Is this the face of a millionaire Joey who has defamed William M. Windsor and incited her fellow Joeys in a wide variety of ways? It is beginning to appear that some of the Joey cyberstalking gang have assets.
Casey Hargrove’s family has major real estate assets in Red Oak Texas and Ellis County Texas, and this woman owns a lot of real estate in Dallas Coounty.
They are on a mission: The leader of the Joeyisalittlekid gang has published that their mission is to destroy my movie and me.
So, who is this old woman? And why would a busy-body like her become actively involved with a bunch of hooligans in defaming Bill Windsor? I cannot wait to take her deposition.
I doubt that the Joeys know who this is. She has posted anonymously. Now that she has gotten a letter advising her that I will be seeking to add her as a defendant, I suspect her days as a defamation co-conspirator at Joeyisalittlekid may have ended.
If you haven’t been keeping up with Lawless America and me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/billwindsor1 or www.LawlessAmerica.org, you may be surprised to learn that a gang of cyberstalkers have viciously defamed me with thousands of false and defamtory statements online. At last count, there are over 320 articles filling over 7,000 pages, written by about 700 screen names, 99% of which are aliases or anonymous.
I have sued all of the evil-doers, and I will pursue them legally with every ounce of energy that I can muster for as long as it takes.
Contrary to the unfounded beliefs of some of those guilty of viciously defaming me, I have not read all 7,000+ pages of the articles and comments on Joeyisalittlekid.BlogSpot.com. I am currently enduring that agony. As I read, I will try to note other false and defamatory published statements, and I will try to remember to update this list of false statements and defamatory statements. I say this to anyone who has published anything about me: If you do not have absolute, undeniable proof that what you have published is true, then it seems to me that the odds are that it is false.
To those who have published false and/or defamatory information about me: CEASE AND DESIST. Correct and make a retraction of all of the false and/or defamatory information. If you don’t have absolute proof that your published statements are true, then issue a correction and retraction. The correction and retraction must include the following: (1) Give your legal name, address, and contact information. (2) List each false and/or defamatory statement with a specific statements that it is false and a retraction. So, if 3,000 false and defamatory statements have been made, 3,000 separate corrections and retractions must be published. (3) Publish this on Joeyisalittlekid’s website, and it must also appear on each and every website where the false and/or defamtory information has been spread on the Internet. So, if the information has spread to 1,500,000 web pages, the correction and retraction must appear on all 1,500,000. (4) Email me at nobodies@att.net with the links to each and every published correction and retraction; put this in all caps in the subject line: CORRECTION AND RETRACTION.
There are hundreds of screen names who have published false and/or defamatory information on joeyisalittlekid.BlogSpot.com. I ask whoever is the owner/operator of that site to publish this article on that site so all of the people who frequent that site know the truth and know of this demand for correction and retraction. It is impossible for me to list each specific false and/or defamatory statement because there are approximately 40,000 published statements, and there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of false and/or defamatory statements or support for such statements.
And to each and every person who has posted on the Joeyisalittlekid website, I suggest that you read the Texas case law on defamation as a whole, conspiracy, and joint and several liability. I seek to hold each of you liable for what you all did as a gang with your published statements on Joeyisalittlekid’s website.
I have thus far been unable to get a Texas court to enjoin these folks and force them to take down all the defamatory material. Until that is done, I feel I have no choice but to deny all the defamation here.
I am producing two expose documentaries about cyberstalking — Slanderella and Slanderfella. This woman will be featured in Slanderella.
William M. Windsor
Bill Windsor