
American Mothers Political Party launches Boycott of Lawless America…The Movie


The American Mothers Political Party has launched a boycott against Lawless America…The Movie.  Ban the movie!

The American Mothers Political Party fosters anti-father sentiment and has a stated policy of  being anti-grandparent.  You too can bash fathers and the elderly – join today!

The American Mothers Political Party has launched this boycott as yet another in a long string of attacks on people and groups.

Ban the movie!  The American Mothers Political Party has posted that they are launching a letter-writing campaign to the Sundance Film Festival to encourage them to block and boycott Lawless America… The Movie.   Everyone is urged to write a letter today, because we all know that when the American Mothers Party talks, at least a dozen of their members listen and believe it. 

Send your letter today to: Sundance Film Festival, P.O. Box 684429, Park City, UT 84068.  Be sure to tell them that the movie should be blocked because it will be exposing corruption in the legal system and judiciary, as well as government corruption.  Convey that honest people and projects should not be allowed to participate in the festival — only dishonest, corrupt, law violators like the fine people associated with the American Mothers Political Party.  Remind them that if Lawless America…The Movie is blocked, it will help foster father-hatred and grandparent-hatred.  Tell the Sundance Film Festival that they MUST ban the movie!

Anyone who hates fathers and grandparents or who wants to do anything they can to foster dishonesty and corruption is invited to join the American Mothers Political Party.  Anyone who lies, commits libel and slander regularly, is good at harassment and stalking, and who doesn’t have the sense God gave a turnip should also join up today.

Be sure to read some of the latest news about the American Mothers Political Party and its quality of members.

American Mothers Political Party
P.O. Box 4974
Topeka KS 66604

Call Shannon E. Miller aka Shannon E. Miller Hernandez aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez: 228-271-0410 for more information, but be forewarned that she uses a lot of four-letter words and makes a LOT of threats.

The leaders and some of the followers of this “fine” organization are believed to include the following:

Claudine Dombrowski
Lorraine Tipton
Kimberly Wigglesworth
Shannon E. Miller Hernandez aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez — Call 228-271-0410

Mary Morgan
Nancy Carroll  
Connie Bedwell
Loryn Ryder
Jennifer Dotson  
Jennifer Herbert
Petunia Pigg
Billie Bonney
Buttercup Wonder
Clara A. Colon
Donna M. Turkos
Elizabeth Cook
Elizabeth Renee
Erika Reeves
Heather L. Peterson
Karen Kestrel
Katie Stanton
Laura Pfister  
Lisa Soper
Maureen Walden-Lasher
Mia Tyler Kailin
Michelle Saved Now
Miranda Lollis  
Presley Crowe
Rachel Jones
Sally Angel Sparrow
Sally Leber
Tina Popolizio
Victoria Martin  

 Join the American Mothers Political Party today!

Then you can associate with people like Shannon E. Miller aka Shannon E. Miller Hernandez aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez.  Here are just a few of her recent messages to Bill Windsor, Producer/Director of Lawless America…The Movie

  • Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    you have made threats to the wrong Lady….And since when do u and your cause just use namez… Mr.W..I have no Idea wthell Dottie is..or you of that matter..I know Im fuckn tired of gettn email from u…Im takng this to a higher Level..because your nuts man…and many Judges agree..your are a Nut cse…tired of threats

  • 10:00pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    Im going to print your damn Emails all over…Believe that….do what u need to..but you sir..had not one time were given permission to use my name


    and to talk to me as u do…wow…nut

  • 10:25pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    write away…screen shot wrkn well..nut case


    why dont u tell them how u got my name listed prick…you are cares…all the nuts believe


    your the biggest nut of all

  • 10:47pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    Post away pussy


    Im postng too..ahh yea…believe


    So professional..and u used my all your emails and more


    names..address next

  • 10:58pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    you made my weeknd you


    thank you…Its fun to piss a wanna be off…How long ubeen at changn the wrld..the system…pussy

  • 11:52pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    waaawaaaawAa baby




    ahhh u block me Bill….too late


    you wrote deffimation


    u messed wit one crzy bitch dude


    wrong crazy bitch


    u gonna wish I were on sumthn dude

  • Monday
  • 12:08pm
    Elizabeth Hope Hernandez


    Hum..too quiet..guess I need to wrk harder….lol



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William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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