corruption. If we do this right, whenever anyone searches on the Internet for government corruption, judicial corruption, and other such terms, or when they search for a specific judge or government official, they will find OUR reports and OUR news. WE will dominate the search engines — not ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, the Washington Post, or anyone else. The Internet makes it possible for little folks like us to make this happen. A case in point is the recent blackout of the Internet by Wikipedia and others to battle federal legislation that would be devastating to the Internet. An online effort resulted in so much communication to legislators that the bill has been tabled indefinitely. The little guys won. When we succeed with establishing our network, we will have people joining our battle every hour of every day. We will expose evil-doers and help get them defeated when they run for re-election. We will have the ability to reach millions with an email message.
When we get the word out to millions of people, we will get something done. We will make a difference. We will save America for our children and grandchildren…and possibly even get some relief from the wrongdoing that so many of us have experienced.
Ways to Help Promote The Movie and the Battle against Corruption
Task #1
Join Facebook, if you aren’t already a member.
The reason to join Facebook is that we will use Facebook to get what we want from it, which is the ability to reach our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Our goal in all of this is to build a network of millions of people. (Note: Some people don’t like Facebook because they don’t want their personal information shared. Please reconsider. 80% of the people who will be filmed for the movie have Facebook pages. You don’t have to give Facebook much information — just name, city, and high school will connect you with a lot of your friends.)
Task #2
Login to Facebook. Click these links, and invite me and my websites to be your Facebook Friend: Lawless America, GRIP, and William M. Windsor.
When you do this, any article that appears on www.LawlessAmerica.com or www.GetaGripAmerica.us will automatically display on your Facebook wall. Then it might be seen by people looking at your Facebook page, and they may choose to “Like” it, which would then put it on that person’s Facebook page, where others may see it, and so on, and so on. So, once you have made me a Friend, with no further effort whatsoever, your Facebook page will be listing at least one article a day from me…forever. Your Facebook page thus becomes part of the GRIP network that will ultimately reach millions.
Task #3
Join LinkedIn, if you aren’t already a member
Once again, the reason to join LinkedIn is because we can use LinkedIn to reach our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. We want each supporter of GRIP to build your network of contacts so that we collectively will have the largest network possible. As soon as you join LinkedIn, click here and invite William M. Windsor.
Task #4
Register with TalkShoe, if you aren’t already registered. TalkShoe Registration Page.
TalkShoe is the online conference/radio show service that Lawless America uses. We will be using TalkShoe extensively in promotion of the movie and the battle against corruption. When you are registered, your username will display on the chat.
Task #5
Login to www.TalkShoe.com, and go to the LawlessAmerica TalkShoe Page. In the upper right of the page, under Who Follows, click “Follow.”
This makes it easy for you to find the Lawless America TalkShoe page when you need it, and it shows support for us.
In the Reviews section just below the “Who Follows” section, click on the far right circle.
Everything that we do to make LawlessAmerica.com and the movie more important on the Internet will move the website even higher in the search engine rankings. The higher we get in the search engines, the more effective we are in exposing corruption against you and others.
Task #6
Join Livestream, if you haven’t already. Go to www.Livestream.com, and click on the button “Join Livestream.”
Livestream is the service provider for the Lawless America Online TV Show. Bill Windsor will be broadcasting at www.Livestream.com/LawlessAmerica at least 50 nights of the movie road trip. When you are registered, your username will display on the chat. We hpe to build a huge audience for the online TV show, and we really encourage you to login while we broadcasting from your state.
Task #7
Login to www.Livestream.com/LawlessAmerica. Click “Like” beneath the chat window on the right side of the page.
Once again, this makes us more important. The most liked Livestream shows get featured on Livestream’s home page.
Task #8
Sign the Petition, if you haven’t already done so. The Petition says you want honesty in government, protection of the fundamental rights we were afforded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Our goal is to get a massive number of signatures on the petition. We will be presenting the signed petition to the President and to the chairmen of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
Task #9
Join our Facebook Cause: Support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Honesty in Government.
The more members we get, the higher we rank when people search for Constitution, Bill of Rights, honesty, and corruption.
Task #10
If you don’t have a website, register a web domain name so a website can be established for you. The reason for doing this is that we want to have as many websites as possible exposing corruption, exposing corrupt people, or spreading the word about GRIP and those battling dishonesty and corruption in government.
If you want to express your complaints with a specific judge or government official, here’s your opportunity to do so. If you are afraid that there might be repercussions if you do this, then you can set up a web domain about justice, the Constitution, corruption in general — anything related to this battle.
Take a look at what I have accomplished in less than six months:
Yahoo Search — Judge Thomas W. Thrash — 3 of the top 8 are LawlessAmerica pages and the website that I set up — www.Judge ThomasWThrash.com.
Google Search — Thomas W. Thrash — 3 of the top 8 are LawlessAmerica pages and the website that I set up.
Yahoo Search — Judge Orinda D. Evans –6 of the top 9 search results, inclduing #1, are LawlessAmerica pages, or LawlessAmerica stories picked up and carried by other websites, or the website that I set up — www.JudgeEvansComplaint.com.
Google Search — Judge Orinda D. Evans –6 of the top 9 search results are mine.
Yahoo Search — Judge William S. Duffey –5 of the top 10 search results are mine, including #1. I set up www.JudgeWilliamSDuffey.com for this corrupt judge.
Google Search — Judge William S. Duffey –4 of the top 10 search results are mine.
Yahoo Search — Judge Jerry W. Baxter –2 of the top 3 are mine, and this site has only been up for about a month. I set up www.JudgeJerryWBaxter.com for this corrupt judge.
Google Search — Judge Jerry W. Baxter –3 of the top 6 are mine.
Before I set up these websites and these pages, there was nothing to expose these judges in the search results. But now, anyone researching these judges will see that these judges are corrupt.
Now, we need to get this done for every corrupt judge and corrupt government official. I hope you will do yours, and I hope you will encourage anyone and everyone you know to do theirs. Our goal is to blanket the search results for the corrupt people so the news of the corruption spreads. We also want to pool our efforts so we get the #1 search result position as I have done with Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge William S. Duffey, the two that I have had up for the longest. That #1 position is far more valuable than any other.
The first thing that you need to do in setting up a website is to register a domain name. Find out how the judge signs orders. That is the combination of letters that you want as that is the name most likely searched for a judge. Then see if it is available as a .com, because you want a .com if at all possible. Then register it. If you don’t know how, you can go to www.bulkregister.com to set up an account and register, or I will do it for you, and you can send me cash or a money order for $11.50 to pay for the first year.
Next, you need to set up a website. If you know how, you can do your thing. However, GRIP (Government Reform & Integrity Platform) will also give you free webhosting and even provide the same programming used by the LawlessAmerica websites. Choose from the designs used on www.LawlessAmerica.com, www.JudgeWilliamSDuffey.com, www.CarlHugoAnderson.com, or JudgeThomasWThrash.com. Just tell me which template you want to use, and we will set up your website, add the template, and then it is yours to edit as needed.
You will need an email for your site. Use one that you have, or if we set up your site for you, we can set up (anyname)@(yourwebsitename).com or you may use a (yourname)@GetAGripAmerica.us email. Either way, you need to send me the email address to have these alias emails forwarded to (an email that you use).
The next thing to do is to write a basic story about the person you are exposing. We want to make this a story on www.LawlessAmerica.com because my site gets a LOT of traffic and gets indexed by the search engines every day. Then you can copy this article to be your top article on your website.
As you write your story, use these tricks: always use the name a lot, and spell it out in full. For example, Judge William S. Duffey did this…and Judge William S. Duffey did that. Use keywords in your story that you would hope will include this site in search results. For example, I always use corruption, judicial corruption, judges, judge, dishonest, corrupt, (city), (state), (state-abbreviation), (court), and other keywords. Make your first sentence a really good summary of the whole story. Use a good title that also tells the basic story, such as Judge Gail S. Tusan is a Corrupt Judge in the Fulton County Superior Court in Atlanta, Georgia. If you have made statements in court filings about the corruption, quote those exactly as I believe there is complete immunity for anything that is filed in a legal action. If you can prove something is a fact, I believe you can say it. If you can’t absolutely prove something and haven’t said it in a court filing, always write “I believe….”
I wrote an article about Judge Lucy H. Koh on November 14, 2011. I just did a Yahoo Search for “Judge Lucy H. Koh,” and my story comes up #8 in the search results. This shows you how powerful www.LawlessAmerica.com is in search results for judicial corruption and government corruption.
When you set up your website and your various articles, the meta tags for title and keywords are very important. Always ensure that you have entered these in the meta tag place on your site. This is easy using the Joomla system that LawlessAmerica.com uses because there is a little window where you simply copy and paste these. Copy and paste the name of the article in the Description meta tag window. Type the keywords that people might use in searching for your story in the keywords window.
If you already have a website, consider whether it is of the same quality as the LawlessAmerica websites. If it isn’t, I encourage you to put your site on our server at GoDaddy.com and use our templates. I believe it is extremely important for us to have very professional sites. Once again, you can be hosted for free under GRIP’s unlimited domain account at GoDaddy.com. All it takes is an email to me —
Task #11
Now, we want to get as many links as possible from high traffic websites to your website and vice-versa. These days, the number of quality links that a website has is a key factor in how high it ranks in search engine results. So, we all need links.
GRIP has a complete plan for this. We want every GRIP coalition member to link to www.LawlessAmerica.com and www.GetAGripAmerica.us, and those websites will do the same for you. This will immediately make your site more important. Taking this a step further, I encourage every GRIP coalition member to link from their home page to the home page of all of the GRIP coalition members. This list is at the bottom of the www.LawlessAmerica.com home page:
Just copy and paste this list to the bottom of your home page, and we will encourage each of these websites to do the same. I will continue to update this list as we add coalition members who have provided the links on their home page.
The HOME PAGE is vital, as the strength of the link from one home page to another is by far the strongest. Anything else is appreciated, but it has nowhere near the power of the home page.
We need hundreds, if not thousands of coalition members. When we get many more sites linking, all of our sites will become much more important, and we should control the #1 position in the search engine results. And when that happens, we are well on our way to creating our own Mainstream Media.
My wife and I no longer get a newspaper, and we no longer use telephone books. We do everything online. I believe newspapers and telephone books will become obsolete, and the Internet will become even more Mainstream Media than it is today. The beauty of the Internet holding that place in the media world is that WE have some real control with the Internet. Ingenuity and a plan can be worth more than money online.
Task #12
Register on www.YouTube.com if you don’t already have a YouTube account. It’s free. Go to the YouTube Create an Account Page. Once you have created an account, go to www.youtube.com (while you are logged in), and enter “usgovcorruption” in the YouTube search window. Click on the U.S. Government Corruption channel. When it displays, click on <SUBSCRIBE>. Then enter “lawlessamerica” in the YouTube search window. Click on the Lawless America channel. When it displays, click on <SUBSCRIBE>. Then enter “GRIPcoalition” in the YouTube search window. When it displays, click on <SUBSCRIBE>.
Task #13
Join Twitter, if you aren’t already a member. It’s free. Once you confirm your account by email, login and search for lawlessamerica. Then click “Follow.”
This makes LawlessAmerica more important. If you end up getting a lot of followers, you can Tweet the articles that are on lawlessAmerica.com to your followers. There is a “Tweet Button” in the right column on every page of www.LawlessAmerica.com — toward the bottom.
Task #14
Every morning, login toFfacebook. Then go to www.lawlessAmerica.com, and click on the Like Button under each article on the home page that is blue. If it is gray, it means you have already clicked it.
This will send the articles all over the Internet.
Ladies and gentlemen, this will take only a few minutes of your time. The problem is that most of you will read this article and will do nothing. Please ask yourself if you would be happy if your children and grandchildren had all of their money stolen from them by the government and they were sent to prison for the rest of their lives for doing absolutely nothing wrong. If we don’t act now to educate our fellow Americans about the dishonesty and corruption in government, this could be the fate of your children and grandchildren. We currently have no viable means to check the tyrannical power of our misguided government officials. So, PLEASE, take just a few minutes, and do this.
Latest Update on Lawless America…The Movie
PLEASE login to Facebook, and then click on the “Like” button below. This will send this story all over the Internet.
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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