I have filed two judicial misconduct complaints against Judge Orinda D. Evans.
Judge Evans has a reputation for twisting the law and the facts to decide how she wants to decide without regard for the law or what’s right.
My first complaint was denied with no valid reason. I then “appealed” that decision.
I have stated under oath that Judge Orinda D. Evans is as dishonest and corrupt as they come.
Judicial Misconduct Complaint
Judge Orinda D. Evans
I hereby petition the Judicial Council for review of my complaint against Judge Orinda D. Evans in Civil Action Number 1:06-CV-0714-ODE.
This petition should be granted because (1) Judge Evans is guilty of conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts. (2) Judge Evans is guilty of a complete void of impartiality. (3) Judge Evans treated the Defendants in a hostile manner. (4) Judge Evans violated Canons 1, 2, and 3 of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges. (5) Judge Evans had improper motives. (6) Judge Evans concealed evidence. (7) Judge Evans welcomed every imaginable form of professional misconduct by the Plaintiffs’ Attorneys, and she turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to massive perjury and hundreds of Rule 11 and Rule 37 violations.
This case should be featured on “60 Minutes.†It will be the story of how incredible injustice can be done in federal court. It will tell the story of the massive dishonesty by the Plaintiffs and their attorneys and how Judge Evans worked with them to “steal†one million dollars from us in the guise of a lawsuit. The public will be shocked and appalled.
I was sick to see that Judge J.L. Edmondson used the same canned language dismissing my complaint that I have seen that he has used with other complaints. I have lost all faith in the integrity of our legal system and our judicial system. If Judge Evans isn’t guilty of gross judicial misconduct, then your system is improperly protecting judges who have done wrong, and you will forever take advantage of the increasingly small number of honest people in America. I submit that Judge Evans is not honest. I can’t even pretend to be nice when dealing with you folks anymore.
While I am complaining about your system, let me also complain about being restricted to five pages and no attachments in this petition. Judge Evans made over 200 false statements in the Preliminary Injunction Order and Summary Judgment Order in this case. It would take far more than five pages to merely list all of her false statements, lies, invented facts, citations of bias, and other wrongdoings. It is impossible to properly plead my case in five pages. Judge Evans participated in stealing a million dollars from me, and you give me five pages. I’d call this justice at its worst, but that seems par for the course in federal court in Atlanta.
My complaint outlines the wrongdoing of Judge Evans. For more details, see it; the Second Motion to Recuse Judge Evans [Docket #406]; the Motion to Recuse Judge Evans with the Second Declaration of William M. Windsor and the 23 exhibits attached thereto [Docket #361]; the Motion to Reopen Case and the declarations and exhibits attached thereto [Docket #362]; the Third Amended Declaration and amended exhibits [Docket #377]; the Fifth Declaration [Docket #378]; the Reply to the Response to the Motion to Recuse [Docket #381]; the motions for sanctions [Docket #363 and 364]; and the motions for sanctions [Docket #393, 396, and 399]. I am also filing a Motion to Disqualify Judge Evans in 1:09-MI-0220-WSD-WEJ, and I will be filing a Complaint/Motion for Professional Misconduct pursuant to Local Rule 83.1C and 83.1F(2) that will provide even more precise itemization of the wrongdoing of the attorneys that Judge Evans approved and supported while violating Canon 3B(3).
Canons 1, 2, and 3 are each focused on the alleged importance of impartiality. Judge Evans was totally biased in this case, and my Second Motion to Recuse Judge Evans and my Twenty-Third Declaration attached thereto explain the bias every step of the way to now. If this Judicial Council reads that Declaration and says there was no appearance of a lack of impartiality, then you, too, will be an embarrassment to your profession.
Canon 3B(3) says: “ A judge should initiate appropriate action when the judge becomes aware of reliable evidence indicating the likelihood of unprofessional conduct by a judge or lawyer.†I called Rule 11 violations, false sworn pleadings, fraud upon the court, misrepresentation, and perjury, to the attention of Judge Evans at a hearing in chambers on February 2, 2007. Judge Evans did nothing about it. The transcript of the hearing is Docket #174. I informed Judge Evans that I had prepared documentation to prove that the Plaintiffs had lied and committed perjury hundreds of times and that Plaintiffs’ Attorneys had filed numerous false sworn pleadings. The total count of proven lies or statements is over 400. These are detailed by affidavit, deposition, or hearing testimony in the 28 exhibits to the Third Amended Declaration of William M. Windsor [Docket #377]. Rule 11 violations are detailed in Exhibit 23 thereto. Judge Evans completely and totally ignored this in absolutely clear violation of Canon 3B(3).
How could Judge Edmondson keep a straight face while claiming “allegations lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct has occurred?†There is gross judicial misconduct. The only question in my mind is was the judicial misconduct caused by a criminal act. It certainly seems possible.
Judge Evans concealed material evidence that should have been provided to the Defendants. Judge Evans apparently lied in her order in this regard.
The various rulings of Judge Evans in this case were not fair or logical and showed a partiality to the Plaintiffs from the very beginning. There are 416 sentences in this Order Granting Summary Judgment. TWO HUNDRED AND TEN (210) of the 416 are false or incorrect. This is not “directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling;†this is BIAS; this is incompetence; this is a lack of integrity; this is impropriety; this is illegal.
The constitutional rights of the Defendants were violated repeatedly. Judge Evans continues to violate the Canons and my Constitutional rights by refusing to recuse herself and continuing to make biased rulings.
The Defendants were denied the most basic discovery. Judge Evans actually issued an order denying the Defendants the right to receive the names and contact information for needed witnesses.
Judge Evans denied me, a pro se party, the ability to conduct a 30(b)(6) examination of the Plaintiffs. [Docket # 184.]
Judge Evans violated the law and manufactured her own law and facts to rule against the Defendants. Judge Evans included alleged facts in her orders that were not even presented by the Plaintiffs or the Defendants.
The ruling in this case would establish a major number of astonishing precedents that change important laws in Georgia and in the country. Please see the list in my original complaint.
I will spend the rest of my life telling the world the story about this lawsuit and the federal courts in Atlanta. I plan to title my book “Lawless America.†I have been too busy to add much to a web site I have set up, but I do plan to add everything to www.JudgeEvansComplaint.com.
This Judicial Council needs to have a hearing on this matter. Please do not sweep this under the rug with another canned response. Judge Evans needs to be removed as a judge and disbarred.
William M. Windsor