The 50-State Movie — Lawless America


Lawless America…The Movie was designed to include a number of firsts.

To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a movie filmed in all 50 states (even 49)… in one continuous trip.

Here they are (apologies to Alaska)… 

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Documentary about the experience of filming Lawless America…The Movie

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Filming Lawless America…The Movie was an incredible experience for me.  Sadly, I’ve lost touch with a lot of the good because of all the efforts to destroy the movie.

While searching for a video today, I came across the wonderful short documentary produced by my favorite crew — Jonathan Kudzmas, Sean Davis, and Caitlin Howarth.  It made me cry.

I hope you enjoy it.

Continue reading Documentary about the experience of filming Lawless America…The Movie

Lawless America…The Movie — Update


Bill Windsor provides an update on Lawless America…The Movie

Unfortunately, Bill does not have the funding needed to complete the project.  He will resume efforts to obtain funding, and he will edit compelling stories into mini-movies to be published on YouTube.

The following is the last report from 2017:

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie — Update

Lawless America Movie filming in Missoula Montana – June 10, 2015


Lawless America Movie filming in Missoula Montana – June 10, 2015.

Bill Windsor is headed out to a special event in Missoula…

Continue reading Lawless America Movie filming in Missoula Montana – June 10, 2015

Talk with Bill Windsor LIVE – TalkShoe Tuesday Night May 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time


Talk with Bill Windsor LIVE – TalkShoe Tuesday Night May 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time.

Hear the short version of the Saga of the World’s Most Notorious Tweeter, talk, ask questions, share ideas...

Continue reading Talk with Bill Windsor LIVE – TalkShoe Tuesday Night May 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time

Don Acree was shot and killed by Nashville Police in his home — Acree was filmed for the documentary Lawless America

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Don Acree (aka John Acree) was shot and killed by police in his Tennessee home. 

Don Acree was filmed twice by Bill Windsor for Lawless America, the documentary about government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption.

Don Acree was a gentleman, and Bill enjoyed being able to spend time with him in Nashville, Memphis, and Arlington Virginia…

Continue reading Don Acree was shot and killed by Nashville Police in his home — Acree was filmed for the documentary Lawless America

Lawless America…The Movie will expose Corruption by Judges, Prosecutors, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials…if the Filmmaker isn’t killed or sent to prison first


Bill Windsor has resumed filming for Lawless America…The Movie.

Bill Windsor was recently illegally held as a political prisoner for 53 days by corrupt people trying to stop him from exposing crooks of various types.  While this was and continues to be a terrible experience, it could prove to be a spectacular addition to Lawless America…The Movie.

But some of the corrupt people that William M. Windsor is exposing are trying to put him in prison on bogus charges and/or have him killed. 

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie will expose Corruption by Judges, Prosecutors, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials…if the Filmmaker isn’t killed or sent to prison first

Bill Windsor resumes filming for Lawless America…The Movie


Bill Windsor has announced that he is resuming filming for Lawless America…The Movie.

Bill Windsor was recently illegally held as a political prisoner for 53 days by corrupt people trying to stop him from exposing crooks of various types.  While this was and continues to be a terrible experience, it could prove to be a spectacular addition to Lawless America…The Movie. 

Continue reading Bill Windsor resumes filming for Lawless America…The Movie

Lawless America Donors – Please contact Bill Windsor if you do not have a Receipt


Lawless America Donors – Please contact Bill Windsor if you do not have a receipt. 

I want to be sure that everyone has a receipt.  If you need one, please email, and put DONATION RECEIPT in all caps in the Subject line.

If you thought you were making a donation that was tax-deductible, you were mistaken, so…

Continue reading Lawless America Donors – Please contact Bill Windsor if you do not have a Receipt