Happiness is the Outrageously Corrupt State of Montana in the Rearview Mirror


Happiness is the outrageously corrupt state of Montana in the rearview mirror.

Bill Windsor is a happy camper, at least as happy as one can be while facing the potential of life in prison for Tweeting, when you didn’t even Tweet.

Goodbye 406… 

Continue reading Happiness is the Outrageously Corrupt State of Montana in the Rearview Mirror

Credit where credit is due — Judge James A. Haynes actually issued an order in Bill Windsor’s favor


I worked until 5:00 am because I was too upset to sleep. 

Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Clark was claiming that I could not travel outside Missoula County. 

But I had a court order saying I could… 

Continue reading Credit where credit is due — Judge James A. Haynes actually issued an order in Bill Windsor’s favor

Bill Windsor files Appellant Briefs with Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas


Bill Windsor has filed Appellant Briefs with the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas.

Dizzy Bill Windsor has spent the last several days preparing his Appellant’s Briefs for filing in the Tenth Court of Appeals in Waco Texas.

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Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor


Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor.

Bill Windsor has been ill for three weeks, and dizziness sent him to the Emergency Room.

I wonder how many folks die waiting to get to see a doctor…

Continue reading Sometimes you can’t win for losing — 124 days until the first available neurologist appointment for William M. Windsor

Bill Windsor has been discharged from the Community Medical Center in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor spent most of the day in the Emergency Room at Community Medical Center in Missoula Montana.

Bill has been ill for three weeks, and the onset of extreme dizziness has him worried.

Good news and bad news from today’s tests…

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Bill Windsor is going to the Emergency Room in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor is going to the Emergency Room in Missoula Montana.

Bill has been ill for three weeks, and the onset of extreme dizziness has him worried…

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Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved

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Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved.

I’ve never used illegal drugs of any type.  I’ve never smoked weed.

I was always very much against it, but I have an entirely new perception…

Continue reading Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved

Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker


Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker.

Bill Windsor received a letter from Joshua Hooker, his former Idaho cellmate and co-author of Bob Barker And Me: Life in Cell Block 7.

Inside were two additional poems for the book…

Continue reading Bob Barker And Me Book Preview – The Felony Flu by Joshua P. Hooker