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William M. Windsor is a senior citizen, a 66-year-old filmmaker who is charged with five crimes in Montana.
Bill Windsor could be headed to the Montana State Prison for life for the horrific crimes of emailing, tweeting, and having a website.
Emailing, tweeting, and having a website wouldn’t be so bad normally, but when it is exposing corruption and criminals in Montana, the judges would give him the death penalty if they could.
William M. Windsor has been charged with five crimes thus far by the State of Montana. Each crime is identified below with the evidence to show just how “bad” these crimes are. Here is the Missoula County District Attorney’s Office Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File Information that was used to obtain a bench warrant from Judge Karen Townsend.
Crime #1 — Publishing a legal document online that contained the name of a defendant in a lawsuit.
“On May 4, 2014, Windsor posted on his website, www.lawlessamerica.com, an article, authored by himself, which lists the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S NAME three times.” (Note: UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE is used rather than the person’s actual name so Bill Windsor won’t face another felony charge for publishing what he is charged with.)
Here’s the proof: Sean D. Fleming Correction and Retraction Demand from William M. Windsor. This is not a “post.” This is a 20-page article. The article is about Sean D. Fleming; it has nothing to do with the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE. The opening of the article says “I have just completed reading 847 published comments by Sean D. Fleming. The information printed here is from my Second Request for Admissions to Sean D. Fleming, and it seeks to have him to admit to the defamation. Let this also serve as a Cease and Desist notice to the cyberstalkers as well as a Correction and Retraction Request. At last count, there are over 320 articles filling over 7,000 pages, written by about 700 screen names, 99% of which are aliases or anonymous. I am reading as much as I can each day, and I have just completed reading 847 published comments by Sean D. Fleming.” So, this is an article that reprinted a legal document served on Sean D. Fleming called a Request for Admissions. Sean D. Fleming was supposed to respond admitting whether each statement was admitted to be true or denied. Because Sean D. Fleming had made several defamatory statements about Bill Windsor, these had to be addressed. Page 12 of the 20 pages lists Request for Admissions numbers 231, 236, and 237. Sean D. Fleming had published (#231) that Bill Windsor was retained by Lawless America Association to kill the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE. Needless to say, that was extremely defamatory and had to be addressed. 236 and 237 had to do with two other statements about the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE.
Bill Windsor did publish this legal document in Texas. This is not a “post.” A post is defined as “to publish a message in an online forum or newsgroup.” He did not realize that the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S name was in it, and he redacted it as soon as he became aware of it. Bill Windsor does not believe there was anything to prohibit him from publishing the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S NAME, but he has bent over backwards for a year and a half to avoid problems. But, Bill Windsor knows that no judge can legally order anyone to not print the name of a person. It’s called Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press and it is allegedly guaranteed by the First Amendment. And there can’t be any basis to say someone must alter legal documents to change the content; that’s just plain illegal.
Crime #2 — Publishing a legal document online that contained the name of a defendant in a lawsuit.
“On July 4, 2014, Windsor posted on his website, www.lawlessamerica.com, an article, authored by himself, which lists the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S NAME once.”
Here’s the proof: Judge asked to charge Sean D. Fleming with Stalking and issue a Protective Order. Again, this is not a “post.” This is a 10-page article. The article is about Sean D. Fleming; it has nothing to do with the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE. The opening of the article says “Bill Windsor has filed a Petition for a Personal Protection Order against Sean D. Fleming of Madison Heights Michigan. I have sued Sean D. Fleming because he has defamed me hundreds of times, has accused me of countless crimes, including plotting to commit mass murder, and has falsely and maliciously reported me to a wide variety of agencies for crimes that I have not committed. Sean D. Fleming of Madison Heights, Michigan has stalked William M. Windsor in various ways. Here is the text of the petition for a protection order against Sean D. Fleming that was filed in the Oakland County Michigan Superior Court on July 3, 2014:” Page 2 of the 10 pages refers to a claim made by Sean D. Fleming or some of his co-conspirators that “I have been making up information about the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE for years….” Once again, this was merely the publishing of a legal document.
Bill Windsor did publish this legal document in Texas. This is not a “post.” A post is defined as “to publish a message in an online forum or newsgroup.” He did not realize that the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S name was in it, and he redacted it as soon as he became aware of it. Bill Windsor does not believe there was anything to prohibit him from publishing the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S NAME, but he has bent over backwards for a year and a half to avoid problems. But, Bill Windsor knows that no judge can legally order anyone to not print the name of a person. It’s called Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press and it is allegedly guaranteed by the First Amendment. And there can’t be any basis to say someone must alter legal documents to change the content; that’s just plain illegal.
Crime #3 (a felony) — Using Twitter to send a Tweet.
“On December 30, 2013, Winsor posted a video on his Twitter account. The title reads: “Bill Windsor is banned from the University of Montana and UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE. Corruption at its finest.”
Bill Windsor does not have a copy of this alleged Tweet. Bill Windsor was in Texas on December 30, 2013 recovering from a fractured skull. Here is the home page of Bill Windsor’s Twitter feed. It shows that 13,081 Tweets have been sent. Please note the second Tweet on the page (circled). This shows the name William M. Windsor and @LawlessAmerica. But look at the second page. It shows the Tweet was sent by Lawless America Massachusetts. Bill Windsor has never seen that Tweet, nor has he seen very many of the 13,081 Tweets. Bill Windsor didn’t send a Tweet about an August 2013 video on December 30, 2013. Twitter offers a variety of applications for Tweeting. Those Twitter Applications used by Bill Windsor’s account show that automatic Tweets are generated from a variety of programs used in a variety of locations. Bill Windsor did not send such a Tweet. But, once again, Bill Windsor knows that no judge can legally order anyone to not print the name of a person. It’s called Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press and it is allegedly guaranteed by the First Amendment. Two years in Montana State Prison for having a two-word proper name in a Tweet. Wow. If all 13,081 Tweets had the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE’S name in them, Bill Windsor would be looking at 26,162 years in the Montana State Prison. That would likely be a record.
Crime #4 (a felony) — Sending an email.
“On February 6, 2014, Claudia Denker-Eccles, Associate Counsel for the University of Montana, received an email from Bill Windsor [Nobodies@att.net].”
Here is what was sent: Notice of Filing of Affidavit of Mary Wilson. This is a legal document that Bill Windsor was required to send to Claudia Denker-Eccles by federal law. As she was the attorney-of-record for the University of Montana, a defendant in a case filed by Bill Windsor, she had to be sent this notice and affidavit. Here is evidence that the University of Montana was a defendant, that she is the listed agent, and that she was served with the required legal service copy. Bill Windsor did send this from Texas. There is nothing anywhere to prohibit Bill Windsor from having contact with the attorney for the University of Montana. He was required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 5 to do so. And to be charged with a felony for sending a required legal document to an attorney in a lawsuit is perhaps even more outlandish than being charged with a felony for a Tweet.
Crime #5 (a felony) — Not giving control of Bill Windsor’s TV show website to the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE.
“To date, control of the website www.seanXXXXXXX.com has not been released to the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE.”
No, this hasn’t been done. Bill Windsor has never received any such request. It is Bill Windsor’s property, and no court has the right to take someone’s property without due process of law. Here is the About Page for the website for the TV show. It begins with this: “SeanXXXXXXX.com is a news report to expose Sean XXXXXXX of the University of Montana as a cyberstalker. Bill Windsor of Lawless America is producing a TV special about the University of Montana and Sean XXXXXXX. This online publication will provide evidence of the cyberstalking activities of Sean XXXXXXX as well as threats that he has made to Bill Windsor and others.” The UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE is paid by the government to stalk people such as Bill Windsor. He does it at the University of Montana, as Bill Windsor has proven. Bill Windsor’s TV show and movie will expose this corruption, and the corrupt authorities in Montana want to stop William M. Windsor, so they do things like this.
So, there you have it, five dastardly crimes. The true story here is that Bill Windsor has been filming a documentary, Lawless America, that exposes government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. Bill Windsor named Montana the most corrupt state in America. A man who is apparently a paid government cyberstalker is protected by law enforcement and the courts in Montana. This criminal action is an effort to destroy Bill Windsor and his movie. Bill Windsor is a senior citizen who has never been arrested and who has never committed a crime, not even a traffic ticket or parking ticket in 15 years.
The UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE has threatened to kill or do bodily harm to Bill Windsor dozens of times. He attempted to kill him when he shot at him as Bill Windsor drove from Butte Montana to Missoula Montana to film a story for Lawless America…The Movie. This is a photo that Bill Windsor snapped as the car ahead of him and to the right burst into flames and smoke. The UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE sent an email to Bill Windsor admitting that he had shot at him and hit the other car.
The UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE has published as many as 1,000 comments online in a massive cyberstalking campaign against Windsor.
And the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE became one of the members of the Joeyisalittlekid gang out of Ellis County Texas that is headed by Casey P. Hargrove and Clyde Hargrove. This group of professional cyberstalkers and defamation artists is fronted by Hargrove Real Estate in Red Oak Texas.
There are many videos about Montana on www.YouTube.com/lawlessamerica, and the complete documentation of the criminal acts and wrongdoing of of the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE are at www.UniversityOfMontanaEmployee.com. Documents are still being added to the website, but are available on the website that the State of Montana wants Bill Windsor to give to the criminal who tried to kill him. The UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE has threatened to kill others, and he was protected by law enforcement and the courts in Montana. Bill Windsor believes he is either paid by some government(s) to do this type of work, or he may have sexual blackmail on someone powerful in Montana. The sexual blackmail theory comes from the fact that a background search done on the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE revealed that the email address he used most often was missoulagloryholefun@yahoo.com. A “glory hole” is a hole in the divider wall between stalls in a public restroom where men have sex through the hole. One thing is for sure, the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE has committed crimes galore, and he is protected by the FBI, the Missoula Montana Police Department, the University of Montana Police Department, the Missoula County Sheriff’s Department, the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Department, the Missoula County District Attorney’s Office, and the courts at all levels in Ravalli County, the City of Missoula, Missoula County, and the Montana Supreme Court.
The State of Montana refused to even tell Bill Windsor what he was charged with. No wonder; the words probably would have choked Missoula County Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Clark and legal intern Tyler Dugger, the person who signed a sworn affidavit stating that Bill Windsor committed these crimes.
William M. Windsor finally obtained the documents through the expertise of the best courier service in Montana, Mountain Goat Couriers. Here are the documents:
Bill Windsor says there is no protective order for him to have violated. There was an outrageous Temporary Order of Protection issued based upon perjury by the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE, but it expired on September 16, 2013 as can be seen on pages 1 and 4. Montana Annotated Code Section 40-15-201 (4) states: “The court may, without requiring prior notice to the respondent, issue an immediate temporary order of protection for up to 20 days if the court finds, on the basis of the petitioner’s sworn petition or other evidence, that harm may result to the petitioner if an order is not issued before the 20-day period for responding has elapsed.”
There was never a hearing held to convert it to a permanent order of protection as is required by Montana Annotated Code 40-15-202 (1): “A hearing must be conducted within 20 days from the date that the court issues a temporary order of protection. The hearing date may be continued at the request of either party for good cause or by the court. If the hearing date is continued, the temporary order of protection must remain in effect until the court conducts a hearing. At the hearing, the court shall determine whether good cause exists for the temporary order of protection to be continued, amended, or made permanent.” The Temporary Order of Protection was issued on August 23, 2013. That was 507 days ago. There was never a hearing. It is a mere 487 days too late for the hearing. On August 14, 2014, Bill Windsor filed a Motion to Dismiss the August 2013 attempt to obtain a protective order. That was 152 days ago, and the court never responded in any manner.
Even if there was a protection order in place, Montana protective orders are valid only in Montana. Montana Annotated Code 40-15-301 (6) says: “An order of protection issued under this section is effective throughout the state. Courts and law enforcement officials shall give full faith and credit to all orders of protection issued within the state.”
Montana Annotated Code 40-15-301 (7) makes it clear that protective orders from another state are not valid in Montana unless there is a registration process: “A certified copy of an order of protection from another state, along with proof of service, may be filed in a Montana court with jurisdiction over orders of protection in the county where the petitioner resides. If properly filed in Montana, an order of protection issued in another state must be enforced in the same manner as an order of protection issued in Montana.” Texas Family Code Section 88.005 requires registration of a foreign protective order for it to be valid in Texas. There has been no such registration in Texas. In fact, the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE attempted to get it recognized in Texas, but the judge failed to do so. Bill Windsor did not do anything he is accused of in Montana. Bill Windsor has been in Texas where a protective order from Montana has no validity.
Bill Windsor was recently illegally incarcerated in the Ellis County Texas Jail for 53 days — a political prisoner! If you don’t know the story of Bill Windsor’s illegal incarceration, please read it. Part 1 is the background to the story. Part 2 discusses when Bill Windsor was handcuffed and taken to jail from a hearing in a civil suit that he filed against the people who have viciously defamed him in what is the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. Part 3 details early days in jail and attempts to get someone/anyone to help; the conspiracy to keep William M. Windsor in jail begins to come to light. Part 4 covers events from November 26, 2014 through December 2, 2014 as the corruption of Judge Bob Carroll erupts in full bloom. Part 5 introduces Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson into the corruption picture. Part 6 leads to a December 19, 2014 at which Bill Windsor was ordered released by Judge Cindy Ermatinger. Bill Windsor was a political prisoner with corrupt Ellis County authorities conspiring with corrupt Missoula Montana authorities.
If these corrupt people in Montana and Texas think Bill Windsor won’t fight back, they haven’t researched him very well. This has become very personal, and Bill Windsor is even more committed to exposing every single one of the corrupt people involved.
William M. Windsor does now have what’s called a “burner” phone. It’s a cellphone that can’t be traced to him. So, if you need to speak with Bill Windsor, please leave a message on currently confidential, and Bill will try to call you back. You may email Bill Windsor at windsorinmontana@yahoo.com and Pro-Se-1@outlook.com. Please send to both so one may get through. Bill Windsor would like to have the names, addresses, and phone numbers of those who would like to keep up with what’s happening. He has prepared an Address Book with all such information as it is something that you are allowed to have in prison in Montana.
If you want to reach Bill Windsor, his home address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108. That mail gets forwarded to him once a week.
Photo of the gallows is provided courtesy of the Montana State Prison.
Bill Windsor’s mugshot photo is copyright Ellis County Jail, 2014.
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose corruption in government, law enforcement, and the judiciary. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite of my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms. Note: All photos are Copyright Friends of Bill Windsor.
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