Another Litigant files Charges against Same Judges as Windsor


Sonya Braxton has filed charges against Judge William S. Duffey, one of the ringleaders of the corruption cited by William M. Windsor. 

She has also filed charges against federal appellate Judges Joel Dubima. Susan Black, Stanley Marcus, and William Pryor, all judges who have also been charged by Windsor.

She charges civil rights violations as well as perjury and obstruction of justice.

Continue reading Another Litigant files Charges against Same Judges as Windsor

RICO – I’ve filed State RICO Actions – Most States have a State RICO Statute


After the federal RICO statute became effective in 1970, states were initially slow to enact similar racketeering laws because the impact and effectiveness of the federal law was still unclear. 

Today, at least 30 states have State RICO Acts that enable a citizen to sue for racketeering, which means you sue to have peope found guilty of committing crimes, and you recover damages as well as expose the crimes.

Continue reading RICO – I’ve filed State RICO Actions – Most States have a State RICO Statute

How the Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition – Part 1


The right (of petition) embraces dissent, and “would seem unnecessary to be expressly provided for in a republican government, since it results from the very nature and structure of its institutions. It is impossible that it could be practically denied until the spirit of liberty had wholly disappeared and the people had become so servile and debased as to be unfit to exercise any of the privileges of freemen. [D]eprivation of it would at once be felt by every freeman as a degradation.”

This writer accepts the political wisdom and practical truth of the above quotation from a case that he presented and lost to the Court of Appeals. This Article examines the mechanisms by which the government has undermined and stolen the Right of Petition presently, and prospectively. To be sure, it has “practically denied” the Right of Petition.

Continue reading How the Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition – Part 1

Open Letter to Federal Judicial Employees


I have filed legal actions, including racketeering charges, against 59 federal judges, employees of the Clerk of the Court, and judicial staff members.

I have also succeeded in putting criminal charges in the hands of a Grand Jury.

There have to be MANY employees in federal courthouses all across America who are well aware of wrongdoing by federal judges and the Clerks’ office.  It is time for you to tell what you know because you don’t want to lose your federal judiciary job and get a new one making license plates….

Continue reading Open Letter to Federal Judicial Employees

HELP Needed by Sunday Night on Potential Landmark Ruling in Judicial Corruption Fight


This is an urgent plea for assistance from those who care about the fight against judicial corruption.

I am seeking any legal research help that anyone can provide by Sunday evening, June 26, 2011. 

We have an opportunity to get a court ruling here in Georgia that will pave the way for federal judges to be prosecuted for their corrupt criminal acts!

Continue reading HELP Needed by Sunday Night on Potential Landmark Ruling in Judicial Corruption Fight

Scum Strikes Again – No Better Word for Federal Judges in Atlanta Georgia


The ScumBags in the federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia have struck again.

I’ve had my head down working hard for the last 10 days.  Sorry I haven’t been updating the news here!

It will come as no surprise that a whole new level of scumbagness has hit in Atlanta in an effort to stop me from exposing all the serial crooks masquerading as federal judges.

Continue reading Scum Strikes Again – No Better Word for Federal Judges in Atlanta Georgia

Frivolous Appeal SCAM of Eleventh Circuit


Corrupt judges with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit have patented a SCAM that they use to victimize pro se parties and protect their corrupt fellow judges from impeachment and indictment.

Judge Rosemary Barkett, Judge Frank M. Hull, and Judge Stanley Marcus pretend that appeals are FRIVIOLOUS.  They issue one sentence orders to that effect.

Continue reading Frivolous Appeal SCAM of Eleventh Circuit

Sue Your Judge in Local or State Court


Sue your judge!  That’s what I do.  (This is Judge Frank M. Hull — corrupt federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia.  I am suing her and 15 of her running buddies.)

I’ve learned some tricks of the judge suing trade.

I am happy to share them with my friends….


Continue reading Sue Your Judge in Local or State Court

William Windsor is a Victim of Racketeering in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia


William Windsor is a victim of racketeering in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

The case of William Windsor: Alleged racketeering in the US Court, Northern District of Georgia, is enabled by the large-scale fraud in the electronic record systems of the U.S. Courts (PACER and CM/ECF).

Continue reading William Windsor is a Victim of Racketeering in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia

Court Records Scam gets Scammier in Georgia Federal Court


On May 17, 2011, I demanded copies of my own court records from the Office of the Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.  I was not given anything.

On June 2, 2011, I received a letter from the Clerk of the Court, James N. Hatten, stating that the U.S. government will not provide my records to me.

It’s all part of a big SCAM where court records are manipulated to defraud honest folks like you and me….

Continue reading Court Records Scam gets Scammier in Georgia Federal Court