Ben Vonderheide fights Family Court Corruption in Pennsylvania — Watch Daddy Justice’s Movie Trailer

Ben Vonderheide, aka Daddy Justice, is a Pennsylvania victim of family court.  He is one of the only men in America to ever get his ex-wife arrested for false allegations.

But he is a loser in the family court battle.  He hasn’t been able to see his son in years now.  But Ben Vonderheide fights every day.

Ben Vonderheide is one of the people who will be featured in Lawless America…The Movie.

This is a short film that Ben Vonderheide produced about injustice in the family courts.

His movie is from a father’s perspective, but there are many cases of injustice involving both mothers and fathers.  The family court system is filled with injustice nationwide, and we must get people’s attention so we can get this fixed.

Personally, I am opposed to eliminating blood relatives from the lives of children in any but extreme circumstances, and I believe such decisions must be made by juries, not by people who pretend to be judges and juries.

After watching Ben Vonderheide’s movie, I realize that I can fight even harder.  And I will do so immediately!


See Ben Vonderheide’s website —

William M. Windsor

 I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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Proof that WE can create our own Mainstream Media: Interest in Trayvon Martin Shooting Spurred By Celebrity Tweets and Petition


For several years now, I have been preaching that we can create our own mainstream media on the Internet.  We have proven this in many ways.

All you need to do to help make this happen is do the two projects set up on the Government Reform & Integrity Platform website — Project 1, Project 2.

Consider what happened in the case of Trayvon Martin….

Continue reading Proof that WE can create our own Mainstream Media: Interest in Trayvon Martin Shooting Spurred By Celebrity Tweets and Petition

Georgia ranked as The Most Corrupt of the 50 States


Georgia law books are chock-full of statutes written to curtail undue influence on political activity and public policy.

So utilities and insurance companies can’t give to a candidate seeking an office that regulates them. Legislators can’t take political donations while in session. Politicians can’t use campaign money for personal benefit. State workers can’t accept gifts from vendors or lobbyists.

Except when they can.

Time and again, Georgia journalists and watchdog groups have found that money finds a way to flow around those laws:

Continue reading Georgia ranked as The Most Corrupt of the 50 States

Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner William Edwards charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner William Edwards has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner William Edwards charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner Liz Hausmann charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner Liz Hausmann has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner Liz Hausmann charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner Tom Lowe charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner Tom Lowe has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner Tom Lowe charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner John Eaves charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner John Eaves has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners that I addressed.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner John Eaves charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia

Fulton County Commissioner Emma Darnell charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia


Fulton County Commissioner Emma Darnell has been charged with crimes.

Last August 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience seated behind me, but there was no response at all from the seven Fulton County Commissioners who I faced as I addressed them.

Continue reading Fulton County Commissioner Emma Darnell charged with Criminal Acts in Atlanta, Georgia