Request to President Obama to Meet Me in DC – February 5-6, 2013


White House Press Office:

Would President Obama be available for a short interview any time next week?

Please send this message to the President because it contains EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information about a historic event taking place in Washington next week that he probably knows nothing about.

Continue reading Request to President Obama to Meet Me in DC – February 5-6, 2013

State Index to Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America

map outline 91914-200w

This index makes it easy for you to find those filmed by Lawless America in the state or states of interest to you

Simply click on the State to see a list of people filmed about government and judicial corruption.

Please note that there are multiple pages, so scroll to the bottom of the page to access the subsequent pages.

Continue reading State Index to Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America

Index to Type of Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America


This index makes it easy for you to find those filmed by Lawless America by the type of corruption of interest to you

Simply click on the Corruption Type to see a list of people filmed about that type of corruption.

Please note that there are multiple pages, so scroll to the bottom of the page to access the subsequent pages.

Continue reading Index to Type of Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America

Report all Dishonest and Corrupt Government “Officials”



Please report all dishonest and corrupt government officials. has a new online Complaint Listing Form.

Please take a few minutes and post your complaints…


Continue reading Report all Dishonest and Corrupt Government “Officials”

GRIP State Chairman

 For more information on GRIP or for help or information on government dishoinesty and corruption issues in your state, contact your State Chairman: 



Alabama Nancy Swan
Arizona Darla Dawald
Arkansas James Twoeagles
California Joseph Zernik*
Colorado Wesley Hoyt
Connecticut Diane Connors
District of Columbia George McDermottt
Florida Joe Norman*
Georgia Ed Dolt*
Hawaii J.P. Grund
Idaho Cyndi Steele
Illinois Dr. Linda Shelton
Indiana Zena Crenshaw
Kentucky Melanda Adams
Louisiana Sue Bell
Maine Paula Michaud
Massachusetts David Grossack*
Michigan David Schied
Minnesota Don Mashak
Montana Ilio Jones
New Hampshire
New Jersey Zahra Ali El
New Mexico Dan Jeffre
New York Richard Cordero*
North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Christopher House
Oklahoma Dana Lawhon
Oregon Larry Reid
Pennsylvania Larry Hohol
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota Marshall Prichard
Tennessee Don Acree
Texas Jon Roland*
Washington Kimberley Manrique
West Virginia

* indicates many people.

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State Corruption Reports

Our database of corruption reports will display by state on special Lawless America sites set up for each state.

Each state has a Lawless America State Coordinator, a Lawless America Facebook Page, and a special state email address.

Click on the state of interest to you.

Lawless America Alabama Lawless America Kentucky Lawless America North Dakota
Lawless America Alaska Lawless America Louisiana Lawless America Ohio
Lawless America Arizona Lawless America Maine Lawless America Oklahoma
Lawless America Arkansas Lawless America Maryland Lawless America Oregon
Lawless America California Lawless America Massachusetts Lawless America Pennsylvania
Lawless America Colorado Lawless America Michigan Lawless America Rhode Island
Lawless America Connecticut Lawless America Minnesota Lawless America South Carolina
Lawless America Delaware Lawless America Mississippi Lawless America South Dakota
Lawless America District of Columbia Lawless America Missouri Lawless America Tennessee
Lawless America Florida Lawless America Montana Lawless America Texas
Lawless America Georgia Lawless America Nebraska Lawless America Utah
Lawless America Hawaii Lawless America Nevada Lawless America Vermont
Lawless America Idaho Lawless America New Hampshire Lawless America Virginia
Lawless America Illinois Lawless America New Jersey Lawless America Washington
Lawless America Indiana Lawless America New Mexico Lawless America West Virginia
Lawless America Iowa Lawless America New York Lawless America Wisconsin
Lawless America Kansas Lawless America North Carolina Lawless America Wyoming


William M. Windsor


I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.


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