Bill Windsor volunteered for a Polygraph to prove the truth in Montana


Bill Windsor volunteered for a polygraph examination to prove the truth in Montana.

In fact, he volunteered for more than that.  Bill Windsor told the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney to hook him to a polygraph to see that he has never said anything but the truth.

Gee, why wouldn’t they take William M. Windsor’s generous offer ...

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Bill Windsor kind of had his Pre-Trial Conference in Missoula Montana on May 29, 2015

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Bill Windsor kind of had his Pre-Trial Conference in Missoula Montana on May 29, 2015.

He has been down for the count for four days now, but Judge James A. Haynes ordered him to get out of bed and be at the courthouse at 1:30 pm...

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State of Montana v. William Michael Windsor – Docket in Trial to try to stop Lawless America…The Movie

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On October 3, 2014, the State of Montana filed five criminal charges against William Michael Windsor for sending a Tweet, sending an email to an attorney, and publishing the words “Sean Boushie” online four times in two legal documents.

For these imaginary crimes, the State of Montana wants 66-year-old Bill Windsor to spend seven years in the Montana State Prison.

Here is the Docket with the filings in the case...

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Bill Windsor has a new viewpoint after today’s meeting with the prosecuting attorney and investigator in his criminal case


Bill Windsor met with Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney, Jennifer Clark, today.  Captain Bill Burt of the Missoula County Sheriff’s Department, Investigator Chris Shermer of the Missoula County Police Department, and Judge Tyler Dugger of the University of Montana Law School class were all there.

William M. Windsor reports that he has a new viewpoint on things after the meeting...

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Bill Windsor is covered with paper as he prepares for the scheduled Pre-Trial Conference on Friday

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Bill Windsor is covered with paper as he prepares for the scheduled Pre-Trial Conference on Friday.

Today will be a long one.  Lots of photocopying, three-hole punching, and building exhibit notebooks...

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Bill Windsor continues to prepare for the scheduled Pre-Trial Conference on Friday

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Witness List, Evidence, and Pre-Trial Motions continue to consume Bill Windsor‘s time.

Most days, he makes a run to the Missoula County Courthouse in Missoula Montana to file and/or deliver documents to the Missoula County Attorney’s office...

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Bill Windsor files Motion seeking to disqualify Judge James A. Haynes due to bias


Bill Windsor knew he was being set up when he was told that Judge James A. Haynes had been named the judge in his criminal trial.

And Judge James A. Haynes quickly demonstrated his bias for all to see.  As soon as Bill Windsor got out of jail, he was finally able to access the statutes and case law regarding disqualification in Montana, and he filed his Second Motion to Disqualify Judge James A. Haynes.  His first motion mysteriously disappeared from the envelope in which it was sent to the Clerk of the Court along with two other motions that miraculously didn’t disappear.

The Motion spells out most of the wrongdoing THAT BILL WINDSOR KNOWS ABOUT…

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Bill Windsor, Producer and Director of government and judicial corruption documentary film, jailed with bail of $4,100,000 for the crime of filming the movie


Bill Windsor, Producer and Director of a government and judicial corruption documentary film, was jailed with bail of $4,100,000 for the crime of filming Lawless America…The Movie.

Bill Windsor spent 134 days in jail, and he was repeatedly denied bond.

William M. Windsor’s bail was lowered to $5,000, and he posted a bond on May 9, 2015.  He is currently semi-free…

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Bill Windsor has filed a Motion to Declare his criminal charges in Missoula County Montana are all misdemeanors

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Bill Windsor has filed a Motion to declare all his charges are misdemeanors.  The case is DC-14-509 in the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula County Montana.

The persecutors, Missoula Montana Deputy County Attorney Jennifer Clark and her Crack Legal Intern Tylerisalittlekid Dugger, charged William M. Windsor with two misdemeanors and three felonies.  They did this to hurt Bill Windsor, deny him bond, and most importantly, enable them to extradite him from Texas.  He could not have been extradited for misdemeanors.  The law is that a felony can be charged only when there have been misdemeanor convictions. 

But Bill Windsor has never committed a crime of any type – no convictions whatsoever.

Continue reading Bill Windsor has filed a Motion to Declare his criminal charges in Missoula County Montana are all misdemeanors

Bill Windsor begins Discovery with Deposition Notices for the State’s Witnesses in his Criminal Trial for Tweeting, etc.


Bill Windsor has begun the discovery process with Deposition Notices for the State’s witnesses in his criminal trial for Tweeting, etc..  The case is DC-14-509 in the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula County Montana.

The persecutors, Missoula Montana Deputy County Attorney Jennifer Clark and her Crack Legal Intern Tylerisalittlekid Dugger, were sent the Notices today as was the Court. 

Bill is anxious to see the documents requested.  What doesn’t exist will be more important than what does exist.

Continue reading Bill Windsor begins Discovery with Deposition Notices for the State’s Witnesses in his Criminal Trial for Tweeting, etc.