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This is Shonda Hargrove of Red Oak, Texas. She is the wife of Casey P. Hargrove and the daughter-in-law of Clyde Hargrove. I don’t know her, but I believe she may have defamed me hundreds of times.
I believe either Shonda Hargrove or Casey Hargrove, or perhaps both, write as “Ginger Snap” on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com.
Ginger Snap is a pretty good writer, and after looking at photographs of Casey Hargrove, he looks to me like a big oaf. It’s a little hard to envision that Casey Hargrove of Red Oak Texas can write. Shonda Hargrove looks like she could be mean enough to be Ginger Snap.
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Casey P. Hargrove of Red Oak Texas |
If you haven’t been keeping up with Lawless America and me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/billwindsor1 or www.LawlessAmerica.org, you may be surprised to learn that a gang of cyberstalkers has viciously defamed William M. Windsor with thousands of false and defamatory statements online.
I have just completed reading 276 published articles by Ginger Snap that are either about me or refer to me. If Ginger Snap is Shonda Hargrove or Casey Hargrove of Red Oak Texas, or daddy Clyde Hargrove, I demand a retraction and correction of everything that has been written. The person or persons responsible for the published statements of “Ginger Snap” should email me at nobodies@att.net with GINGER SNAP in capital letters in the subject line. Please provide a date, time, and phone number when you can talk. I will go through all 276 articles with you on the phone, and I will identify every false and/or defamatory statement so you will know what to write in your correction and retraction.
If Shonda Hargrove, Casey Hargrove, and/or Clyde Hargrove claim they are not Ginger Snap, then call and tell me that on the phone. I will record the call. Then you need to sign a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury so stating.
At last count, on the Joeyisalittlekid website, there are over 320 articles filling over 7,000 pages, written by about 700 screen names, 95% of which are aliases or anonymous. I am reading as much as I can each day, and I will publish all the false and/or defamatory statements as time permits.
Here are just a few of the false and/or defamatory statements published by Ginger Snap:
122 of the 276 published articles on Joeyisalittlekid’s website (“JIALK”) either accuse me of a crime or imply that I have committed a crime. (67 stalking; 17 scam; 14 con; 3 mail fraud; 12 tax fraud; 40 terrorist activities; 4 blackmail.) In three articles, Ginger Snap indicated that I plan to kill government officials. These statistics apply only the published articles, not the approximately 40,000 published comments added to the articles. I have never committed any such crime. I have never planned to kill any government official, and I would never kill anyone or have anyone else kill someone.
On February 5, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “Day One of Failure In DC is In The History Books — Several dozens of followers gathered in a small room yesterday to start the movement that will change the this Country forever. The group represents a diverse congregation of criminals, malcontents and psychopaths.” This is a totally false report. There were many false reports about the event by Ginger Snap. There were approximately 300 people in a large room, and the event was most definitely a success. This does, however, illustrate very nicely that what Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang does is intentionally make false and defamatory statements. There were photographs, a live video, and 300 or more witnesses. The Joeys don’t care about the truth; their mission is defamation at all costs; the bigger the lie, the better.
37 of the 276 published articles on JIALK describe me as a Hitler or a Nazi. 40 of the 276 published articles on JIALK refer to me as a terrorist. I have been routinely called anti-American, and I have been falsely branded a “Sovereign Citizen.” I am not a Hitler or a Nazi. I am not a terrorist. I am not a Sovereign Citizen.
On January 28, 2014, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I am anti-American. And, he/she/it falsely and maliciously claimed that I recorded a video a year before in which I spent over 30 minutes explaining how I wanted to “destroy America and replace it with his own form of dictatorial anarchy.” There is no such video, and I have no such thoughts. But people who read this garbage may believe it’s true. That is part of the damage that comes from this defamation. Now I do appreciate this one, however, because the video that I did record in late January 2013 will prove that this article is false and that Ginger Snap knew it was false. That’s malice, and that’s the worst form of defamation.
On March 10, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “…no one in Congress ever even knew he came, much less spent the time to listen to his dvd.” And “And with only about a dozen avid followers at this point, there isn’t much left to milk out of this Lawless America scam.” Lawless America is not a scam. A scam is a criminal act, and I have not committed any crimes.
Ginger Snap also published this: “And he’s little more than a slum lord of the internet so if anyone legit came looking now they’d run away.” The only reason anyone will run away is the outrageous defamation by Ginger Snap and the other Joeys. I am not a slumlord. I believe Joeyisalittlekid could be considered such.
Ginger Snap has published many articles on JIALK claiming I am a failure and a lowlife. On August 9, 2013: “he has no job, no family, no life, no purpose or even reason for existing.” On August 7, 2013: “…no one even cares that he exists….” And “…he can’t get anyone to pay attention to him….” On July 29, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I “…failed as a son, husband, father, grandfather, RV owner, movie producer, activist, taxpayer, author, business owner, being a human being….” On March 28, 2014, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I “didn’t accomplish one single thing… not one tangible accomplishment.” On July 12, 2013: “He has no life, literally. No family, No job. No purpose for even waking up in the morning other than his own invented reasons.” On June 18, 2013: “he has no moral character and below average intelligence. This is why he has fundamentally failed at every single endeavor he has embarked on, and will continue to fail until his body has finally cease and desisted….” On June 16, 2013: “He has failed as a stalker, he has failed as a bully, a father, a grandfather, an American, a son, a husband, and as a human being.” On June 4, 2013: “…you are not a grandfather, you are not a father, you are not a husband and you are not even a man.” On May 16, 2013: “he failed as a son, a father, a husband, a granddad, a student, a businessmen (many many many many times), a terrorist, a webpage owner, a facebook page owner, a networker, an RV driver, diet, victim’s advocate, a member of the press, a protest organizer, a book publisher, a movie producer, a pro se litigant, a bully, trip organizer, radio show producer, a home owner, politician for office, and much much more.” I have been very successful in my life. I disagree with all of this except RV driver and diet; I wasn’t comfortable driving an RV, and I haven’t done well with most diets. I never ran for political office, so that doesn’t count. I’m not a stalker. I’m not a bully. The rest of this is atrocious defamation of me as a human being and in my profession.
On September 19, 2013, Ginger Snap published an unbelievable statement on JIALK after I published that my father would be celebrating his 95th birthday. Ginger Snap published this: “…he also would have been wishing for death knowing the monster his oldest son turned in to.” Talk about malice!
On February 2, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I am “a fat, lazy, stupid, egocentric, hate filled, fraudulent, lying monster….” Ginger Snap published many, many times that I am a liar. I am not, and Ginger Snap will never be able to show that I lied about anything when we go to court. This defamed me in my profession.
On April 26, 2013, Ginger Snap published that: “I have millions hidden in my wife’s name.” This is absolutely false, and it defames me in my profession.
Ginger Snap published an article on JIALK on January 7, 2014 in which Ginger Snap accused me of defrauding Facebook and its users. “Bill Windsor had 50,000 ‘likes’ at one time (or close to it) on his public page but as we looked in to those profiles, the overwhelming majority of those likes were from fake profiles. So Windsor defrauded Facebook with these likes in the first place and once we exposed his lie he hid all the likes. He used, for free, FB’s page to go out and lure people in to signing up with his fake movie he would never produce and then solidified it by artificially inflating his ‘likes’ on his FB page to deceive people in to thinking he had a big following. The usual slap on the wrist just won’t do here. Facebook needs to show everyone what happens when you defraud them and users nationwide like Bill did.” Well, I didn’t commit fraud. I didn’t hide any likes. I never lured people into signing up for a fake movie.
In other articles and published comments, the Joeys gang claimed the Lawless America Facebook page was removed for reasons other than what I published. All of this was false, lies made up for the purpose of defaming me. I don’t know that I ever published this before, but here is the screenshot of the Facebook message that I received when I logged into the Lawless America Facebook page on June 22, 2013:
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There was NEVER any nudity, pornography, or solicitation of sex on the Lawless America Facebook page, and I SENT PROOF TO FACEBOOK. Facebook ignored the proof.
Ginger Snap repeatedly published false and defamatory statements that were false by omission. For example, Ginger Snap published repeatedly that I had a plan to create citizen grand juries. But the TalkShoe recordings, the videos, the articles on www.LawlessAmerica.com and Facebook all show that the grand jury effort was with county, state and federal grand juries convened under state or federal law.
Ginger Snap published that I am a vexatious litigant. But Ginger Snap had complete documentation that provides absolute proof that I have never done anything vexatious and that an alleged federal court claiming I was vexatious is a void order. By ignoring all of that evidence and not attempting to rebut any of it, because to do so would be impossible, I was defamed by omission.
Ginger Snap both published and implied that I did something wrong in the Maid of the Mist case. I didn’t. I was sued by Maid of the Mist, and they made up the lawsuit. Maid of the Mist’s managers admitted in their depositions that 46 of the 50 sworn paragraphs in the lawsuit (everything but the boilerplate paragraphs) were false. The judge was corrupt, but Ginger Snap chose to ignore the overwhelming evidence of this and paint a picture that I was wrong. This is defamation by omission. The evidence was all on LawlessAmerica.com, so Ginger Snap had an obligation to review it. Ginger Snap can’t refute the evidence, so it is ignored so that the Maid of the Mist case can be maliciously used to defame me.
This is repeated by Ginger Snap ever since October 2012 when JIALK began defaming me. The facts and evidence are intentionally ignored. Take for example an article published by Ginger Snap on JIALK on February 7, 2014. No one in their right mind could say that I have not provided overwhelming evidence that the employee of the University of Montana who I have written about on www.SeanBoushie.com has committed many crimes, has cyberstalked me, has threatend me, and more. The evidence is online and in court filings that have been sent to the defendants in Windsor v. Joeyisalittlekid, et al. But in this article, Ginger Snap ignores all the evidence, the proof of the perjury of Soushie, and presents that I was wrong. This is what Ginger Snap does, because he/she/it has to ignore and/or distort the truth. The truth is Ginger Snap’s enemy. And one of the nice things about JIALK is that NothingBetterToDoToday and Ginger Snap have elsewhere in the 8,000 or so pages noted that Soushie is a liar, a cyberstalker, and more. In an article on October 14, 2013, Ginger Snap even published that he/she/it had evidence that Soushie was sending me cyberstalking and/or threat messages from University of Montana computers. And on December 30, 2013, Ginger Snap published this about Soushie: “He then compounded his mistake by misleading the court in saying he has never emailed Bill.” But fast forward to February 7, 2014, and Ginger Snap lies and ignores the evidence about Soushie, because it was convenient.
On February 26, 2014, Ginger Snap published an article on JIALK that expresses that I made up a story about a car in front of me on the interstate in Montana bursting into flames as part of a murder attempt by Soushie. The article claims I quickly got out of my car and took some photos of the incident. My published report is very precise that I snapped some photos while driving and that I was afraid to get out of the car. But the extreme defamation by omission is that I received an email from Soushie in which he said he missed when he shot at me, indicating he was surprised by how the other car exploded. This was fully documented, and I published the email, but Ginger Snap says I made up the story because that way I can be defamed.
Quite often, Ginger Snap simply lies — blatant false statements. For example, on February 21, 2014, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “He then brought in a new phrase to his lexicon by saying he didn’t propose citizen grand juries but rather “Special Regulatory Grand Juries” despite the mountains of documents and videos where he did propose citizen grand juries.” There are no mountains of documents or videos. To the contrary, there are tens of hours of recorded programs about county, state, and federal grand juries convened under state or federal law. There are at least a dozen articles about this, and there are a number of articles and recorded programs about the proposed legislation to create “special regulatory grand juries.” It is a link near the top right column of EVERY PAGE on www.LawlessAmerica.com. There is not one article or recorded program with ANY specific proposal as to what a so-called “citizen grand jury” would mean, and it was excruciatingly clear that the effort was to reach government-organized grand juries with criminal charges against crooks.
Ginger Snap repeatedly published that I was vexatious and file frivolous lawsuits, yet Ginger Snap never provided any evidence of this. I am not vexatious, and I have never filed anything that was frivolous. Ginger Snap’s M.O. is to take something completely out of context and make it the topic. This is deceptive, and it usually amounts to defamation by omission. Frivolous means no basis in fact or law, so Ginger Snap, be ready to document how my court filings have had no basis in fact or law. You won’t be able to. You have defamed me…but you are smart enough to realize that.
The attempts to declare that I am a Sovereign Citizen are especially heinous. Ginger Snap has published that since I have met people who seem to be Sovereign Citizens, then I am a Sovereign Citizen. This is, of course, ludicrous. I am not now and never have been a Sovereign Citizen. I have never and will never support violence of any type. I have never and will never support an overthrow of the government.
On February 27, 2014, Ginger Snap published an article on JIALK written by NothingbetterToDoToday that claims that “GRIP and Lawless America were formed by Bill Windsor to take action based on the political views and methods of change advocated by several radical groups.” This is absolutely false. I never did anything based on anything advocated by a radical group. I have never been associated with any radical group, and my ideas have been my own, along with many ideas for legal reform presented to me by housewives, doctors, maintenance personnel, attorneys, diabled people, veterans, and a wide variety of others.
There are MANY published statements on JIALK that charge me with tax fraud and luring people to make donations under the guise that the donations would be tax exempt. But Ginger Snap told the partial truth on February 19, 2014 when this was published about my very clear statement that I never said any donation was tax-deductible: “…yeah you said they might be.” The operative word here is “might.” When the non-profit entity was first chartered in late January 2013, it seems I did say that donations might be tax-deductible on TalkShoe. I subsequently made it clear that (a) I had learned that they were not, and (b) that I would no longer accept any donations and would only seek funding from a foundation or someone extremely rich. Despite the fact that Ginger Snap knows the truth, the false and malicious charges that I committed tax fraud fill the pages of JIALK and have not been corrected, retracted, or removed.
On January 15, 2014, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I never told people who were filmed for the movie that I needed financing for the movie. Ginger Snap published this: “Nope, that little issue was never raised until now.” This is absolutely false, and Ginger Snap has read the pages of this website and listened to TalkShoe shows to know that I explained from the very beginning that we would need financing to do the film properly. This is false. It’s defamation, and the fact that Ginger Snap has documents and audio files that prove this is false, well, that’s malice…the worst form of defamation.
Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang have repeatedly claimed that I have warped political views that are a danger to society. This is truly sick and defamatory. My beliefs have been well-documented. I support honesty in government, protection of our fundamental human rights, protection of our rights allegedly protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and I want to see government officials held accountable for being honest and protecting these rights. I was part of a group that presented proposed legislation ideas to Congress. These legislation ideas were developed through the input of hundreds of people who were filmed for Lawless America…The Movie. These are primarily common sense proposals that will correct the problems that we have today in our legal system. By ignoring the content of my “political views” and claiming I am anti-government and a danger to society is outrageous and constitutes defamation by omission.
On January 14, 2014, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “[he] hates America. He has said that our soldiers all died in vain. He wants to destroy our Nation and install his own form of vigilante justice as he, and only he, sees fit. Fortunately, he will never accomplish this as he isn’t very good at anything, in fact he is far below average.” I don’t hate America. I do believe that we have lost the fundamental rights that our military allegedly fights for. I have never ever said anything about destroying our nation or using vigilante justice. And I am good at many things, including documenting criminal activity and defamation by Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang. There is no evidence that I hate America, but there is plenty of evidence where I say just the opposite. There is absolutely no evidence that I want to “destroy our nation.” There is absolutely no evidence that I want any part of “vigilante justice.” There is plenty of evidence that I don’t want any part of anything violent, and that I don’t want any part of doing anything illegal. October 27, 2012 article — April 27, 2013 article — February 13, 2013 article This is what Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang do: They make up complete, total lies as part of their expressed goal to destroy me and the movie. There is no defense for what they do. They don’t do this out of a belief that this is true; they know it’s all a lie and a distortion. That’s what they do. No one could be that dumb. Sick maybe, but not dumb like that. These people can read and write.
On February 17, 2014 in JIALK, Ginger Snap published: “Gene Paulson was a founding father of Lawless America or its starter group GRIP. Well Gene didn’t get the the cease and desist memo from Bill about that citizen grand jury stunt Bill had planned last year. He went ahead and tried it, and … Paulson now faces up to 7 years in prison for merely carrying out what Bill had told him and hundreds of people to do. … Why is it that their vigilante justice always ends badly for them?” This is horribly false and defamatory. First, Gene Paulson was not a founding father of Lawless America. Second, I had no “citizen grand jury stunt planned lasy year.” Third, I never told Gene Paulson or anyone to do anything with a citizens grand jury. Fourth, I have never had anything to do with “vigilante justice.”
I could type for the rest of my life and likely never finish listing all the defamation and refuting it. It’s easier to say that I beleve that virtually everything they have published is either false or intended to distort or hide the truth and defame me.
Ginger Snap has published many false and defamatory things about me on JIALK. Here are some more lowlights: On April 30, 2013: “a lonely, perverted old man.” On May 2, 2013: “crazy perverted old man.” On May 9, 2013: “A very lonely, single and perverted old man….” On May 13, 2013: “creepy old pervert.” On May 20, 2013: “attention whore who no longer has any real family whatsoever.” On May 20, 2013: “this is a rabid psychotic on the loose and until he ends up either behind bars or institutionalized.” On May 21, 2013: “There will not be a movie, tv show, or even a book, but we are all getting a 24/7 look at the ugliest kind of person..a self absorbed, self centred, egotistical tyrant….” On May 25, 2013: “At this point…forced institutionalization is the only appropriate option.” On May 28, 2013: “complete detachment from reality.” On May 29, 2013: “expose you to the world for the liar and fraud you really are.” On June 3, 2013: “the old, lonely, sexually perverse, American hating terrorist is just about gone. He can’t even go once sentence without losing his train of thought, or lack thereof. His body is pale, swollen, and you can visibly see his shaking hands increase in intensity. His mind is consumed with his haters and his uncontrollable desire to have vengeance. Soon his body will cease and desist, and it will finally be a brand new day for everyone else.” On June 7, 2013: “Much like his entire life is a waste, he has a way of brining others down in to the muck that he resides in.” On June 18, 2013: “he has no moral character and below average intelligence.” On July 8, 2013: “this monster.” On July 9, 2013: “mindless monster.” On July 11, 2013: “People like [him] are what is wrong with society. They are the cancer, and they must be exposed to the world as the deadly sickness that they are.” On July 16, 2013: “proclivity to sexual perversion.” On July 17, 2013: “[he] spends his life trying to avoid actual work.” On February 2, 2013: “a fat, lazy, stupid, egocentric, hate filled, fraudulent, lying monster….” This is all false and defamatory. I do have a termor in my left hand, and it has become much worse from all the defamation.
On December 22, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK, allegedly written by OReader: “WE know that YOU are just one very mentally disturbed fucked up Asshole.” OReader obviously isn’t a class act. OReader is a pathological liar with a foul mouth.
On November 11, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I was alive but most certainly not well: “He is an evil, sick, perverted terrorist, who most of all is a narcissist.” Ginger Snap went on to say that I have been committing crimes as a “con.” I’ve never conned anyone, haven’t committed any crimes, am not evil, and not perverted, and am not a terrorist. Ginger Snap even spelled my name wrong.
One of the favorite things for Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang to write about is lying. It’s an area of expertise for them. They have falsely and maliciously claimed hundreds of times that I have lied. I haven’t, and they can never prove I have because there is no evidence of something that didn’t happen. On December 13, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “…he must submit his lie to court so that he can get extra time to develop his new lies. The reality is that Windsor has so many vexatious cases going right now he can’t keep them all straight. While he was busy trying to subpoena a cookie in Kansas, he forgot that his answer to [Soushie’s] motion for dismissal was due. That is when it became imperative to hit his head on the ice. And his lie paid off, he was able to buy an extra two weeks in Montana which is now due on the 20th. Its funny how kids break in to his car and only take his laptop, or his slips on ice right before he is due to answer in court. Once we look at his life we can see that this is only par for the course. Windsor has been lying to take advantages of loopholes in our legal system all his adult life. In fact, that may be the only thing he is really good at doing.” As I recall, Soushie didn’t properly serve me with his motion. It wasn’t mailed when it was supposed to be mailed, and it wasn’t sent to the correct address. When it arrived, I immediately dealt with it. I didn’t hit my head on purpose. What a pathetic lie that is. I slipped, fell, fractured my skull, lost the hearing in my right ear, and was in intensive care. There is plenty of documentation of this. Just as there is a police report and photos of the break-in to my Jeep as well as a list of stolen items. So, Ginger Snap, please provide me with your evidence that I lied about the break-in, that I lied about the slip and fractured skull, and please provide evidence of every loophole in our legal system that I have improperly taken advantage of. You can provide no proof because you are the leader of the guilty in the biggest defamation case in history.
Ginger Snap has published false statements repeatedly about my health. On October 18, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “He did release a facebook message last week saying that he was ok, and he was not planning on having his surgery until December for his made up problem. For those scoring at home, that means he made up a bogus excuse for missing out on his hearing in Missouri.” I never made up a problem, and I never made up a bogus excuse for needing to cancel a hearing in Missouri. Anyone reading this garbage has to see that Ginger Snap and the Joeys lie about just about everything. I have the reports from the doctor and the surgeon. One of the Joeys even played doctor and tried to claim that a hernia and an abdominal tear cannot be related. None of the Joeys seem to be brain surgeons much less abdominal surgeons. Just pathological liars. A hernia is the result of a weakness in the abdominal wall. In my case, a tiny hiatal hernia tore upen creating a huge tear in my abdominal wall, and I’ve got the doctor’s bills to prove it. The only reason to defame me over a health issue is because they thought they could get away with it. They won’t get away with it in court.
Here’s one of my personal favorite articles by Ginger Snap on JIALK, January 20, 2014: “[Joey Dauben] wasn’t trying to deceive people he just never learned that there are two sides to every story. His zeal and arrogance caused him to libel many people. Thats the main reason this blog ever started was a way to give his victims and others a chance to tell the other side of the story that Joey ignored.” What an absolutely incredible thing for Ginger Snap to publish. As I see it, Ginger Snap and the Joeys gang operate with one overriding consideration: ignore the truth and the facts; just grab some little statement and twist it out of context, and use it to defame Windsor. The Joeyisalittlekid website is for the purpose of defaming me. They’ve admitted it in writing. They always ignore the truth. None of these people could believe much that they publish. I refuse to believe that people could be that dumb and irresponsible. They knew exactly what they were doing, and they conspired openly as a group to do all they could to destroy me and the movie.
On August 20, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK, written allegedly by Ollie Reader: “Much of [Bill’s] auto-biography has been debunked as fiction on this blog and elsewhere. He is NOT the “Grandfather” of the apparel-printing industry. He did NOT publish a book. He has NOT managed large companies. He appears to have lost every lawsuit he filed or had filed against him which made it to the courts (dozens of them). He failed at two runs for elected office. His self-proclaimed “founding” of “The Revolutionary Party” was a complete failure. His ‘founding’ of the cult-like group he calls Lawless America has bombed. And as of recent, [Bill] has become obsessed with his own green eyes, touting that it makes him special, as he’s a member of a 2% class. Yet [Bill] demands to be recognized as superior and special. Claiming to e an “expert” at many things [Bill] professes to be an expert at Judicial Corruption, Grand Juries, Journalism, Movie Production, and so much more. He is not, by any stretch of the imagination an expert at anything—except, unfortunately, avoiding being punished for the harm he intentionally causes others.” NOTHING in my biography is fiction — not a word.
On August 27, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK, allegedly written by Yappy (who i believe to be Melanie White): “He sure is able to tell quite the fairytales on about almost any subject he dreams up. 99% of Windsor’s world are complete fabrications when fact-checked.” This is outrageous. Okay, Joeys, let’s see the evidence of everything that you claim is a fabrication. There has been nothing fabricated. Correct and retract this now.
Yappy goes on to publish the following on JIALK: “I believe [Bill] is a prolific life-long con artist has been able to get away with his con’s for over 40 years large in part because he moved frequently and there was no one keeping track. What troubles Bill the most about a blog like this exposing exactly what he is (with his own words and actions) is the fact he can no longer get away with what he’s doing to others. That’s why he’s in a rage and is attacking everyone he can locate. His scams are exposed, the jig is up. He knows no other way of life but the con and to take his ability to con and scam away, takes away his entire meaning in life. When we take a close look at [him] – the conman – what do we see that fits with every other sociopathic-con man? Below is a great piece that describe’s [Bill], the career con man sociopath. … I’m so ready for an ending to this horrible fake life of the lawless man. In my opinion, there’s no question we’re watching a self-destructive mentally-ill man run around the USA continuing to hurt many people. As much as we’d wish Windsor would stop, pack it up, call it a day and crawl back to his wife and family begging for forgiveness, that’s never going to happen. It won’t happen because [he] isn’t wired like the rest of us. He’s incapable of real love, real emotions and real connections. He is heartless to those he harms, in fact, he gets a sickening pleasurable high off of hurting others. The only way to stop him from hurting, stalking and harassing others is to take away his “drug of choice”. To do so, we need law enforcement and his family to step in and stop this monster. We need a true selfless real American hero to step up to the plate and put an end to the insanity!” I have never conned anyone. I’ve never operated a scam. I am not mentally ill, though I might need some serious therapy after reading all of the defamation by the Joeys. I’ve never stalked anyone. I am not a monster. I am absolutely capable of real love, real emotions, and real connections. I cannot even summon up words to respond to this, but scum of the earth does come to mind. Yappy is a horrible person who has defamed me in ways that I hope will curl the toenails of the jurors. Yappy is actually much worse than Ginger Snap.
On February 19, 2014, Ginger Snap admitted in a published statement on JIALK the goal of the Joeys gang after commenting that I had written that “These people have all but ‘killed’ Lawless America.” Ginger Snap then published: “…good that was the goal….”
One of the key elements of this was for Ginger Snap to “label” articles with tags that are used by Google and the search engines to find articles. The labeling turned hundreds of articles into articles based upon the defamatory “labels.” 52 of the 276 articles on JIALK talk about my marriage, children, grandchildren, parents and their funerals, or other family members. 15 of the 276 articles on JIALK talk about me being a sexual deviant. 18 of the articles on JIALK have labeled me as a “sexual pervert.” On February 26, 2013, Ginger Snap published this in response to a statement that I made in the Windsor v. Joeyisalittlekid, et al lawsuit that Defendants claim to be tracking my Internet activity: “…you mean like how you like to search for escort services?” On October 8, 2012 at 3:41 pm, ColdiCase defamed me in his profession by publishing that I was involved in trying to get two of the subjects filmed by me for the documentary to participate in a lesbian adult film: “So while Presley is hanging with her “Scissor Sister” Connie while [Bill] is explaining to them how doing a lesbian adult film is the best way to fight judicial injustice ….” 16 of the 276 published articles on JIALK claim that I was committing a “con” with my movie filming. 102 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as operating a scam. 19 of the 276 articles on JIALK specifically discuss that I was operating a “scam” with the movie filming. 36 of the 276 articles on JIALK call my movie a “fake movie.” 81 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled my work as a “fake movie.” On October 11, 2012, OReader published this on JIALK: “Yeah, anybody that is involved in this little movie is basically going to have all credibility ripped from them.” OReader knows nothing about what will be featured in the movie, and there will be nothing but well-vetted stories used as I made clear a number of times on TalkShoe as well as regularly as I filmed. 14 of the 276 published articles on JIALK address my income taxes or claims of tax fraud. 37 of the 276 published articles on JIALK describe or have labeled me as a Hitler or a Nazi. 40 of the 276 published articles on JIALK referred to me as a terrorist. I have been routinely called anti-american, and I have been falsely branded a “Sovereign Citizen.” 132 of the articles on JIALK have labeled me as “anti- American.” Many articles belittled people who were filmed for the documentary by me. 73 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as a “failure.” 43 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as having a “mental disorder.” 122 of the 276 published articles on JIALK either accuse me of a crime or impute that I have committed a crime. (67 stalking; 17 scam; 14 con; 3 mail fraud; 12 tax fraud; 40 terrorist activities; 4 blackmail.) 102 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as operating a scam. 61 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as a terrorist. 10 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as committing mail fraud. 14 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as committing tax fraud. 48 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as a proponent of vigilante justice. 18 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid. blogspot.com have labeled me as a “sexual pervert.” 65 of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as a cyberstalker. Four of the articles on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com have labeled me as a blackmailer. In three articles, Ginger Snap has indicated that I had plans to kill government officials. These statistics address only the published articles, not the approximately 40,000 published comments added to the articles. The only word for the extent of the defamation is UNPRECEDENTED.
The defamation is not limited to published information online. There are also videos and audio recordings — slander. On October 15, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that “its time to celebrate the death of lawless america and its fake movie with a big preview of our own movie….” So, the Joeys gang celebrated that they killed Lawless America. They called my business work a fake hundreds of times, calling it a “fake movie.” At last count, I came up with copies of over 50 defamatory videos desigend to destroy me and the movie.
Ginger Snap didn’t do a good job of concealing the motives and the objectives for working to destroy me and the movie. On May 21, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “This blog, and others will be what writes his obituary, at least in terms of the internet. And as Bill knows, it doesn’t really matter what is said on your tombstone its what google says about you in the end. He has literally destroyed the Windsor name and reduced it to trash… Bill knows he is losing this battle, and the more he tries to lash out, the more we can cement his legacy as to what it really is…not the windsor spin.” On September 9, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “His internet footprint has been cemented, and it will follow him wherever he goes.” On October 7, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “His name is mud, his family’s name is trashed and it will forever be that way on the internet. The very thing he wanted to do to his ‘haters’ has been done to him and now the jig is up. There is nothing left for him to try now but make up and fake his own illness and declare a draw and run away. To that end my goal with Bill is finally accomplished….albeit one that took much longer than I had anticipated. I despise frauds in whatever capacity and Bill represented it at its most raw and basic level. The only way to stop people like him is to fully expose them to the world for what they really are. [Bill] will forever be known for what he really is, not what he claims to be. That is internet justice or karma or whatever you want to call it.” On January 18, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “Have you googled yourself lately Bill?” On January 27, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “…we are doing a pretty good job with your internet legacy ‘old white fat man.’” On January 29, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “We are killing your name in the google world….” On February 10, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “I know frauds like you, and I despise them, much like your local courts. In the end, they will own you personally, but I will own you online.” In an email, I asked Ginger Snap this: “Hey, how do you own me online? What does that mean? Ginger Snap responded: “…when I speak of ‘owning you online,’ its in terms of what you wanted to do to people like [Soushie] as in google domination. I admit I’m not quite there yet (about a half a page short at present), but when its all said an done with, when people google you or lawless America they will quickly see my blog, as did the DOJ. And that’s what I mean by ‘owning’ you.”
Ginger Snap has lately been publishing comments claiming that I am a public figure. That’s ridiculous. Ginger Snap wrote this: [Bill says he is] “a self proclaimed public figure.” No, I am not a public figure, never have been, and I darn sure never proclaimed that I was. Ginger Snap and the Joeys may be suffering delusions that they can say anything they like about me that is false and defamatory because you can sometimes do that with public figures and get away with it. This shows just how arrogant this gang is. Both federal and Texas case law make it very clear that I am not a “public figure.” I am not famous. I am not a celebrity. I am not a movie star, sports hero, government official, politician, or business leader. I haven’t achieved public notoriety. An all-purpose public figure is one who has a continuous and powerful influence on public matters. A public official is a person who holds a position of authority in the government and would be of interest to the public even if the controversy in question had not occurred. All-purpose public figures are those whose fame reaches widely and pervasively throughout society. I have no influence on public matters, much less continuous and powerful influence. Whether a person is a public figure is a question of law. Rosenblatt v. Baer, 383 U.S. 75, 88 (1966); WFAA-TV, Inc. v. McLemore, 978 S.W.2d 568, 571 (Tex. 1998). The rationale behind the public figure doctrine is that the public figure has reached such a level of prominence in the affairs of society that it is risking or inviting the spotlight of public attention and comment, or that it is attempting to influence the resolution of issues involved in the controversy. See Gertz, 418 U.S. at 345; Time, Inc. v. Firestone, 424 U.S. 448, 453 (1976); see also Hutchinson v. Proxmire, 443 U.S. 111, 136 (1979) (“regular and continuing access to the media” is “one of the accouterments of having become a public figure”). See Gertz, 418 U.S. at 352; Einhorn v. LaChance, 823 S.W.2d 405, 412 (Tex. App._Houston [1st Dist.] 1992, writ dism’d w.o.j.); Allied Marketing Group, Inc. v. Paramount Pictures Corp., No. 05-99-00165-CV (Tex.App. Dist.5 03/17/2000).) In Gertz, the Court held that a person may become a public figure if: (1) he achieves so much fame or notoriety that he becomes a pubic figure for all purposes and in all contexts…. (Swate v. Schiffers, 975 S.W.2d 70, 26 Media L. Rep. 2258 (Tex.App. Dist.4 04/30/1998).) The fact that I have engaged in political activity and/or film production does not elevate me to public figure status. Obviously a very successful activist or filmmaker might reach that status, but my activities are unknown to all but the direct participants. We need to go no further than to the pages of JIALK to see that the Defendants make it clear that I am not a public figure. On August 9, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: [I have] “…no job, no family, no life, no purpose or even reason for existing.” On August 7, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “…no one even cares that he exists….” And “…he can’t get anyone to pay attention to him….” On July 29, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I have “…failed as a son, husband, father, grandfather, RV owner, movie producer, activist, taxpayer, author, business owner, being a human being….” On March 28, 2014, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that I “didn’t accomplish one single thing… not one tangible accomplishment.” On July 12, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “He has no life, literally. No family, No job. No purpose for even waking up in the morning other than his own invented reasons.” On June 18, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “he has no moral character and below average intelligence. This is why he has fundamentally failed at every single endeavor he has embarked on, and will continue to fail until his body has finally cease and desisted….” On June 16, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “He has failed as a stalker, he has failed as a bully, a father, a grandfather, an American, a son, a husband, and as a human being.” On June 4, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: “…you are not a grandfather, you are not a father, you are not a husband and you are not even a man.” On May 16, 2013, Ginger Snap published this on JIALK: [He has] “failed as a son, a father, a husband, a granddad, a student, a businessmen (many many many many times), a terrorist, a webpage owner, a facebook page owner, a networker, an RV driver, diet, victim’s advocate, a member of the press, a protest organizer, a book publisher, a movie producer, a pro se litigant, a bully, trip organizer, radio show producer, a home owner, politician for office, and much much more.” Gee, JIALK has published that I am nothing, so clearly I am not a public figure.
And on September 17, 2013, Ginger Snap admitted that the published statements of the Joeys have nothing to do with a public controversy: “At the end of the day he can’t take away our right to espousing an opinion on our own site about the things and words he chooses to make public. His continued over the top threats and resorting to racketeering is his way of admitting defeat. Just like his movie…after all that time, money and effort he has nothing.” Another criminal accusation. I have never participated in racketeering. Ginger Snap also published this outrageous criminal charge: “So the man who supports convicted murderers, engages in stalking, harassing, slandering, lying, mail fraud, cyber hacking, and internet threats has turned to blackmail….” I have only supported convicted murderers if I suspected that they were wrongfully convicted or denied important rights, I have not stalked anyone, harassed anyone, slandered anyone, lied, committed mail fraud, cyberhacked, threatened anyone, or blackmailed anyone. Ginger Snap will publish anything false that he/she/it feels will damage me and the movie.
On August 27, 2013, Ginger Snap published an article allegedly written by lawlessnomore (who I believe is Michelle Stilipec). “While Bill sees a civil conspiracy in the faces of the people gathered here, I see a national neighborhood watch working in cooperation with law enforcement for the safety of the public.” So, this very nicely admits that the published statements of the Joeys are not in response to a public controversy; it’s a public safety issue. Thanks, Michelle. Imagined public safety issues are not public controversies, so you have zero protection against your defamation.
The article by lawlessnomore takes the position that I am on a death drive, that I plan to be killed. “What is left of him but a vampiric like creature that stalks the living in search of lifeblood (in this case wealth and notoriety). Malignant self-love has rendered him unable to contemplate a world without his existence, and yet this conflicts with the pleasure principle, his desire to avoid pain. His final solution lies in manipulating the events of the suicide to look like murder. If Windsor can trap his victim into pulling the trigger, Bill dies believing that he has achieved immortality as a martyr and the ultimate revenge in his victim punished for murder.” Words escape me. This woman is truly sick.
On December 16, 2013, Ginger Snap published on JIALK that the purpose of the JIALK website has been to keep me from getting more victims to scam: “Then the kicker, he has people refusing to be scammed by him thanks to all this online exposure, and while that ticks him off it makes me smile. He is directly giving us credit for not being able to get more victims of his scams thanks to the continual exposure.” I’ve never scammed anyone. But, my business is not a public controversy, so guess what? This is wonderful evidence that the purpose of the defamation was not related to a public controversy; it was directed at me personally and my business. This means in the legal world of defamation, I only have to prove negligence. And I can prove negligence big-time.
On January 15, 2014, Ginger Snap did publish an article on JIALK in which he/she/it claimed that “Published statements that I am a pedophile never happened on this blog, a pedophile lover never stated, anti-gay never, bigoted nope, a tax evader your own divorce filing states that you haven’t filed a tax return in 3 years, a criminal operating a scam didn’t call you a criminal but where is the movie?, a terrorist Paper terrorism refers to the use of false liens, frivolous lawsuits, bogus letters of credit, and other ungrounded legal documents to harass others, especially against government officials. It is the filing and sending of false documents to intimidate police, government officials and private citizens., a sexual deviant you asked to hear people’s stories of rape and incest, oh and you posted a screen shot of you surfing porn, a liar where is the movie?, and a con man are false where is the movie?” But JIALK does have many published statements calling me a pedophile and a tax evader, stating repeatedly that I was operating a scam, that I am a terrorist, a sexual deviant, a con man, and a liar. I never published a screenshot of surfing porn; I published a screenshot of links that were sent to me when I receive a barrage of sex-related spam emails at the same time that JIALK gang members were publishing that they were sending prostitutes to me hotel room, etc. Filming people’s stories does not make one a sexual deviant, as Ginger Snap well knows. My divorce papers do not say that I haven’t filed a tax return for three years. But I do appreciate the evidence, Ginger Snap. Now cease and desist, and publish corrections and retractions of all 8,000 pages of JIALK and every other site that had printed this defamation.
And let’s not forget that Ginger Snap and Allie Overstreet conspired to falsify documents and use them to defame me. Here is the article with the evidence of falsification of documents by Ginger Snap and Allie Overstreet.
In mid-February 2014, I published a retraction demand on my Facebook page. In response, Ginger Snap published an article on JIALK on February 19, 2014. Ginger Snap ignored the very specific examples that I gave of false and defamatory published statements on JIALK and simply made light of them. Ginger Snap set out to intentionally destroy me and the movie, and the truth will not get in his/her/its way. But I do thank him/her/it for playing. (That’s one of Ginger Snap’s favorite sayings when confronted with the truth.)
Some people like Ginger Snap who aren’t as smart as they think they are feel they can get away with saying anything about anyone. Some like to think that their “opinions” are protected. But these folks do not know (or care) what the Supreme Court has said. And there has never been a case in history with as much defamation as this case. It establishes a whole new playing field of abuse, and I am confident that a jury will do the right thing and find all of these folks to be extremely guilty.
To those who have published false and/or defamatory information about me: CEASE AND DESIST. Correct and make a retraction of all of the false and/or defamatory information. If you don’t have absolute proof that your published statements are true, then issue a correction and retraction. The correction and retraction must include the following: (1) Give your legal name, address, and contact information. (2) List each false and/or defamatory statement with a specific statements that it is false and a retraction. So, if 3,000 false and defamatory statements have been made, 3,000 separate corrections and retractions must be published. (3) Publish this on Joeyisalittlekid’s website, and it must also appear on each and every website where the false and/or defamtory information has been spread on the Internet. So, if the information has spread to 1,500,000 web pages, the correction and retraction must appear on all 1,500,000. (4) Email me at nobodies@att.net with the links to each and every published correction and retraction; put this in all caps in the subject line: CORRECTION AND RETRACTION.
There are hundreds of screen names who have published false and/or defamatory information on joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com. I ask whoever is the owner/operator of that site to publish this article on that site so all of the people who frequent that site know the truth and know of this demand for correction and retraction. It is impossible for me to list each specific false and/or defamatory statement as yet because there are approximately 40,000 published statements, and there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of false and/or defamatory statements or support for such statements, and I have not yet been able to read everything.
I have thus far been unable to get a Texas court to enjoin these folks and force them to take down all the defamatory material. Until that is done, I feel I have no choice but to deny all the defamation here.
I am producing two expose documentaries about cyberstalking — Slanderella and Slanderfella. Ginger Snap will be featured.
William M. Windsor