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On Friday, May 6, 2011 at 9:00 am, a courier hand-delivered a letter to the Fulton County District Attorney, the receptionist guard dog at the front of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, and each of the 23 members of the Fulton County Grand Jury that was then in session. The purpose of this was to bypass the people who block access to the Grand Jury.
It worked! William M. Windsor has placed criminal charges against 11 federal judges into the hands of the 23 Grand Jurors. Read how it was done, and DO IT YOURSELF….
UPDATE May 6, 2011 — 11:30 am
It was an interesting morning. The courier called at 9:30 am to say that the District Attorney’s Office was doing legal research to determine whether my letters to the Grand Jurors would be delivered to them. At 11:00 am, I advised the courier to leave and ask the receptionist to have me called once they reached a decision.
I immediately faxed a letter to the District Attorney advising him that he and his office had no legal basis to interfere with the courier and that the District Attorney’s Office has no power and no rights relative to the Grand Jury.
At 11:30 am, an Assistant District Attorney called me to ask that I have the courier return with the envelopes because a Deputy Sheriff would accept the envelopes and give them to each Grand Juror. The envelopes were accepted at 3: 44 pm. At 4:30 pm, Deputy Sheriff Betts called me to confirm that he had received the envelopes and that he will present them to each Grand Juror when they return on Tuesday.
THIS IS FANTASTIC! I have accomplished my mission. And to all of you, this means this is a technique that you can use to reach a grand jury. Folks, this is HUGE NEWS!
Original Story:
Most people who try to reach a grand jury with their charges against corrupt judges and corrupt government officials never make it past the “guards.” In my case, the District Attorney totally ignored my letters detailing my criminal charges. In Fulton County, the Grand Jury Room is behind locked doors inside the District Attorney’s office — even though distirct attorneys have no power or authority whatsoever over the grand juries! The receptionist is surly, and it was clear to me that her job is to give as little information as possible and keep people away.
So, here is my Plan of Attack:
The Grand Jury is in session on Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 8:30 am. At 9:00 am, my courier shows up with 25 sealed PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL envelopes and a loose letter to the receptionist. The courier’s instructions are to give the receptionist two envelopes with letters to the Fulton County District Attorney and theFulton County Employee responsible for the Grand Jury as well as the cover letter to the receptionist. The courier will ask the receptionist to read the letter that I have addressed to to her:
Receptionist Letter
Dear Receptionist:
The courier is delivering one PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL envelope for each member of the Grand Jury. Please ensure that these envelopes are personally delivered to each grand juror. I would like to have the courier deliver each one and obtain a signature from each grand juror. If this is not possible, we will take your signature.
These envelopes contain nothing related to any matter before the Grand Jury at this time. The envelopes do contain information about criminal charges against the Fulton County District Attorney and certain federal judges operating in Fulton County, Georgia.
Please call me to confirm delivery to each grand juror. If I do not receive such confirmation, I will come to your office to speak with the grand jurors as they enter and leave your office. If the grand jurors report that they did not receive the Personal and Confidential envelope from me, I will call the police and pursue all legal remedies available to me.
Please call me. I carry my cell phone at all times — 404-###-####.
William M. Windsor
The important thing to me about this letter is that it puts the receptionist on notice. She is being told in writing (and I will have a signature of receipt obtained by the courier) that this is PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL information that she has a legal obligation to have delivered directly to the grand jurors.
Letter to Fulton County District Attorney
Mr. Paul Howard, Jr. Fulton County District Attorney 136 Pryor Street — Third Floor Atlanta, GA 30303-3477 Fax: 404-893-2769Dear Mr. Howard:
I wrote to you in February asking you to advise the grand jury that they have the power to investigate the criminal acts of nine federal judges in Atlanta. This is one of the most serious issues that our country has ever faced. You ignored my letter and these criminal acts. This is a violation of 18 U.S.C.§4, and I am today approaching the Grand Jury directly to investigate violation of this statute by you and your office as well as the criminal charges against federal judges operating in Fulton County, Georgia.
As you are well aware, you and your office have no authority over the grand jury. I am at this time delivering Personal and Confidential letters to each member of the Grand Jury. If you or anyone with Fulton County interferes with the delivery of these envelopes, I believe you will be committing additional crimes.
It is your responsibility to ensure that these envelopes are delivered. Please ask someone to call me to confirm that these were placed into the hands of each Grand Juror. If I do not receive such confirmation, I will come to your office to speak with the grand jurors as they enter and leave your office. If the grand jurors report that they did not receive the Personal and Confidential envelope from me, I will call the police.
Please call me. I carry my cell phone at all times — ###-###-####.
William M. Windsor
Enclosure: February 2011 Letter
The important thing to me about this letter is that I am putting the District Attorney on notice that I believe he is violating the law by ignoring my complaints of criminal violations. By advising him that I will be asking the Grand Jury to investigate him and his office, I am hoping that this stops the DA from trying to interfere. If he blocks my attempts to have him investigated, it’s even worse than if he simply blocks my complaints against the judges.
Letter to the Grand Jurors
May 6, 2011
Grand Jury Members 136 Pryor Street — Third Floor Atlanta, GA 30303-3477Dear Grand Jury Members:
I need your help. Your loved ones and our children and grandchildren need your help. What has happened to me can happen to you and your loved ones. Government corruption is one of the most serious issues that our county and our country have ever faced, and believe it or not, the Fulton County Grand Jury may be our only hope to do something about it.
I am just a fairly normal 62-year old retired father and grandfather. I pay my taxes. We go to Peachtree Presbyterian Church. I’ve never been arrested or accused of committing a crime. I haven’t even had a traffic or parking ticket in over 10 years. I have never used drugs of any type. I drive my granddaughter’s carpool one day a week. I’m as honest and law-abiding a citizen as you will meet. I sold a business in 2001 and took early retirement. We moved to Fulton County to be near our daughter in anticipation that there would be grandchildren, and we have been rewarded with two granddaughters!
I always thought that courts were fair. I always thought that judges were honest. Sadly, I now know that some of the federal judges working in Fulton County are as crooked as pretzels. They commit criminal acts while hiding behind their robes. I am far from the only person who has experienced this. I have been contacted by many thousands of people since I set up a website to expose the corruption.
What all of this means to you is that I am writing to ask you to allow me to speak to the Grand Jury. I have proof of numerous criminal acts by federal judges in Fulton County.
I have been trying to get this information to a jury for over five years. Due to the nature of the information that I have to present to you — government corruption, various government officials have done everything they can to block me from reaching you. My claims have been presented to the U.S. Attorney, FBI, Attorney General, and every member of the House and Senate , but they have ignored it all. They haven’t ignored it because it isn’t true; they have ignored it because they are covering up for the corrupt judges. My letters to your Grand Jury have apparently been intercepted. My attempts to get the District Attorney’s office to allow me to speak to you have been ignored.
So, I have resorted to showing up here outside your meeting room to try to reach some of you personally.
You will be absolutely shocked and appalled when you see and hear the evidence that I have. You will discover that the rights you thought you had as a citizen do not exist with some federal judges in Fulton County.
You have the power to allow me to speak to you.
I will take as little or as much time as you choose to give me. I am convinced that if you listen to me for five minutes, you will want to see and hear more.
Your grand jury has the power of Presentment, as provided in the Bill of Rights — 5th Article of Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a Presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.
A Presentment is an accusation of an offense, made by a grand jury on its own, upon its own observation and knowledge, or upon evidence before it, and without any bill of indictment laid before it by the government. Upon a Presentment from a grand jury, the proper officer of the court must frame an indictment.
From your experience as a grand juror, you know that government officials (Assistant District Attorneys) have prepared indictments and have given them to your grand jury for consideration. But a Presentment is different because the Presentment originates in the grand jury. The grand jury discovers an offense on its own. It observes and collects evidence of the offense, and the government has nothing to do with it. The grand jury is independent. An indictment is then based on the Presentment.
The District Attorney’s Office cannot tell you what to do or not do. The District Attorney has no power over the Grand Jury as you are absolutely independent. See the attached case law if you want proof of this. It is vital that you understand that YOU and YOU ALONE have the power to do what you want to do. The District Attorney’s Office has no power whatsoever over you!
In United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 at 47 (1992), Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, delivered the opinion of the Supreme Court: “the grand jury is not part of the three branches of government set forth in the Constitution.” Justice Scalia also says the grand jury “is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside.”
Your obligation is to call me to provide testimony and proof of these criminal violations. You will then have the ability to subpoena the judges. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says this is your obligation. You also have a legal obligation pursuant to 18 U.S.C.§4 to report these crimes to law enforcement authorities. I enclose a copy of that statute as well as some additional information on me.
Please call me. I carry my cell phone at all times — 404-###-####. I can testify at any time.
William M. Windsor bill@LawlessAmerica.com Office: currently confidential Fax: 770-234-4106 — Cell: 404-###-####Note: I did not provide the Receptionist or the District Attorney with a copy of the letter to the Grand Jurors. I did not want them to know what I was sending PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL to the Grand Jurors. The less they know, the better chance they might not try to interfere.
Case Law on Grand Jury Powers
I also included a page with this information:
High Court Justice Lewis Powell, in United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 343 (1974), said this: “The institution of the grand jury is deeply rooted in Anglo-American history. [n3] In England, the grand jury [p343] served for centuries both as a body of accusers sworn to discover and present for trial persons suspected of criminal wrongdoing and as a protector of citizens against arbitrary and oppressive governmental action. In this country, the Founders thought the grand jury so essential to basic liberties that they provided in the Fifth Amendment that federal prosecution for serious crimes can only be instituted by “presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.” Cf. Costello v. United States, 350 U.S. 359, 361-362 (1956). The grand jury’s historic functions survive to this day. Its responsibilities continue to include both the determination whether there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed and the protection of citizens against unfounded criminal prosecutions. Branzburg v. Hayes, 408 U.S. 665, 686-687 (1972).”
So the grand jury has two purposes, says Justice Powell: deciding whether a crime has been committed and protecting the citizen from the government. In United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 at 47 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, delivered the opinion of the Supreme Court:
“[R]ooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history,” Hannah v. Larche, 363 U. S. 420, 490 (1960) (Frankfurter, J., concurring in result), the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It “is a constitutional fixture in its own right.” United States v. Chanen, 549 F. 2d 1306, 1312 (CA9) (quoting Nixon v. Sirica, 159 U. S. App. D. C. 58, 70, n. 54, 487 F. 2d 700, 712, n. 54 (1973)), cert. denied, 434 U. S. 825 (1977).”
So, since the grand jury is not part of the three branches of government set forth in the Constitution –“ Justice Scalia also says the grand jury “is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside… it is perfectly reasonable to characterize the grand jury as the “fourth branch of government.”
In the same place, Justice Scalia says this: “. . . In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people. See Stirone v. United States, 361 U.S. 212, 218 (1960); Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 61 (1906); G. Edwards, The Grand Jury 28-32 (1906). Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional relationship with the Judicial Branch has traditionally been, so to speak, at arm’s length. Judges’ direct involvement in the functioning of the grand jury has generally been confined to the constitutive one of calling the grand jurors together and administering their oaths of office. See United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 343 (1974); Fed.Rule Crim.Proc. 6(a). [504 U.S. 36, 48]”
Notice! The only thing the judge should do, says the Supreme Court, is assemble the grand jurors and swear them in. That’s all! Again, the court does not preside over it. The grand jury goes to work “as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people.†The grand jury protects the people. It oversees the government. It does that by investigating the government, by rooting out government corruption.
About Me — William M. Windsor
I included a page with my photo and this brief bio:
I am just a reasonably normal 62-year-old husband, father, and grandfather. My wife and I have been married for 40 years. Our daughter has two girls.
I am best described as a serial entrepreneur. I have started over 50 companies in my 42-year career. I began my career as a junior at Texas Tech University in 1969. I became involved in the T-shirt business, and after eight years as a retailer, wholesaler, and manufacturer, I launched the trade magazine and trade show for the industry in 1977. I am considered by many to be the father of the multi-billion dollar “imprinted sportswear industry.” I started other magazines and shows, and sold the company in 1981.
I have owned and/or operated many magazines and trade shows, travel businesses, retail stores, manufacturing companies, printing company, typesetting business, advertising agency, marketing companies, convention services businesses, souvenir and gift businesses, tourist attractions, resort businesses, music businesses, computer software company, a consulting company, a food franchise, internet businesses, and more. I have written numerous articles, books, training programs, and manuals. I have spoken at conferences and trade shows across North America and in Europe, Australia, and China.
From 1992 to 1996, I was President of Advanstar Expositions, a company owned at the time by Goldman Sachs. Advanstar was one of the largest producers of trade shows and conferences in the world. From 1996 to 2001, I was CEO of 1st Communications, a company owned by Bain Capital, Triumph Capital Group, and me. 1st Communications made a series of multi-million dollar acquisitions to build one of the largest trade show businesses — the largest in terms of the number of annual events. 1st Communications also developed one of the first online job and resume businesses using a network of over 1,000 web sites. That business was sold to The Washington Post in 2001, and I “retired” to Atlanta, Georgia to be near grandchildren-to-be.
I discovered corruption in the federal courts in Fulton County, Georgia, and I will not stop until these judges are exposed and other citizens are protected from the corrupt courts. My friends will tell you that I am as tenacious as they come. I will spend the rest of my life on this if necessary.
I included a photo because I wanted them to see that I don’t appear to be a nutcase. I wanted them to know a little about me, because I believe it will be harder for nice, honest people to turn away someone who they may feel some type of connection with. I suggest adding even more details about your background. Leave out anything that could be controversial.
What’s Next
William S. Duffey |
Since the phone rang with confirmation that my letters were given to each Grand Juror, my mission has been accomplished. Now it’s up to the 23 Grand Jurors. Surely they will grant me at least five minutes to present a summary of my charges.
If I had not received that confirmation, I would have mailed certified letters return receipt to each of the 23 grand jurors (Grand Juror #1, Grand Juror #2, etc. c/o Fulton County District Attorney’s Office – Grand Jury Room. That way, if someone interfered with the personal and confidential mail, I would ask the U.S. Postal Service to become involved. I would also have gone down to the public lobby outside the grand jury room on Tuesday at 8:30 am when the Grand Jury was next in session. I would have handed my letters to everyone I saw, and I would plead my case to any grand juror who would stop for a second.
Surely one of these efflorts will work. If not, my only remaining option was to go door-to-door to every elected county official’s office until I get someone to sign my petition. If the Grand Jurors do not grant me an audience, I will do this because the end result would be the impaneling of a Special Grand Jury solely for the purpose of investigating my charges.
On the afternoon of May 6, 2011, I renewed efforts to try to get the judge recused in one of my cases. This judge, William S. Duffey, has violated every manner of my Constitutional rights, and I am not even allowed to file anything except a 5-page or less REQUEST to file something (none of which he grants). So, I sent a Request for Specific Approval to file a Motion to Recuse Judge William S. Duffey because the Fulton County Grand Jury is now considering criminal charges filed against him by me. He’ll probably ignore it AGAIN, but that will just be added to my huge list of his violations.
Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights gives grand juries the power of Presentment. In a Presentment, the grand jury independently brings charges, usually against corrupt government officials. So my effort is pursuant to the Grand Jury’s power of Presentment.
Stay Tuned!
Documents that I Used – Microsoft Word Files:
Letter to District Attorney — May 6, 2011
Letter to District Attorney — February 2011 (I suggest that you send such a letter to the District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney as a first step. Your goal is to establish that they ignored your information.)
Letter to Congress and others — February 2011 (I suggest that you also send these letters. You want to establish that you have tried hard to get the government to do something.)
Mailing Labels used on the Envelopes (Make everything look professional. be sure PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL is big and bold. This is Avery label 5164.)
Fax to Fulton County District Attorney after Envelopes were not accepted initially
Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights
Request for Specific Approval to file a Motion to Recuse Judge William S. Duffey (Once you have submitted criminal charges against the judge, you may have a better chance at getting the judge to recuse himself.)
Motion for Recusal by Judge William S. Duffey
Petition to Disqualify Judge William S. Duffey
Petition to Disqualify Judge William S. Duffey: Appendix 1 — Appendix 2 — Appendix 3
Grand Juries — Constitution Society
Opening the Grand Jury — Constitution Society
Federal Statute on Grand Juries — 18 U.S.C. § 3332
Statutes that have been Violated:
Honest Services Fraud — 18 U.S.C. §1346 — Read about Honest Services Fraud
RICO (Organized Crime) — 18 U.S.C. § 1961 – 1968
Theft by Deception — O.C.G.A. 16-8-3
False Statements to State — O.C.G.A. 16-10-20
Tampering with Evidence — O.C.G.A. 16-10-94
18 U.S.C. § 1341 — Mail Fraud
18 U.S.C. § 1001 — False Swearing — Making False Statements
Perjury — 18 U.S.C. § 1621
Perjury — 18 U.S.C. § 1623
Perjury — O.C.G.A. 16-10-70
Conspiracy to Defraud United States — 18 U.S.C. § 371
Obstruction of Justice and Witness Tampering — 18 U.S.C. § 1503
Subornation of Perjury — 18 USC § 1622
Subornation of Perjury — O.C.G.A. 16-10-72
Subornation of Perjury — O.C.G.A. 16-10-93
Witness Tampering — O.C.G.A. 16-10-93
Misprision of Felony — 18 U.S.C. 4
[NOTE: O.C.G.A. applies to Georgia only. Research these same violations for your state — Here’s an index to make it easy.]
I am not an attorney. I imagine there are other statutes that have been broken.
Some Other Possible Statutes:
Bribery — 18 U.S.C. 201-227
Conspiracy against rights — 18 U.S. C. 241
Deprivation of rights under color of law — 18 U.S.C. 242
Fraud by wire, radio, or television — 18 U.S.C. 1343
Attempt and conspiracy to Commit Fraud — 18 U.S.C. 1349
Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail — 18 U.S.C. 1506
Obstruction of court orders — 18 U.S.C. 1509
Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant — 18 U.S.C. 1512
I will be adding a document that explains each of the statutes that has been violated, with the elements required to prove each. I will also add the outline for the presentation that I will make to the Grand Jury and my Formal Charges.
Courtesy of GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform
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As regular readers know, those who have met through LawlessAmerica.com have formed an effort called GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform.
So, let’s refer to this plan as the GRIP Grand Jury Plan.
We have also drafted proposed legislation for every state that we believe will resolve most of the problems with judicial corruption.
If you haven’t joined our cause on Facebook, please click here and invest 10 seconds.
Step-by-Step Procedures
1. Research your state’s statutes on grand juries. Determine what types of grand juries exist in your state, and determine what the laws are relative to grand juries. A Yahoo search for (your state) criminal statutes will probably return what you need. The searches to do are: (your state name) grand jury — (your state name) grand jury presentment — (your state name) grand jury procedures. (This is the Georgia statute on grand juries.) According to my research, at least these states have county grand juries: Arizona, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, New Jersey and Oregon. Check your state’s laws on Special Grand Juries.
Size of Grand Juries by State — Grand Jury Term by State — Other Helpful Grand Jury Information
2. Call or visit the county district attorney’s office for where the crimes took place. (This isn’t your home…but where the judges or government officials committed the crimes.) Call the general information number for the county, and they will give you the district attorney’s number. Don’t identify yourself or provide any information if you don’t have to. Simply ask: When and where does the grand jury meet? Is there a grand jury inn session now? What days do they meet, and what time do they start each day? I suggest a visit to the grand jury area before you do anything else just so you will have the lay of the land for when you or an agent delivers your sealed envelopes. Be able to tell an agent where the grand jury room is, where there is someone posted who may deny access, etc. Casually ask the name of any receptionists or security people.
3. Check the U.S. Department of Justice website to determine the name and contact information for the U.S. Attorney responsible for the area where the crimes took place.
4. Research the state statutes for the crimes that yuou feel were committed. Note the statutes as you will need to cite them. Identify the specific federal and state statutes that you believe were violated and the names of the people who violated each.
5. Send a letter to the district attorney and the U.S. Attorney summarizing your charges and asking for a meeting. Send it certified mail, return receipt so you have proof it was received. I also fax everything so I have a fax confirmation page as well.
6. Take notes of everything that you do, hear, etc. Always write confirmation letters to memorialize any discussions with government officials. Date and note the time of everything that you and others do.
To be continued….
Previous Grand Jury Article — February 23, 2011
Previous Grand Jury Article — April 23, 2011
Previous Grand Jury Article — May 3, 2011
This chart wil ake it easy for you to find the information that you need to research:
Alabama | Click | ||
Alaska | Click | ||
Arizona | Click | ||
Arkansas | Click | ||
California | Click | ||
Colorado | Click | ||
Connecticut | Click | ||
Delaware | Click | ||
DC | Click | ||
Florida | Click | Click | Click |
Georgia | Click | ||
Hawaii | Click | ||
Idaho | Click | ||
Illinois | Click | ||
Indiana | Click | ||
Iowa | Click | ||
Kansas | Click | ||
Kentucky | Click | ||
Louisiana | Click | ||
Maine | Click | ||
Maryland | Click | ||
Massachusetts | Click | ||
Michigan | Click | ||
Minnesota | Click | ||
Mississippi | Click | ||
Missouri | Click | ||
Montana | Click | ||
Nebraska | Click | ||
Nevada | Click | ||
New Hampshire | Click | ||
New Jersey | Click | ||
New Mexico | Click | ||
New York | Click | ||
North Carolina | Click | ||
Ohio | Click | ||
Oklahoma | Click | ||
Oregon | Click | ||
Pennsylvania | Click | ||
Rhode island | Click | ||
South Carolina | Click | ||
South Dakota | Click | ||
Tennessee | Click | ||
Texas | Click | ||
Utah | Click | ||
Vermont | Click | ||
Virginia | Click | ||
Washington | Click | ||
West Virginia | Click | ||
Wisconsin | Click | ||
Wyoming | Click |
I am not an attorney. I cannot give legal advice. Please make your own determinations or seek legal advice should you know an honest attorney.
P.S. Thanks to Commander Walter Fitzpattrick who educated me on the importance of grand juries and the Power of Presentment back in January. Thanks to Mairi and many others who have provided information and books.
This manual is intended purely as a communication of information in accordance with the right of free speech. It does not constitute either general or specific legal advice. Anyone seeking legal advice should consult a competent professional. Neither the author, editor or publisher guarantee that using this information will result in success or protect the reader from harm. The reader must accept that risk, and thoroughly study the law before using any of this material. Readers must take full responsibility for the consequences of any actions taken based on the contents of this manual.
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