
To Fight Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption, We Must ORGANIZE as One Group


If any of us are to accomplish anything in our fights to minimize government corruption and judicial corruption, we must ORGANIZE as one group.

We should all continue to pursue our own areas of specific interest, but I believe our only hope is through the numbers that can only come by getting all of the various interest groups to come together….

As I see it, the only way to do this is through personal contact with all of the organizations, websites, bloggers, victims, and others who know about the government corruption or judicial corruption.

I said this way back when I started my battle over a year ago, and the only thing that has changed is that FAR MORE people have come forward with their reports of corruption in the last 12 months.  So, we have a lot more to work with.

As we discussed on Sunday’s Online TV Show, I am going to identify projects for volunteers to assist with.  I will post each project as an article here on and on  The projects will always have the GRIP logo with the word PROJECT.  If you will be working on a project, please add a comment to the article so everyone will know that you are assisting.

I shall continue to ask that you devote at least 10-minutes a day to our cause of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Honesty in Government.

There is strength in numbers.  The only hope is with numbers because the corrupt and dishonest people in our government will not do what we need to fix the many problems with government corruption and judicial corruption.  So, we must get together those leading charges in the areas of judicial corruption, family court corruption, guardianship and elder abuse corruption, police and law enforcement abuse and corruption, corporate corruption, election corruption, attorney dishonesty and corruption, and whatever else is out there. 

All we need is some simple, basic cooperation.

I will produce a short video appealing to all of the various groups, and I will post it here so we can all share it with the various groups and people who we contact.

The first task is to complete development of an extremely comprehensive database of those involved in fighting government corruption and judicial corruption.  So watch for the first project to be added.  Then help with it.  I will provide complete directions on the procedures to follow.

Our children and grandchildren deserve the rights that our founding fathers assured us.  If we don’t get organized to effectively fight to fix this now, I believe our country is doomed.  If we don’t fix it, no one ever will.

So, let’s fix it.

William M. Windsor

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