Fraudulent Inducement upon the Family of Tom Kibler


Tom Kibler and his family are the victims of fraudulent inducement.

This article was written by Tom Kibler. His full story is at

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Operation Restoration leads battle against Foreclosure Nightmares


Financial corruption is a real problem in America. 

The foreclosure epidemic is a Nightmare with a Capital N.

Operation Restoration is a free, non-profit national mission of healing and restoration, dedicated to foreclosure prevention. 

Operation Restoration is not just concerned with foreclosure fraud, but with many aspects of foreclosure prevention.

Anne Batte leads Operation Restoration….

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Feds must probe Banks further over Mortgage Crisis

Anonymous, an online hacker group, released a string of e-mails last week that purportedly show mortgage document fraud at Bank of America. Many people yawned. After all, there have been well-documented cases of mortgage fraud and illegal foreclosures, and little has been done to punish Bank of America or any of the banks for their behavior.

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