Bill Windsor reportedly slandered by Marcie Schreck and Letty Lanzaro

Marcie Schreck

Marcie Schreck (not Shrek) is a woman in Amarillo, Texas who asked Bill Windsor for help with her family’s legal problems 12 years ago.  She was a no-show for Lawless America filming, but she contacted Bill for help again in 2021.

Bill spent virtually full-time for a year helping.  Bill stopped helping when Marcie said and did things that he considered to be scary.

Now she’s back accusing Bill Windsor of all types of things that are complete fabrications.

Today, Bill Windsor reportedly slandered by Marcie Schreck and Letty Lanzaro.  Bill received an email from long-time friend, David Schied.  He reported the following:

“Marcie Schreck and her associate, Letty Lanzaro, are two women who have been recently calling to me.  At first, Bill Windsor’s name was never mentioned to me by Marcie Schreck.  Her request was for me to tell her about SEPSIS in my person experience; and then to ask what I might recommend in her having to deal with court corruption pertaining to some case in WACO, TX related to her deceased mother’s estate and problems with her disabled son.  I did the best I could well over 1/2 hour on the first call.
“Then, after a week to 10 days, I got the call from Letty Lanzaro who called with heavy allegations about Bill Windsor being charged with “barratry” in the very same case.  A 3-way conference call was attempted but failed with Marcie.  Soon afterwards, Marcie and I spoke and she reiterated the allegations against Bill with more details.  Both women were insisting that Bill Windsor needed to take down information from the Internet about Marcie’s son’s case or it would be the end of everything for her son as well as her mother’s estate.
“Both women are saying Bill had acted selfishly and ‘lawlessly’ to enter records into the court(s) as Marcie’s “representative.”  Marcie ended up insisting that Bill had done so to get access to her mother’s estate by giving her false promises, including moving to a different state.”
Bill never did anything but help this family.  He doesn’t know Letty.  He doesn’t take well to demands and false accusations.  He will not take anything down, and he will be delighted to sue them for slander and harassment.
Here are a few of the articles that Bill Windsor has published:
Barratry (/ˈbærətri/ BARR-ə-tree) is a legal term that, at common law, described a criminal offense committed by people who are overly officious in instigating or encouraging prosecution of groundless litigation, or who bring repeated or persistent acts of litigation for the purposes of profit or harassment.

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