
William M. Windsor Testifies Today in Atlanta in Charges of Corruption against 58 Federal Judges and Judicial Employees


William M. Windsor testifies today in Atlanta in Charges of Corruption against 58 federal judges and judicial employees!

My testimony resumes today at 2:00 pm.

If you’d like to attend and show your support, meet outside the Clerk of the Court’s Office at the Fulton County Superior Court.  The meeting place with me is on the first floor.  The Grand Jury Room is on the third floor.

To be allowed to meet with me, please be at the Clerk’s Office at 1:30.  I will take those assembled with me at 1:45, and we will go to the designated place.

Just look for me standing in the hall outside the Clerk’s Office.

I will be on Badlands Radio tonight at 9:30 pm Eastern Time, and I will have a report posted here sometime later tonight.

This is an exciting day!

William M. Windsor

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