There is a LOT of information on this website.
There are many hundreds of articles on this site. The Main Menu for “News” lists 20 different categories for the news stories. Simply click on the major category of interest to you. Then scan the list, and click on the specific articles of interest.
The easiest way to find what is of interest to you is by using the SEARCH. It is located at the top of the right column on every page. Simply key in the word or words that are of interest to you. If you are searching for more than one word, the Advanced Search should be used. Use “The Exact Phrase” field.
“Any of These” will return results for any of the words entered in the search box.
Corruption Reports
When you click on “Corruption Reports” on the Main Menu, you are taken to a page that provides an index to the Reports by the category of the Report. If you know the name of the person you are seeking, you may click on the letter for the first letter of the person’s last name. If you want to see the reports for judges, simply click on “Judges.” It will bring up an alphabetical list of all the judges with Corruption Reports. Use the red > arrow button to move forward a page at a time in the results. When you find the judge off interest to you, simply click on the name, and the full Report will display.
Fotr example, Alred, Russell D. Basic information will appear at the top, including the applicable state. There should aleways be a narrative about the complaint just below the Rating Box. There should be at least one website link, and there may be photographs, other web sites, and perhaps file attachments.
Please note that everything in color is a link. So, when the word “Kentucky” is red, if you click on it, it will bring up all Corruption Reports for Kentucky. Each of the “Types of Misconduct” is also a link, so if you click on one, it will bring up all Corruption Reports that include that type of misconduct. For example, clicking on “Criminal Acts” will return all reports where people were accused of or convicted for criminal acts.
The Corruption Reports Main Menu also includes links to find the Reports for specific states. There is a link for so you may post a Corruption Report if you are logged in. There is a search function that enables you to create extremely precise searches of the Corruption Reports.
And there is a link to the Mugshots of corrupt government officials. I find these interesting — just normal-looking folks.
Battling Corruption
This option on the Main Menu takes you to articles about battling the corruption.
Work in Progress
I will add additional information when time permits.