
Bill Windsor is still battling the Montana Supreme Court – End of Day 39 of Tweet-Gate


Bill Windsor is still battling the Montana Supreme Court at 8:00 pm Eastern Time on February 5, 2015 — End of Day 39 on “Lawless America Road Trip #3.”

Bill reports that he is still at FedEx.

Lots of exhibits going to the Montana Supreme Court…

…original and seven copies to the Montana Supreme Court plus copies for the attorney for Sean Boushie and Judge John W. Larson.

Bill Windsor says he has done nothing today but locate documents, print them and photocopy them.  Then he is binding the Petition for Extradordinary Relief and the Exhibits to the Petition.  Bill says he will post the entire Petition later tonight.  Here is the Summary of the Argument:


  1. Are this Montana Supreme Court’s Decisions of February 25, 2014 and June 10, 2014 binding on Judge John W. Larson and the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula, Montana, and does William M. Windsor have the right to speak and print the wordsSean Boushie?”
  2. Does William M. Windsor have the right to retain control of his personal property based upon an ex parte TOP and prior to the issuance of a permanent order of protection after being afforded due process and having a hearing?
  3. Did the TOP expire?
  4. Was the TOP invalid in Texas as it was an ex parte order and was not registered in Texas?
  5. Is William M. Windsor not subject to Montana Annotated Code 40-4-121?


Judge John W. Larson of the Fourth Judicial District Court has ignored this Court’s decisions in this matter and has taken the position that William M. Windsor has no rights to freedom of speech and should be sent to the Montana State Prison for what could be what will amount to a life sentence for sending a Tweet, sending an email, publishing the nameSean Boushie four times in legal documents that are public record, and not releasing personal property to Sean Boushie based on an ex parte TOP when no hearing was ever held. The TOP expired. A TOP cannot deny Constitutionally-protected rights as this Court has previously ruled in Windsor v. Boushie. Searches of every federal appellate court decision in history and every state appellate court decision in history reveal that there has never been a case where an American was denied the right to publish a name.

It is an emergency for this Montana Supreme Court to declare William M. Windsor’s rights as his life has been taken away by the wrongful actions of Judge John W. Larson of the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula, Montana. William M. Windsor has not surrendered in Missoula (and has never been served with the Bench Warrant and has no obligation to surrender), and he has been denied every imaginable right in his dealings with Montana law enforcement and the courts. It is extremely urgent for this Montana Supreme Court to declare Windsor’s rights to Tweet, send emails to attorneys, publish legal documents containing the name “Sean Boushie,” retain his personal property, recognize that the TOP expired and was never valid in any state outside Texas.

For those who don’t know, the short story is this: Bill Windsor set out to film a movie exposing government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. He traveled to every state (except Alaska), and he filmed over 750 stories of corruption and has thousands more who wanted to be filmed. Evil people, some working for various government entities, set out to destroy Bill Windsor and the movie, Lawless America. Bill Windsor has been defamed online in the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. His life has been threatened many times. A UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE attempted to murder him. He was put into the Ellis County Texas Jail illegally for 53 days as a political prisoner. The State of Montana has filed five criminal charges against William M. Windsor for sending a Tweet, publishing the UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA EMPLOYEE‘s name (the would-be killer) four times, sending a legal notice email to a University of Montana attorney, and filming the movie and the pilot for a TV show that will expose Montana as the most corrupt state in the country.  In a recent development, “law enforcement” had removed from the Internet. This website contains over 1,400 articles exposing corruption. Bill Windsor worked wth a friendly offshore hosting company to return the website to the Internet outside the clutches of American evildoers.  He wasn’t so lucky when facebook removed the movie page falsely claiming it promoted nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex … or when AT&T canceled the email that he used on everything related to the movie for years falsely claiming he violated their Terms of Service.

Bill Windsor will continue to have a short article published every morning and every night so you will know he is still as “free” as one can be in Lawless America. That’s where we live.

For more information, see:

Nobodies.usU.S. Government CorruptionCorrupt JudgesDishonest Government OfficialsWhistleblower ProductionsSlanderellaSlanderfellaJoeyisalittlekid

Ellis County Texas — Ellis County Texas Corruption — Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson — Ellis County Texas Jail — Ellis County Texas Judge Bob Carroll — Ellis County Mafia — Ellis County Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown, Missoula County Judge John W. LarsonAllie OverstreetAmerican Mothers Political Party — Betsi BixbyBrandy OwenBrannon BridgeBrenda WilliamsonCarrie WaltersCasey P. HargroveCheryl SosbyClaudine DombrowskiClyde HargroveConnie BedwellCurtis W. ButlerDale TrowbridgeDavid HargroveDeanna KloostraDeborah ParksDiane GochinGail LakritzHargrove Real EstateJay HoskinsJennifer DotsonKathy A. CarrollKC HargroveKellie McDougaldKimberly WigglesworthKinley HardinL WilsonLorraine TiptonLoryn RyderMadeline HargroveMark SupanichMary BagnaschiMegan Van ZelfdenMelanie WhiteMichelle StilipecMorgan HargroveNancy RolfeRenee HarringtonSam RoundSean D. FlemingShannon MillerShonda HargroveSid Wallingford GrayStacy EmersonTrinity Baker

Contact Bill Windsor at – — — — — —

If you don’t know the story of Bill Windsor’s illegal incarceration, please read it.  Part 1 is the background to the story.  Part 2 discusses when Bill Windsor was handcuffed and taken to jail from a hearing in a civil suit that he filed against the people who have viciously defamed him in what is the largest case of defamation in U.S. historyPart 3 details early days in jail and attempts to get someone/anyone to help; the conspiracy to keep William M. Windsor in jail begins to come to lightPart 4 covers events from November 26, 2014 through December 2, 2014 as the corruption of Judge Bob Carroll erupts in full bloomPart 5 introduces Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson into the corruption picturePart 6 leads to a December 19, 2014 at which Bill Windsor was ordered released by Judge Cindy ErmatingerBill Windsor was never arrested, just illegally incarcerated for 53 days — a political prisoner!

If you want to reach Bill Windsor, his home address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108.  That mail gets forwarded to him once a week.  His new email is WindsorInMontana@yahoo.comHis phone is currently confidential, but it is not answered; messages are checked by dialing in to Verizon from a state far, far away, and Bill receives an email with the name, number, and one sentence summary of each message.

For the Lawless America videos, see  Bill Windsor’s Facebook page is

Image copyright


William M. Windsor


I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law. This website is to expose corruption in government, law enforcement, and the judiciary. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite of my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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