Bill Windsor is sleeping but dreaming about exposing corrupt judges – Day 41 on Lawless America Road Trip #3


Bill Windsor is asleep but undoubtedly dreaming about exposing corrupt judges, law enforcement, and prosecuting attorneys at 11:30 am Eastern Time on February 7, 2015 — Day 41 on “Lawless America Road Trip #3.”

Bill got this close to Montana.  This photo was taken in Mullan, Idaho to prove that he really did travel all the way from Dallas to the Missoula Montana area…

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Michelle Stilipec of the Joeyisalittlekid cyberstalking gang has been ordered away from adopted child


Michelle Stilipec of the Joeyisalittlekid cyberstalking gang has been ordered away from adopted child by Judge Patrick Carmody. 

Michelle Stilipec learned many of her stalking and cyberstalking techniques from this notorious Joeyisalittlekid gang that is guilty of the largest case of defamation in U.S. history.

Bill Windsor is one of the victims of Michelle Stilipec’s vicious cyberstalking.

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Bill Windsor is preparing Criminal RICO Charges against authorities in Montana and Texas – End of Day 40 on Lawless America Road Trip #3


Bill Windsor is preparing criminal RICO charges against authorities in Montana and Texas at 6:30 pm Eastern Time on February 6, 2015 — End of Day 40 on “Lawless America Road Trip #3.”

Bill reports that he is so thankful that he isn’t in prison in Montana.

Prisoners who represent themselves don’t have a chance because they are denied the access to legal information and tools that they need…

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Bill Windsor is exposing corrupt attorneys – Day 40 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is working hard exposing corrupt attorneys at 11:59 am Eastern Time on February 6, 2015 — Day 40 of Tweet-Gate.

Bill reports that he has gathered evidence to prove crimes by Montana and Texas district attorneys who have been out to get him at all costs.

So, expose, expose, expose…

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Bill Windsor is still battling the Montana Supreme Court – End of Day 39 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is still battling the Montana Supreme Court at 8:00 pm Eastern Time on February 5, 2015 — End of Day 39 on “Lawless America Road Trip #3.”

Bill reports that he is still at FedEx.

Lots of exhibits going to the Montana Supreme Court…

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Bill Windsor is putting the Montana Supreme Court on the spot – Day 39 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is putting the Montana Supreme Court on the spot at 7:10 am Eastern Time on February 5, 2015 — Day 39 of Tweet-Gate.

The idea that judges would say that you can’t speak a person’s name is as against the Constitution as anything can get, but that’s what judges in Montana are claiming.

Well, Bill Windsor is putting the Montana Supreme Court on the hotseat…

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Bill Windsor is battling corrupt judges, and one was outsmarted today – End of Day 38 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is battling corrupt judges at 9:30 pm Eastern Time on February 4, 2015 — End of Day 38 on “Lawless America Road Trip #3.”

Bill knows a lot of people just don’t understand what has happened or how or why, so he reports that he is going to get a concise article and video now that he has purchased an essential item of wearing apparel. 

Bill just marched into a ski shop and said “I want a ski mask like bank robbers wear….”

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Bill Windsor is battling Corruption – Day 38 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is battling corruption at 10:20 am Eastern Time on February 4, 2015 — Day 38 of Tweet-Gate.

The idea that judges would say that you can’t speak a person’s name is as against the Constitution as anything can get, but that’s what judges in Montana are claiming.

Well, Bill Windsor is giving all of them the opportunity…

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Bill Windsor is battling Judicial Corruption and Losing – Day 37 of Tweet-Gate

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Bill Windsor is battling judicial corruption and losing at 11:30 am Eastern Time on February 3, 2015 — Day 37 as a “wanted” man.

It doesn’t really matter how much proof of judicial corruption we have.  Judges all across America are corrupt, and everything is fixed against you when you try to obtain justice.  Judges will stop at nothing to destroy you when you take them on.  Bill Windsor wants others to be forewarned.

Hey, all you have to do is drive across the border…

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Bill Windsor is battling Outrageous Judicial Corruption – Day 36 of Tweet-Gate

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Bill Windsor is still alive and exposing corruption at 11:20 am Eastern Time on February 2, 2015 — Day 36 as a “wanted” man.

William M. Windsor has amassed proof of judicial corruption all across America.  It’s everywhere.  And judges are Hell-bent on stopping him, and it seems they will stop at nothing.

Another day of battling for his life…

Continue reading Bill Windsor is battling Outrageous Judicial Corruption – Day 36 of Tweet-Gate