Removal Scam used by U.S. Attorneys Sally Quillian Yates, Christopher Huber, and Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash


Removal scams are used by U.S. Attorneys and corrupt federal Judges.

They illegally remove a case from a state court to federal court where they have complete control over the corrupt judicial process.

Here’s the removal scam used by U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates, Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher Huber,  and Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash….

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Windsor charges Atlanta U.S. Attorney Sally Yates and Staff with Many Crimes


U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates is doing everything she can to block William M. Windsor’s efforts to submit criminal charges against her and others to the Federal Grand Jury in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ms. Sally Yates has been warned about this repeatedly, and she simply ignores it.

Because she is tampering with the jury to interfere with charges against her personally, her actions are especially egregious….

Continue reading Windsor charges Atlanta U.S. Attorney Sally Yates and Staff with Many Crimes