
Criminal Charges filed against Federal Judges and Clerks in Atlanta


On July 6, 2011, I filed criminal charges against federal judges and judicial employees in Atlanta, Georgia.

After a wild goose chase of telephone calls, I finally reached a Duty Agent with the FBI.

My report has been filed and has been referred to the Public Corruption Unit.

I have many reasons to file criminal charges against these people, but I specifically made these efforts today to report obstruction of justice.

My first call was to the Atlanta Georgia Police Department (404-848-7231) non-emergency number.  I was told that I needed to call a different number (404-658-7054). 

I called 404-658-7054, and the officer told me I had reached the wrong precinct.  He told me that the Atlanta Police does not have any authority at the federal courthouse, and he said I needed to call the U.S. Police at the federal courthouse.

An online search revealed nothing for the “U.S. Police,” so I called the general information number at the courthouse (404-215-1660), and a woman in the Clerk’s Office said they didn’t have a clue who was responsible for police matters at the courthouse.  I asked for the number for the U.S. Marshal Service, and I was given 404-730-2709.

I called 404-730-2709, and U.S. Marshal Hines told me that she couldn’t help me.  She told me I had to call the U.S. Attorney’s Office at 405-581-6000.

I called the U.S. Attorney’s Office at 404-581-6000, and I was told that the U.S. Attorney’s Office does not accept complaints from the public.  I know that is not true, but I accepted the phone number for the FBI (404-679-9000) that I was given.

I called the FBI, and I was connected to the Duty Agent.  She was delightful, quite a change from my experience.  I told her the story, and she filed a report.  Now we’ll see if I get a call back from the Public Corruption Unit.

The latest criminal acts of the federal judges and the employees of the Office of the Clerk of the Court is that my legal filings never get filed.  I send them to the Clerk’s Office with a cover letter listing the documents to be filed, and my courier gets a signed receipt for each.  Then the documents disappear.  There is no rule or law that enables this.  It is simply a violation of both state and federal criminal statutes regarding Obstruction of Justice.  I specifically name Judge Orinda D. Evans, Judge William S. Duffey, Judge Thomas Woodrow Thrash, and Clerk’s Anniva Sanders, Joyce White, and Beverly Gutting.

I print the dockets each day so I can prove what hasn’t been filed.  I have the cover letters and documents presented for filing and the signed and date and time-stamped receipts obtained from the folks at Courier Connection.  So I have all the proof.

Now I am going to hold my breath until the FBI does something….

William M. Windsor

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