Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network Files Against State Supreme Court


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Andy Ostrowski and PCRLN file federal action based upon violations by courts and authorities in Attorney Don Bailey disciplinary proceedings.

A federal civil rights lawsuit was filed today by Andy Ostrowski and the Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network raising claims for violations of, and interference with, their rights under the United States Constitution.  See PRCLN website.

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Attorney Dishonesty, Misconduct, and Corruption — Latest News Reports – 38 Reports for April 18, 2011


Attorney dishonesty, misconduct, and corruption are in the news daily across America. 

You will be amazed at the volume of activity with these so-called “officers of the court.”

To make it easy to see the widespread problem, will update this article with daily abuse reports.

Sadly, I believe this report could include hundreds of thousands of daily reports as attorney abuse is hidden or concealed by judges….

Continue reading Attorney Dishonesty, Misconduct, and Corruption — Latest News Reports – 38 Reports for April 18, 2011