Windsor prepares for October 7, 2011 Hearing in Lawsuit against Fulton County for Criminal Racketeering


William M. Windsor has been working hard in preparation for the October 7, 2011 hearing in William M. Windsor v. Fulton County, et. al.

On September 23, I won approval for this lawsuit to decide the rights of Georgia citizens with Grand Juries.  The Verified Complaint was filed on September 27, and Judge Baxter scheduled a hearing for October 7, 2011 at 2:30 pm in Courtroom 4D, Justice Center Tower, 185 Central Avenue SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.  If you are in Georgia, please plan to attend….

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Outlook dims as Windsor prepares for October 7, 2011 Hearing in Lawsuit against Fulton County for Criminal Racketeering


The outlook for success at William M. Windsor’s October 7, 2011 Preliminary Injunction Hearing dimmed late Thursday.

On October 6, 2011, Judge Jerry W. Baxter QUASHED Windsor’s subpoena for Fulton Countu’s County manager to appear to testify with documents.  The he DENIED Windsor’s motion to allow recording of the proceedings in the courtroom.

The orders give no justification for the rulings….

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Windsor gets Screwed, Glued, and Tattooed yet Again!


William M. Windsor was screwed, glued, and tattooed today by The Dishonorable Judge Jerry W. Baxter of the Fulton County Superior Court.

The October 7, 2011 Preliminary Injunction Hearing in William M. Windsor v. Fulton County, et. al. was your basic Kangraoo Court.

Not only did Baxter deny my request for a TRO and Preliminary Injunction, his dismissed my case and banned me from ever filing another lawsuit….

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