Why hasn’t Lawless America…The Movie been completed?


Why hasn’t Lawless America…The Movie been completed?

Those who haven’t read my recent posts here may be asking this question?

There are several reasons (divorce, medical problems), but the primary reason is the perhaps unprecedented libel, slander, and defamation that has been unleashed on me by people who I believe are either mentally ill or paid by someone to do this, or both.

Continue reading Why hasn’t Lawless America…The Movie been completed?

Go to the new website for Lawless America News — www.LawlessAmerica.org


Lawless America has established a new website for Lawless America news. — http://www.LawlessAmerica.org

So, until further notice, please go there to read the latest news and daily updates

Other exciting reports are at http://www.allieoverstreet.com, http://www.SeanBoushie.com, and www.ClaudineDombrowski.com.


Continue reading Go to the new website for Lawless America News — www.LawlessAmerica.org

Bill Windsor provides update on Lawless America Movie — July 7, 2013


Bill Windsor is sorry that he hasn’t posted anything here lately.  The programming on the site continues to be messed up, and I have not had any success finding anyone to fix the Joomla.  So I’ve quit trying..

I am extremely busy through the end of July, so I’ll try again then.

Here’s a brief update.

Continue reading Bill Windsor provides update on Lawless America Movie — July 7, 2013

Bill Windsor will film a Lawless America TV Special about University of Montana Corruption and University employee Sean Boushie

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Bill Windsor will film a Lawless America TV special June 18-22, 2013 in Missoula, Montana and in other Montana towns.

Bill Windsor is spending a lot of time in Missoula as he believes Sean Boushie, a man who has threatened to kill him, is there.  Sean Boushie is an employee of the University of Montana.

Bill Windsor intends to try to locate anyone and everyone he can who knows anything about this guy.

The special will explore whether this man actually works for the government through the University of Montana as a paid cyberstalker.  The special will examine the University’s alleged cover-up of rapes as well as the University’s apparent sanctioning of the stalking and threats of its employee(s).


Continue reading Bill Windsor will film a Lawless America TV Special about University of Montana Corruption and University employee Sean Boushie

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – June 3, 2013

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This website has been down for almost a month.  Utterly ridiculous situation.

Well, it’s kind of up, though not functioning exactly as it should, and it is slooooooow.

A lot has happened in the last 28 days, so I will publish several updates.

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – June 3, 2013

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 9, 2013 – Dates announced for Texas Filming

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West Memphis Arkansas is the location of the story of the West Memphis Three — one of the more publicized wrongful conviction cases in recent years.

I was asked to go to West Memphis and include a short segment about the West Memphis Three.  I was there today — May 9, 2013.

I also want to take this opportunity to provide the tentative dates for filming in Texas

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 9, 2013 – Dates announced for Texas Filming

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 8, 2013 – Information Needed on Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


Bill Windsor of Lawless America is headed across the Mississippi River Bridge in Memphis Tennessee. 

West Memphis Arkansas is on the other side.  Bill Windsor will photograph a couple of locations that are key to the story of the West Memphis Three — one of the more publicized wrongful conviction cases in recent years.

Then I am off to Jackson Mississippi and Biloxi Mississippi.  I need any and all information on Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez.

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 8, 2013 – Information Needed on Elizabeth Hope Hernandez

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 6, 2013

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I’ve been busy filming in Tennessee, a state filled with wrongfully-convicted people.

Filming the backstories for interviews previously conducted is taking longer than I expected.

I did take some time for myself over the weekend and managed to break my primary lens.

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 6, 2013

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 1, 2013

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I am still in Sevierville Tennessee, the first of several stops in Tennessee.

I was on location on April 30 and May 1, 2013 filming background and witness interviews for the Jimmie Robinson story.

Sevier County Tennessee is a place where folks who live in houses like this won’t get the same treatment by the police and courts as people who live in houses like this…

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – May 1, 2013

Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – April 29, 2013

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I am still in Sevierville Tennessee, the first of several stops in Tennessee.

Due to the news that I have lost my family, I postponed today’s scheduled filming until April 30, 2013.

I spent the day resting, charging batteries, and going through thousands of recent emails to identify those who want to be filmed…

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip II Report from Bill Windsor – April 29, 2013