
Can 750 Nobodies save America? You bet we can!


 Can 750 Nobodies save America?

With your help, the nobodies can become somebodies, and we can try to do the seemingly impossible.

Please help us.

Lawless America…The Movie will expose government corruption in America in a shocking expose.  The movie is being filmed in all 50 states and DC in a 143-day road trip covering 16,508 miles.  Over 750 people will be filmed, nobodies with no connection other than the fact that all are victims of judicial and government corruption.

This will not be just a movie; this will be news; this is an effort to save America.  This is much more than a movie because the 750 nobodies will be delivering testimony to Congress in a hearing on government corruption that has never been held.

The government and the mainstream media have done everything possible to keep this story from being told, but this film will expose the corruption for all to see.

Lawless America will expose the loss of the Constitutional and civil rights of all Americans by exposing dishonest government officials and a broken judicial system.  Judges can and will do anything to any of us without concern for the facts or the law. They will commit crimes to damage us. They protect and rule for the benefit of their attorney friends and those with money and connections.  They destroy people financially and emotionally.  They rip families apart. They allow the elderly to be abused physically, mentally, and financially.  They deny parents and grandparents the right to see their children and grandchildren, with guardianship and children and family courts often acting as money-making schemes for those favored by the judges.


Our Constitutional rights are a mirage.  There is no one in government who will stand up against the evil-doers.  Judges all across America regularly commit criminal acts and damage people because they have the power to do it.  Judges answer to no one.

If you have ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the report was true.

The issues that motivated the colonists in America to revolt were NOTHING compared to the issues that all Americans face today.  The problem is that few Americans realize what has happened.  We have lost what our founding fathers established for us.  We have lost our fundamental rights.  But 99.99% of Americans do not even realize it.  Educating a wide audience is essential if there is any hope that we can bring about reform.  750 nobodies and their families and friends are setting out to save America.  No guns, no violence, just an RV, cameras, microphones, and 750 everyday people telling their stories.

There are unbelievable stories of abuse and corruption from people in all walks of life and all circumstances.  This movie will be a tearjerker.

This is a Pulitzer-prize winning story that the mainstream media has not covered because they are afraid of the judges and the government.  I am not afraid.

We Need Your Help

Please promote this project every way you can think of.  We must reach one million people if we are to save America.

Please be a part of something that may be historic.  Can you imagine the satisfaction you will feel if YOU are one of the people who saves America for our children and grandchildren?



Lawless America will expose:

  • Children and Family Courts — We will expose dishonesty, corruption, and wrongdoing involving children.  This video will cover the treatment of children in divorces, removal of children from parents, foster care abuse, and more.
  • Criminal Courts — We will address people wrongfully accused, wrongfully convicted, and misconduct by prosecuting attorneys and judges.  We will also report on witnesses who committed perjury that resulted in the conviction of people who say they are innocent.
  • Civil Courts — The most widespread corruption is in civil courts where misconduct and corruption by attorneys, judges, and parties runs rampant.
  • Guardianship Abuse, Elder Abuse, Probate Court Abuse, and Adult Protective Services Abuse — We will cover all aspects of corruption involving the elderly — physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse and corruption.
  • Attorney Misconduct — We will show malpractice, violations of the code of professional conduct, violations of the rules, and criminal acts by attorneys.
  • Divorce Court and Domestic Abuse — We will expose dishonesty, bias, and corruption in divorce court.  The issue is abuse, wrongdoing, and corruption, and it happens to both men and women.
  • Foreclosure Fraud — We will present a number of victims of foreclosure fraud, and we will show how millions of Americans have been victims.
  • Financial Corruption — Corporate corruption and financial corruption are serious problems.  Corrupt corporations are at the root of with many of our problems.
  • Government Corruption — Government corruption with agencies and officials of all types.
  • Law Enforcement Abuse and Corruption — Police, sheriffs, district attorneys, U.S. attorneys, Department of Justice, FBI, and other types of law enforcement are guilty of abuse and corruption.
  • Voter Fraud and Political Corruption — We will educate Americans about vote fraud and corruption in politics.
  • Military Corruption — It shouldn’t be a surprise that the military “justice system” is also a breeding ground for corruption.

Who will be in The Movie?

The movie will be filmed in all 50 states and will feature at least one victim from each state.

Over 750 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie.  We will continue to accept as many requests as possible.  At last count, over 1,200 people are scheduled to be filmed.

The movie will present victims from all aspects of judicial corruption and government corruption: Children and Families, Criminal, Civil, Guardianship, Probate Court, Attorneys, Divorce Court, Foreclosure, Financial and Corporate, Law Enforcement, Voter Fraud, Military, Government Corruption, and more.  In addition to filming one documentary, everyone filmed will be included in a special video featuring everyone from all over the country who has experienced the same form of corruption.

The film will present an incredible cross-section of people!  The victims include old and young, a variety of races and ethnic origins, cowboys and Indians, good guys and bad guys, employed and unemployed, working and retired, activists and pacifists, incarcerated and free, women and men, husbands and wives, married and divorced, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, children and grandchildren, alive and deceased, able and disabled, poor and rich, honest and dishonest.  Occupations include authors, business owners, psychologists, healthcare administrators, a tennis pro, ministers, meatcutter, tattoo illustrator, attorneys, disbarred attorneys, judges, retired judges, nurses, doctors, graphic designers, motion picture producers, concert promoters, literary manager, medical assistants, machinists, ink chemist, forensic scientist, electricians, CEO of a computer company, advocates, private investigators, a bounty hunter, candidates for elected office, house cleaners, retired military personnel, customer service agents, software architects, educators, ranch owner, accountants, private law enforcement agents, former secret service agent, contractors, students, journalists, government employees, mortgage bankers, health and fitness professionals, beauty shop owners, foster care manager, electronics repairman, legal assistants, paralegals, marketing professionals, salespeople, administrative assistants, singers, songwriters, dentists, energy consultant, medical marijuana providers, appliance repairmen, compliance officers, bankers, artists, human resources specialists, engineers, hearing aid consultant, real estate investors, school police officer, actors, actresses, respiratory therapist, environmental research scientist, journalists, refugees, CEO of media company, truck drivers, insurance adjuster, elder advocates, documentalist, elected officials, emergency medical technicians, teamsters, university parking enforcement officer, crime investigators, grant writer for medical research, property manager, international airline captain, foundation directors, landlords, Domino’s Pizza driver, debt collectors, bus drivers, caregivers, mineral consultant, jewelry designer, municipal research consultant, computer technicians, legal researchers, coaches, martial arts instructor, transportation coordinator, real estate agents, lab technicians, cartographer, director of medical research agency, deli manager, esthetician, farmers, land developers, physical therapists, occupational therapist, multimedia design consultant, dental hygienist, Alaskan Malamute breeder, construction workers, information technician for the FCC, microcap stock trader, interior decorator, accounts payable clerk, entrepreneurs, hospitality manager, garage door contractor, firefighters, beauty pageant winner, homebuilder, AutoCad operator, campground owner, psychotherapist, housekeeper, biotech business development representative, automobile painter, home remodeler, school administrators, civil engineering assistant, data processor, politicians, loan officers, salvage diver, prosecuting attorneys, database administrator, steamfitter, designers, massage therapist, direct mail sales representative, real estate appraiser, television production specialist, musicians, corporate CEOs, and a jack of all trades.

What will The Movie be about?

The Movie is all about the fact that we now live in Lawless America.  We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do.  America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.

The movie will expose corruption in every state.  The Movie will focus on victims.  We will expose corrupt judges and corrupt government officials, and we will confront a number of the crooks.

One feature length documentary movie will be produced.

In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption.  Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor.  The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.

Each person will be able to tell their whole story!

When will The Movie be filmed?

Filming began in Atlanta, Georgia in March 2012.  The 50-state film road trip began on June 14, 2012 and end on November 3, 2012.

Where will The Movie be filmed?

The movie will be filmed in all 50 states.

The 50-state road trip is planned to take 143 days.  Here is the itinerary for Lawless America…the Movie.

The road trip starts in Atlanta and heads North and travels counterclockwise around the country.  From Olympia, Washington, we will head up to Juneau, Alaska.  Upon the return to Atlanta, Bill will fly to Honolulu as the 50th state.

All filming will be done either at the state Capitol, at a courthouse in the state capital, or in a meeting room near the Capitol.

Why is the Movie being produced?

It is our hope that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken.  We will expose many corrupt judges and government officials.  We hope to generate a lot of publicity about corruption that the mainstream media usually hides from the public.

We will deliver proposed judicial reform legislation to the governor and legislators at each state Capitol.

We will produce videos that may be used by those battling corruption in each state as well as those battling the specific forms of corruption.

Who is Producing The Movie?

Bill Windsor is the Producer/Director.  The film has been financed solely with donations, primarily from the victims.  Professional video and audio equipment has been provided.  Everyone helping with the movie has been working for free.

What quality will The Movie be?

This will be a professional product.  We have professional high definition video cameras (Canon XF 300) and a variety of pro audio equipment.

Bill Windsor’s family was in the broadcasting business for 50 years.  His father began his career writing jokes for W.C. Fields, and he managed radio stations and television stations from 1947 until the late 1990’s.  He was President and CEO of groups of stations and owned some stations.  Bill learned to operate TV cameras in high school, and he was a DJ and announcer for radio and TV stations in high school and college.  Bill hosted his first television talk show in Orlando on the ABC station in 1970.  Bill was a magazine publisher, trade show and conference producer for 25 years.  His brother has worked as an anchorman at TV stations as well as news director, and he operated a consulting company that provided training to thousands of announcers and TV reporters.  Bill’ father, brother, and he have all owned and operated dinner theatres, and Bill has produced a number of live shows and events during his career.  Bill has had a number of consultants who have contributed to the planning.

The crew at each location will be volunteers, primarily from radio-TV-film students at state universities.

The editing and post-production work will be done by professionals.

How can You be in The Movie?

If you want to testify and be filmed for the movie, please email Bill@LawlessAmerica.com.

Send your name, address, phone, fax, email, and website (if any).  Provide a short paragraph summarizing what you will testify about.

Then write up a three-minute script for your testimony, and email it to  Bill@lawlessAmerica.com.  Please do not make these any longer than three minutes.  We will edit your script to ensure that it is no longer than three minutes, and we will make any needed edits for style so that all follow a standard structure.  We will then send your final script back to you.

When we come to your state, we will begin by filming your three-minute testimony.  You will sit in front of our “official Congressional microphone,” and you will read your script as if you were testifying before Congress.

Once we have your three-minute testimony recorded, Bill will interview you on camera.  These interviews will last for 30 to 60 minutes depending upon the complexity of your situation.

Everyone who shows up when we are filming will be invited to be in a crowd scene, so you will be in the movie, and your name will be in the credits.

How can I be in the videos if I can’t travel to the state capital?

Bill will provide high definition webcams and will conduct these interviews by Skype.

Can my Identity be Concealed?

Yes, if you need to remain anonymous, we can conceal your face and disguise your voice electronically.

What will I get if I am in The Movie?

You will help expose corruption!

Each person who is filmed presenting a three-minute testimony will receive a copy of the video of their testimony to use as you wish.  Link it to your website; put it on YouTube; use it in any way that you choose.

Each person who is filmed will also receive a copy of the video that will be produced of all those filmed from their state.

Each person filmed will also receive a copy of a video featuring people from all over the country who are experienced the same type of corruption as you (family court, probate, etc.)

In total, we will produce one documentary movie; one video of all testimony that will go to every member of the U.S. Congress; 51 videos by state that will go to each member of each state legislature; 750+ videos — one for each person appearing in the film/videos; and 14 videos for the special interest areas (children and family court corruption, divorce court corruption, foreclosure fraud; corporate fraud and corruption; probate/guardianship/elder abuse and corruption; criminal court corruption; civil court corruption; law enforcement abuse and corruption; military corruption; attorney misconduct and corruption; bankruptcy court corruption; government agency corruption; vote fraud; political corruption).  That’s 816 videos to come from this one trip.

All of the videos will stream continuously on www.TVChannel1.com and www.Livestream.com/LawlessAmerica, and all will be available on the LawlessAmerica Channel on YouTube.

Bill Windsor will broadcast live each Sunday while he is on the road. 

Each person filmed will be listed in the cast for The Movie in the credits at the end of The Movie.

How can folks Help with The Movie?

We need all the help we can get.  Read these articles, and do what we request — Part 1Part 2.

The other thing that we need is help identifying other people who should be interviewed for the movie.  Please email bill@lawlessamerica.com with the name and contact information for any people you know who should be considered for the movie.

What can we do to help make the filming an event in our state?

We would love to have it be an event when we are filming.

Getting as many people as possible to show up while we are filming will be a big help as a camera with a crowd will create an event.  So, encourage people to come, and encourage them to bring signs with messages against judicial corruption, government corruption, and dishonesty in government.

You can help by trying to get any groups/organizations with an important message to join us while we are filming.

We also need help getting the media out to cover it.  If we have a big crowds with signs, this will certainly help us get coverage. .

What ideas do you have to help make the filming an event?  Please email bill@lawlessamerica.com with your ideas.

 Note: The 750 of which I am proud to be one are nobodies only in the sense that we aren’t members of Congress or high-powered political people with the clout to make change.  The line worked well for the promo, so I hope no one is offended.  Personally, I’m proud to be a nobody.


William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.  Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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